Wednesday 25 November 2020

of Cogitation

of Consideration.

Of Cogitation, of Consideration, of said Reality too, the Framing, of Framings, of the said question too that is, and of the said African too that is, Kenyan, East African, of Uganda, the Hero, [Link], and as in all said too that is, put-together, [Link], the Wholesome, [Link], of said Conduction too that is, [Link], of Cadence, of Cadency.

Of Cogitation, of Consideration, of Reality, the Framing, the Rotational, of the said Wholesome too that is, of Substancy, of Solvency.

Of Cogitation, of Consideration, of Reality, of Language, the Formal, of Proof, the Informal, of Evidence. Of Language, of Technology, of Contiguity, of Continuity, of Time, of Consistency, of Congruency, the Material.

Of Formal Language, of Reality, of Contiguity, the Scared, of Informal Language, of Consistency, the Afraid.

Of Reality, the Absolute State, the Outright, of the said Frightening too that is, of Fright, [Link], of Ogopa, Kisw., of said Stuka too that is, kisw., of said Stua too that is, [Link], kisw.

of Ogopa.