of India

of India.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Evaluation, Study too that is, the Definitive, the Descriptive, the Dimension, and of said India too that is, the Subcontinent, vis-a-vis, talk too of, and of a said Africa too that is, the Continent, or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Joint too that is, of Joints, of Folds, the Fold, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Total too that is, of Totalness.

Of such said Joints too that is, of Folds, the Dimension, of said Totality too that is, of Joints, of Sense, the Troubling, the Ailing, of said Folds too that is, of Records, the Moral, the Little, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Tag too that is, of Tags.

Of Tags, the Tag, of said Totality too that is, of Existence, the Evolutional, of the said Evolutionary too that is, of Length(s), the Dimension, of Dimensions, the Dimensional.

of Tags.

of Folds.

of India, the Dimension, the Pre-Existing, of Positionings, the Pre-Existent.
of Sinbad, the View, the Dimension, of Displacements(s), the Norm, Measure, of Positionings,
of the said Parallel, the Parallelized, of Parallel Existences, the Law, of the said Instance, the Instant.

of Prana, vs. Breathe, the Distinguishable, the Recipe, 
of Africa, of India, the Indus Valley, the Indistinguishable, the Item.

of Civilization, the Aethiopians, of Africa, of India, the Dalit,
of Africa, the Story, the Tale, of Fetishism, the Fetisch, 
of India, the Vedic, of Archetype, of Divinity,
of Africa, & India, the Nile Valley, of Rite, of Ritual.
of America, the English, of Trades, of Unions.

of Frequency, of Wavelength(s), the Dimension, of Reciptivity,
of said Turbulence too, the Position, perceptions, of Chaos, Order, of Positings, ->,
of Ki, Prana, of Bollywood.

of Joints.

of India, the Dimension, of Scripts, of Africa,
of Fact, of Accountability, of Responsibility, of Truth,
of Pain, of Struggle, of Injury, the Injurious.

of Quests, the Quest, of Assignments, the Assigned, the Pharaonic, the Dravidian,
of the said Dimension too, the Restless, ->, the Mahabharata, the Archer.

of Circles, of Illumination, the Centre, the Dimension,
of India, of Filth, Dirt, of Variance, in Variation, of Response, the Primate.

of Constructs, of Gender, the Objective, of Women, the Subjective, of Men,
of the said Middle-line too, the Dimension, of Balance, the Dimensional,
of the said Bhagavad Gita too, the Itemized, the Fractionate.

of Views, of Perspectives, the Right-Angle(d), of India, 
of Angles, of Circles, of Illumination, of Africa, as Formed, 
in Perception, in Scrutiny, the Distinct, ->, the Virus, the Current.

of Views.