of Internet Technology.
When we do here speak, and of what is said Technology, and in said regard and to speak and of the said even Internet in itself, we can too now associate it all, and with talk too and of a said Functionality that is, and that does too ask, and of what is in all said to speak, and of a said even 'Sense of self' that is. That Technology, can too now be said even perceived in all, and from a said too, 2-way function that is, and that would too and in all, be said even, to in all too redefine one, and in said regard and to what is said a 'Sense of self' that is, and if not of what is said Certain, and in said even regard, and to speak too and of the said even Certainty Principle for instance.
In the said even now attempt, and to simply in all, define that is, what is said Internet Technology, and for those said in Kenya too, and if not of said East Africa too, we can too now simply and in all even refer, and to that said term of Ascertained that is. Of what is said Ascertained that is, and in the said even now referring, and to what is believed said to speak, and of the said 'Sense of self' in itself that is, and away now, and from talk and of what is said Shame or Guilt too for instance, and in probably now, throwing that said even African term, said too Bantu, and of Ntu that is, and that is said and to in all even encapsulate that is, and of what is said Individual, Person, Being, Body, Soul etc.
In the said now attempt, to in all too give, what is said a 'Sense of self', a said too here Identity that is, and that can too simply or merely be described in all, and as said too African that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of the said even believed, Power or Influence too, a said too Country and such as Nigeria that is, does too hold over the said even, rest of Africa that is. That in too saying that, all there is to Identity formation, or as said too Identity creation that is, and as said too African, and if not as said Kenyan or East African too, and in said even regard to speak and of what is said African History that is, and if not of the said too African past that is, does too now and in all even speak, and of the said even 'Sense of self' that is, for now is to and in all even claim it to in all even refer, and to that said Nigerian too, and if not as said Yoruba or Ifa that is, term, and of Ori too that is. That in all again, the very said reason in all, why this term is believed said too, and of a said even paramount Importance that is, does too have to do, and with the very manner in all, many and in Africa today, do in all even perceive that is, their said even Worlds or World that is, and as said too advanced or even superior too that is, and in now associating it all, and with that said too Psychology, said even European, and of what is in all said as, the Libido that is.
In too saying that, that said even term of Ori, has in all even come to in all too, define in all, Nigerian Politics, and as they are, said too perceived here in all, and from what is said a 'Sense of self' that is, now is to and in all even associate, what they do term the Libido, and with talk too and of what some have termed the Pleasure Principle that is, and as said too now truly defining one in all, and in talk too, and of what is said Perception in itself that is. That in too saying that, what is said Perception in itself, and if not of what is said Ori too, would too, or does too and in all even, lead one, and to the said even discernment, or study too, and of what are said Forms that is, now is to not only speak, and of what are said Formations that is, and if not of said too Paper/Document Forms too that is, but that in many a way, the very said even attempt here, and to in all too introduce to one, the very said even term of Africentrism that is, and in said comparison and to that said Afrocentrism too that is, and in the said too now study, and of what are said Forms, African that is, the said even ascribing to such said Forms, and in said regard too, and to what is said Success for instance, and if not of the said even envisioning that is, and of what are said Forms, and if not as said too encapsulated that is, and in talk too now, and of what are said African Voices that is.
In the attempt now though, to in all truly speak, and of what are said Forms, and as said even perceived from talk, and of what are said Politics, said too African that is, and before we would in all too apply it all, and to what is said Internet Technology that is, now is to and in all even claim what are said Forms, and to in all even now embody what is said Power in itself that is, and in too now saying that, the said even Politics of Domination and into Africa, and as often perceived from talk and of what is said Power in itself, can too now be said even best perceived in all, and from what are said Forms that is, and if not as said Formation too that is. In helping one truly understand all this said, and from a said even Controversial Political stance that is, and that does too now and in all even refer, and to the Internet, and from what is said Medium that is, and not Technology truly either, now is to and in all even speak, and of a said even famed or as said controversial too, cover-up that is, and of the said even true Identity that is, and of the very name of Jesus Christ too that is. That in many a way, it all does too speak, and of just who in all, Jesus Christ was said to be, and as said too a Form, and that was too now said even embodied, and in talk too, and of the said even Cross in itself that is. In too claiming that, what is said Form, does too speak and of the said even Psychology, and of what is said Touch in itself that is, and of Touch and as said too healing, and if not as said empowering too that is, now is to in all claim such a said Psychology that is, to in all even speak and of the said too Congo region and of Africa too that is, but if not in said regard now, and to what is too said Nigerian Media that is, and of Nigeria too and as said even perceived as said a Powerhouse in Africa that is, Political too, and in too associating talk and of Nigeria now, and with its said even numerous cities that is, and as said too Cities probably, and that do in all associate talk of life in Nigeria, or of said even Nigerian lives too, and with said too now, Political or Secular Forms that is, and as said Identity too, and that would too now be said even best explained for, and in talk of Nigerian Media today, that said too Television, and as said too perceived, from talk of Forms, and in said Expression too, and that would in all even now refer, and to the said too City and of Calabar that is, and as said too off the said coast of Nigeria in itself too that is.
In too now saying that, and in said regard now and to what is said too the Internet that is, when we do and in all speak, and of what is said Ori, but if not of the said Libido too, we can too now associate both of these said, and with that said even Psychological mechanism, and of what is said Projection too that is, and as said to in all even now simply refer, and to what is said Disturbance, said too as Mental that is, and if not of said even now Psychological or Behavioural Disorders too that is. That in many a way, what is said Projection, does to now and in all even now refer, and to what are said Formations that is, and of ones said even now, Perceptions that is, and of what is said Formation in itself, and if not of what is said Behaviour in itself too, or of said even Response in itself too that is. That in the said even understanding and of the said too Psychology of Projection that is, now is to and in all even associate it all, and with what is too said as Evolutionary Psychology that is, and of ones said even perceptions, and of that said name of Egypt too that is, and from talk too, and of that said even Psychological state, and of what is said too as Sunken that is. Perhaps, and in the said making clear of all this said, now is to and in all even associate talk and of what is said Projection, Psychological too, and with the said even Elevating of Consciousness that is, and that does too and in all even now refer, and to the said even study of Forms, of what are said Formations too that is, and if not as said too approached in all now, and from what is said Contextual too that is.
In the attempt now, to in all even speak, and of the said Internet, and as said too Internet Technology, and in said too evolution, and if not in said History too, now is to and in all even refer, and to what is said to speak of the said Unit Form that is, and of said even Standard Forms too that is, and if not of what is too said now, as said Expanse in itself too that is. When we do and in all even associate, talk, and of the Internet, and with what can too be said to speak of the said Unit Form that is, now is to and in all again, speak of the said even Standard Form, and of the said even Decimal Number System too for instance, said too Hindu-Arabic that is, and if not of the said too Alphabet that is, but in talk of what is said Unit Form, believed said too now arising and with the said even American Mind too that is, we can too talk of the said even Binary Digit System that is, and of the said even now invention and of the Computer in itself too, but in farther talk too now and of what are said Formations, talk too and of what is said the Internet in itself, but of what is said Contextual too, said too now to in all even refer, and of what is said Internet Technology in itself that is. In too saying that, the said even origins of the Internet, can too be said even equated and with talk and of what is said Expanse, and if not in said regard to what is said Access in itself too that is, and in too acquainting such said talk of what is said Expanse and as said Access, and with talk too and of the said even invention of the Internet in itself, and in the said United States of America too that is, now is to associate talk and of what is said Expanse, and in the said Northern America region, and if not of said North America too, and with the said even Grand Canyon that is, and if not of said too Canada that is, and as all said respectively too that is. In saying that, while one can in all even view the said United States of America, and if not of said Northern America too and as said a region, and from talk and of what is said an Expanse, now is to not only associate talk and of what is said Expanse in itself, and as said land too that is, and with talk too now and of what is said Scenery, of Landscapes too, and if not of what is said Geography in itself too that is, and in too now claiming or saying that, Africa, can too be said an Expanse that is, and as said to in all even now refer, and to what is said the Sahara in itself that is, and in too furtherly claiming or saying that, India, and as probably best said a Subcontinent too, to in all even now be said to speak and of what an Expanse is in all even said to be, and as said to in all too, not only speak and of what is said Geography in itself, but in many a way too, speak too now and of the said even Ganges that is.
In the attempt though, and to in all even better explain, the said even here Politics of the Internet, and if not in said regard to what is said Content, and of said too Judgment that is, talk too now and of the said even Power of the Internet, and if not of the said even Unleashing or Harnessing that is, and of the said too Power of the Internet that is. That in many a said way, it too can be said that the said even Politics of the Internet, and in said regard to what is said Empowerment too for instance, does too speak and of it all, and in said Design, and if not of the said too Redesigning, and of the said Internet, and in said even now regard, to what is said Capacity in itself that is, and if not of the said Internet in itself, and as said too now perceived in all, and from what is said Geo-Political, and in too now centering it all, and in talk too and of the name of India in itself that is. Perhaps a said even rather unconventional manner in all, and of perceiving the Internet, the said even centering of it all, and in talk of India that is, and of its said even Geography too that is, but in many a way, it does too and in all even help one, understand, what can be said Interests, said too Key-Interests, and if not of said even African Interests that is, and in said regard now and to speak of the said Internet in itself that is. That in talk too and of the said even here Psychology and of the Internet that is, we can too and in all even say it all, perceived American that is, and in said regard, and to speak and of what are said Formations and in themselves that is, but in talk of the Psychology and of the Internet, and in said regard and to speak of Africa, talk too now and as said too merely that is, and of what is said a Politic that is, and of the said even interaction and of Human Bodies too that is, but as said too perceived now from that said term of Ntu that is, and in now associating talk of the said even Psychology of the Internet, and with talk too of said even Indian Dimensions that is, and if not of what is said too a Portal that is, and in said regard and to talk too now, and of the said even 'Sense of self' in itself that is.
In helping shed a said here, bigger Light, and on what has just been said above, and on the said even Psychology of the Internet, and if not of the said Politics of the Internet too, said too Geo-Political, and in said even regard to what are said Interests that is, now is to and in all speak, and of what are said Formations, and of the said even Psychology of the Internet as believed said too American that is, now is to speak and of what is said Identity, said too Political, and as said too perceived from talk and of the said Geo-Spatial, the said even Geo-Temporal, and if not of said even Geo-Realities too that is. That in the said attempt, to simply make sense of it all, what is said Geo-Spatial etc., and from what too can be said here to speak, and of said even Physical Forms that is, Human too, we too can give the said Internet, a said even now Physical form to it all, and that would associate talk of the Geo-Spatial, and with what are said Domains, and if not of said even Servers too that is, and of said Internet Domains too that s, but in talk of the said Geo-Temporal, talk too of what are said as Routers, Gateways, and if not of said Bridges too, but in talk and of what can be said to speak and of said even Geo-Realities that is, talk too now and of what is said a Portal in itself, and if not of the said even Search Engine too that is, and of said too now Rankings, Reviews and Ratings too that is, and if not as said even now perceived, from what are said Political, Commercial, and if not of said too Financial tools that is, and in now too saying that, it all does too speak and of the said even Individual and in Formation, and as said too perceived now, and from he or she as said too Respondent that is.
In however now attempting, to give the Internet, and of its said Psychology, said too now African Dimensions that is, we can too now and in all even, throw in, the very said term and of Novel that is. That what is said Novel, and as said too a body of said literature too that is, can too now be said even to speak, and of what are said Forms, as said too Physical that is, of their said even interactions that is, and with it all even said Psychology, and that would too be said African, but if not as said perceived now, and from what too was said earlier, and as said Africentrism too that is. Of Africentrism, and as said too now best representative, and of what are said African Voices that is, is believed said here best explainitive, and of the said even African Psychological Condition, and of what too is said Esteem for instance, and in said regard and to what are said African Forms that is, and of the very manner in all, they would too be said to in all even interact with just about any other said Form that is, that said to speak of God too for instance, but as often believed said devoid of Form in itself, that said even Egyptian, Italian, American, and if not as said Indian too, and in said regard to speak and of History in itself, and if not in said speak and of the said even beginnings of the Bible in itself, said too Genesis, and of the said Serpent and in the said Garden of Eden, and as said too taking Form that is.
In too saying that, what is said Novel, or of the said even Novel, can too be used to in all even study the Internet in itself, and in probable speak and of what is said Content that is, now is to and in all even claim the Novel, to speak and of what are said Forms, of said too Formations, and if not of the said Contextual too that is. That it all too does speak, and of what is said Africentrism, as best said too now centered in all, and in talk too and of the said Novel that is, of what is said Form, and as said too Politic, and if not of what was said as Ntu before that is, and in the said even now perceiving, and of what is said Substance in our very lives too, and as said to in all even speak, and of what is said Privacy, and of the said Internet too, and if not of what is said Intimacy in itself, and of what is said Content, and on the said Internet in itself too that is. In however claiming Africentrism to be said, its very own thing that is, the said even search, and for what is said the African Voice in itself, and if not of it all as said even perceived from talk of the said even Psychology of the Internet, as said too American, it all too can be said to in all even refer or lead, and to who is in all said Respondent that is, for what is in all said now to speak of the said Psychology of the Internet, and from said talk too of the name of India that is, it all can too now be said even best perceived in all, and from talk too and of what are said African Interests that is, and of a said Africentrism too, and in said even now regard, and to what can best be said perceived and as said African Internet Systems too that is.
In finishing up on all this said, now is to and in all even approach, talk of the Internet, and in said Psychology too, and from talk too now and of India in itself, and of what too is believed said to speak, and of a said even 'Sense of self' in itself that is. That it all too, does too and in all even border, and to talk too, and of the said even centering and of the Internet, and in talk too of India in itself, and as said too an Expanse of land that is, and if not of what is said Geography in itself too, and by in all tying, what is said to speak and of a said even 'Sense of self' in itself that is, and with what is said Secular, what is said Traditional, and if not of what is said Activity in itself too, and in said even regard, and to speak and of what is said Individual too that is. That in too saying that, it is India that is truly said Secular, and that it is in all again, the United States of America, and that is truly said defined in all, and by speak and of what is said Activity in itself, it is Africa though, that can too be said even now perceived in all, and as said Traditional that is, and in said regard to what is said the Internet that is. That it all too, does speak and of the said even redesigning of the Internet, and in said even regard, and to what is said Geo-Political that is, and in too associating talk of the Traditional, and with talk too of the Governmental, and if not of said too History of Libya that is, but as said too Modern, of what is said Infrastructural, and of the said even History of Turkey that is, said too Istanbul, and if not as perceived Western, and if not of what is said Bureaucratic, and in said speak too now of the said even History of the United States of America that is, and as said too centered in all, and in the said even History of Washington D.C. that is. Perhaps, a said even attempt here, and to in all even merely make amends to all this said, of the Internet in Africa, and of the mentioning of the very said name of Washington D.C. too that is, and if not in said pretension that is, but that in all again, it does too speak and of the very best of manners in all, and of perceiving what is said Traditional and in Africa, and from talk too of the Internet, and in too saying that, and in said regard to what too is said a 'Sense of self' that is, it does too and in all even give a said too perspective that is, and of the said even defining and of what is said the Internet, and from talk too of what are said Guidelines that is, and in said regard to what is said Efficacy too for instance, and that does too and in all even now speak, and of the very best said of manners in all, and of regulating the Internet in itself, and in said regard to its said even serving, the said needs and of the said majority that is, but if not as said minority too, and as said too now perceived in all, and from what is said Traditional in itself too that is.

