Thursday 30 June 2016

the Market

the African Market.

In this very entry, we shall in all even attempt and to in all even, present a said view, and that would too say, that all there is to any talk of Africa, does now too speak and of what Markets are said to be. That in helping one understand this very said view, or belief, is to now and in all, speak and on what Shapes, are in all even said to be that is. That what can be said here, and as said even a matter of conjecture, is that, Markets, are often too, said even readily perceived, and from talk and of what Shapes, are too said to be, and in now too associating, talk of Shapes that is, and with talk too of Condition, and if not of the said 'Shape of things' too, and in now asking of those in Africa, or those said African truly, and of the very manner in all, they do in all again, perceive, the said shape of Africa, and as said Continent too, and if not of said Individual African Countries that is, and as now too said even defining one, and in speak too and of what Condition is said to be, speak too of Body Shapes probably, and if not of Shape in itself, and as said even to in all even refer, and to what too, Continuity in itself, is said even all about that is.

In having said the above, is to now simply present, the Market, and from talk too, and of what Mandate, is said even all about, and if not of what the Mandatory, is said even to be. That it all too, does now too speak, and of what is too said, Role, Responsibility or Duty, and in Africa too, what is too said, Task that is, and if not of what is too said, Target too that is. That the Market, can too be said even now, truly defining and of any said African society, and from what too, Human activity in itself, is actually said even to be, or said even all about that is.

In now too saying that, no one truly knows, and of the very best of manners, to in all even define the Market, and as said too African, and in said Impact or Influence too, is to now too claim that, it is the Market, that can truly be said, to in all even have to it, many a said perception, and of Africa, and as simply said even perceived that is, and from speak and of Outlines truly. That all there is to be said of Africa, can too be said even, to refer, and to what an Outline in itself, is actually said even all about that is.

In now attempting, to in all even present, the Market, and from speak too of outlines, and if not of its said influence, or impact, and on society, African, is to now present the Market, and as said even defining of one, and if not of society in Africa too, and from the said even, following Contextes that is:
  1. Taboo: That it can be said, that it is the Market, and that does in all even truly define Africa, and from speak and of it all said even to refer, and to what Civilisation, African, is said to be, and such that, it all too, is now said even, to speak, and of what Taboo in itself, is actually said even all about that is.
  2. Notation: For most, Notation, can too be said, and to refer, and to it too and as said even to speak and of it and as said Mathematical that is, but that in all again, Notation, does in all even refer, and to the very manner in all, many do in all too, perceive, or even acknowledge, what too is said Fact, or Fiction too that is, and in now too saying that, Notation, can too be simply said even to refer, and to what too, Equivalency, is said even all about that is. In saying that, Notation, and as said even distinctively African, can too be said even to arise and with speak of Markets, is to now too, refer, and to what too is believed even, to underlie, speak, and of the Market in itself that is. 
  3. Revisionism: When we do here refer, and to what Revisionism is believed said even to be, we are now too, attempting to in all even define Africa, and in said Memory too that is. That what too is said to speak, and of a said 'African way of life', can too be said even to refer, and to what Revisionism, is actually said to be, and as said even now, to speak, and of what too is said to drive Markets in themselves that is, but that in all again, an understanding of African cultures, and if not of the said 'African way of life' truly, can be said to in all even truly speak, and of life and as said perceived, and not from speak of edition or version truly, but from what is actually said a revision that is.
  4. Occupation: In saying that, Africa, and in speak and of what too is said Work, or said even Employment, is in all even truly defined, and by what is said Occupation too, is to now too claim that, it is the Market, and that does truly accommodate in all, talk, and of what Occupation is truly said to be, and if not in said speak too now, and of what a pre-occupied Mind, is said even all about that is.
  5. Ntu: While many another society out there, does in all even attempt to define its said peoples, and from talk, and of what a citizen, resident, native, layman, person, socialite etc., are too said to be, or said even all about, is to now too claim that, society and as said African, and as said too now, to speak and of it all even said defined that is, and by the Market, does too now ask of one, and of the said meaning, and of the said term of Ntu that is.
  6. Rulership: That when we do in all even attempt to claim, that the Market, is too said very much defining, and of what Rule, and Authority too, and in society, are in all even said to be, is to not only speak and of society, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of what Market forces, African Contexts, Legitimacy, and if not of the Legit in itself, are in all even said all about, but speak now and again, and of what Weight or Measure, are in all even said to be that is.
  7. African Voices: In now simply claiming that, Africa, or Africans too, and as said perceived Civilization, and if not as said Civilized too, can too now be said even to refer, and to talk of African Voices, is to now and again not only refer, and to Africans and in Celebration for instance, or of what is said too, and to speak and of African culture in itself, and in now too claiming that, it is the Market, and as said even truly African, that is too simply said defining in all, and of what African Voices, are in all even actually said to be that is.
  8. Dress/Custom: In claiming that, there is nothing much to African Culture, and other than talk, and of what Custom in itself, and if not Dress too, are in all even said to be, is to now too claim that, the Market, can too be said even Custom in itself, and Custom too, and that does too approach, talk even, and of what a said African Royalty (Link), can too be said even all about, and if not of what too, an Enigma, is actually said even to be that is.
  9. Partitions: When we do talk here and of Partitions, we are too said even to refer, and to the very manner in all, it can be said, that Africa, or talk of it, can too be said even to approach that is, talk, and of what a Standard, or Template too, are actually said to be that is. That any talk and of what Partitions, or Partitioning Theory, are actually said to be, does in all even speak now, and of the Market in itself, and as said even now, defining Africa too, and in speak and of what too, Politics that is, said too African, are actually said even all about that is.
  10. Busara: In now attempting, to in all even place the Market, and in said even Geographical Contexts, is to now attempt to in all even ask, what does in all even make, and for what it does mean to be said Human that is. That the Human, can too be said even readily recognizable as such, as said Human that is, and from speak too, and of what Rite in itself, is actually said to be. That the very act of bathing or showering, is more or less said rite, and not ritual truly either, but in now saying that, other said manners in all, and of defining the Human, do in all even exist, and in said speak too of the Swahili term of Hekima, it too can be said that, the Market, and as said even Local, or Localized too, is too said defined as such, and by the said even here, Swahili term, and of Busara that is.

In concluding on all this said, is to now too, simply ask, and of the very manner in all, the Market, can too be said Entity that is. Entity, and as said even now to refer, and to the Market, and as simply said regulating itself, and if not as said too regulating society in itself too, its said peoples, goods, commodities etc., and in now too claiming that, the Market, and as said too Entity that is, can too be said as such, and from speak and of the Swahili term of Soko that is, and as probably said even now, defining Market activity, Soko that is, and from what too is said Charge, Fine, Fee, Price, Payment etc. In all and again, the Market, and as said even Entity, now too said even perceived, and from speak and of African societies, and as said even perceived primarily, and if not fundamentally too, and from what Directive, is actually said all about that is.

'the Freemason Group'


Friday 17 June 2016



It can be said, that Identity, and as said too African, can in all even be said, to refer, and to the following: Symbology, Condition, Handicap, and if not of Defect too. Symbology, and as said even to speak, and of what too is said Politicized that is, and if not of what is said too Political that is, but in speak of Condition, probable speak too now, and of the said, Human Condition in itself that is. In speak of Handicap, it too said Genetic, and in said regard, and to what too, Deformity, is said even all about, but in speak of Defect, speak now, and of it said Disorder, and if not as said Psychological truly. 

In however saying that, this very Blog, and of Pro 'Nairo', does too speak, and of East Africa in itself, is to now attempt, to claim that, East Africa, is in all even said modeled, and in speak, and of those said African, and as said now to refer, and to those too, said Pygmy, and if not as said Khoisan, and Bushman too that is.

In speak though, and of the said header and to this very entry, it too simply aptly titled, Hindu that is, is to now claim that, the very said World and of the Hindus, does in all even mesh, and with that too said to speak, and of this very Blog, Pro 'Nairo' that is, and if not in said speak too of Kenya too that is, and in said regard, and to what too, does speak, and of Reprimand, Punishment, Mistake, Warning, Consternation etc.