
of Kitu.

In the said asking of, and of what could and in all, be as said of, and of said Kitu too that is Kisw., the Objectified, now is to, and in all, even, refer to, and to what would and in all, be as said of,  and of said Mental Disturbance too for instance. Of such said Mental Disturbance, or of said Psychological Disintegration too, of Mental Illness, Mental Sickness, and if not in my said referring, to what can be said of, and of the said Body too, the self, physical, and if not of the said Unit too, the Unitary, the Divisible.  Of the said Unit that is, the Unitary, the Divisible, of the said question of Money too that is, of Motive, of Health, Mediation, and if not in a said referral to, and to talk of societies too, economies, families, individuals etc., and as they should in all, be as said as to properly function.

In all and again, and in a said referral, and to the above said, talk too and of, and of what is said as of Stability that is, the Stable, of Recognition, the Recognized, and if not of said Accuracy too, the Accurate.

In my having said the above, now is to and in all, base, the remaining, of this said address, and on what too that is, can be as said of, and of the said Recognized too, of Recognition. Of the said too belief that, one's said problems that is, do and in all, even, appear, to and in all, be as said based on, and on one's said ability, to and in all, even, recognize, many a said thought, or belief, and as in all, said as Valid that is, or as in all said as Invalid too that is.

In my equating of, and of said Recognition that is, the Recognized, and to what can be said of, and of a said Definition too that is, the Definer, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Unit too that is, the Unitary, the Divisible, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to said Definitions too that is, the Definitive, and of said Psychology too that is, the Body, of Psychiatry, the self, physical, and if not and as said as, perceived, in talk, and of the said following:

1. Psychology - Behaviour, Body

2. Psychiatry - Person, Functionality, self.

Of such said Definitions that is, the Definitive, the Definer, and of the said Keys too that is, and to life, of said Solutions too that is, to life, and in a said comparison, and to talk too of, and of said Answers too that is, and if not in the said referring to, and to the said Kiswahili term, and of said Kitu that is, and as said as offering, a said Reliable Key, Dependable Solution, and in the said recognizing of, and of what can be as said of, and of the said Object, Thing, Entity, Part, Component etc. too that is. That all this is said, and in my said equating of, and of said Kitu too, the Recognizable, and to what can be as said of, and of said Particularity that is, of Keysof the said Particular too that is, of Solutions, or of said Particularities too that is, of Answers.

In having said the above, and on said Kitu too that is, the Objectified, now is to and in all, even, base it all, and on Three said Branches of Psychological Treatment, and that do and in all, even, refer to, and to the said following:

1. Psycho-Cybernetics.

2. Psycho-Therapy.

3. Psycho-Analysis.

Of said Psycho-Cybernetics that is, of Kitu, Kisw., of the said Psychological Breakdown too, of the said Factor too that is, the Divisible, and if not in a said referral to, and to what is said as Real too, the Realistic, the Constant, the Reliable, the Dependable, of said perceptions too, and of Family, Groups, Wholes, Segments, Sections etc., and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to the said Indivisible too that is, of Kitu.

Of said Psycho-Therapy that is, of Kitu, Kisw., of the Kiswahili term, of Hekima, as said as defining, definitive, of the Whole too, the Wholistic, the Picture, self, the Image, Body, of said life too, as said as perceived that is, and in said Reproduction too, the Reproduced, of the said Indivisible too, of Kitu, the Differentiable, the Integral, and if not of said Tracings too, Direct, Indirect, of Sources, of Origins. That in all, and again, that what is said as Reproduced that is, is said as perceived that is, from the said Whole that is, the Wholistic, and if not in a said referral to, and to the said Indivisible too, of Kitu, or if not in a said, referral, and to the said, Direct, Indirect, and if not in a said regard to, and to what is as said of, and of said Clarity too that is, That in all, and again, talk too of, and of said Clarity that is, of Vitu, Kisw., the Direct, the Indirect, and if not of said Indivisibility too that is, of Kitu, Kisw., the Traceable.

Of said Psycho-Analysis that is, of Kitu, Kisw., and if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Question too that is, of Swali, Kisw.

Of the said Question of Kitu, of Rectification, ->, of Behaviour, Mind, Personality, Character etc. 

Of the said Question of Want, Need, Demand etc., ->, of self, of Body.
Of the said Question of the Possessed, ->, the Picture, the Image.
Of the said Question of Perception, ->, of Structures, of Models.

In my said, finalizing, and on all this said, the said belief here that, that what does and in all, even, Ail, or Trouble, one, can be as said as, reduced, to talk too and of, and of what is as said of, and of said Kitu too that is, the Objectified, and of its said ability too, and to and in all, even, Motivate one, of Interest, Drive, Curiosity etc., and if it can be as said as, perceived, associated, and with talk too of, and of the said Psychic too that is, or of the said Highly, Strongly, Hugely, Commonly etc. Recognized too that is.