Tuesday 17 January 2017


of Compositions.

When we do here and in all refer, and to what Compositions are in all even said to be, we too can be said to in all even take an approach, and that does too ask, and of our said even impressions that is, and of what is said Media, Technology, and if not of what are said Communications too that is. That it is too believed that, what they do term Technology, what is said Media and as said too Western, and if not of what are said Modern Communications too, and amongst other said Communications too that is, will in all be said even, to in all too help solve all of Kenya's said problems that is, and can too best be said here to in all even speak of, and on what, Compositions, are too said even all about that is.

That the very question of what are said Compositions, does in all even truly remain, and despite what said Media, Communications or Technology too, are said even adopted that is, and in the said even identifying, or said even response, and to any said problem too that is, and as said too faced or encountered, and in said farther regard now, and to what too is said Discernment that is. Discernment too, and that would too best approach talk, and of the said even Swahili term and of Mawazo too that is, and in said regard now, and to what a said even Composition that is, does in all even entail, or of it and as said too perceived, and from talk and of what is said detailed that is.

In too claiming that, what is said termed Composition, does too speak and of what is too said Imposition, and if not of what is said Exposition too, now is to in all even call on, what is said Imposing, or of what is said to Impose, and if not of what is said Exposing, and of what is said to Expose, and in said regard now and to speak too of, and of said Impositions, and Expositions too, and as said too Composition in itself that is. That in too saying that in speak of both Imposition and of Exposition, we are too said even to approach talk and of what is said Composition, and from a said too Complicated stance that is, and in the said attempt now, and in speaking and of what is said Composition that is, and from speak and of what is said the Body, the Kenyan Body too, and in said regard and to what is said Imposing, or of what is said Exposing, and in said speak too now, and of what are said Sensors that is. That the Body, and as said the Kenyan Body too that is, can too be said even simply perceived, and as simply said Sensors that is, and in said Composition too, and not of what is said to speak of it and in said regard and to what it is said 'constitute' that is, and Sensors too, best too said perceived and from said talk and of what is said to Fuel that is, the Human Body that is, and not of what Drives the said Human Body that is, and in said regard now, and to speak and of the said even Involuntary, and of the said Human Body and as said perceived as such, from the said Involuntary that is, and from said talk too now, and of said even African Names, and of God too for instance.

In said regard and to speak, and of what are said Compositions, and from the said regard and of what is said Media, Technology or of Communications too, and in farther said regard now, and to what is said Development that is, now is to in all even approach it all, and from talk too and of what is said Key, what is said Setting, and if not of what is said Communicability too that is. That in talk and of what is said Key, talk too now and of said even Key-words, and of said Key-terms too, and as said even now setting a said Agenda, and in said regard and to what Development is in all even said all about, and in said regard too and to what Compositions, are in all even said to be that is. That in talk now, and of said even actual Settings that is, said too Physical, now is to in all even approach talk and of what is said Development and in Kenya, or East Africa too, and from talk and of said even Settings, Spaces, Contexts, Places too, and if not of said even Locales, or of said Locality too that is. That in talk now and of what is said Comunicability, and in said regard and to speak and of what are said Compositions, and from said too perspectives and of what is said Development that is, now is to in all even speak, and of what is said Contact, what is said Connection, and if not of the said Meet, or said Meeting too, and as said even now to speak, and of the very said manner in all, most would too perceive talk and of said even Western Development, and in said regard too, and to what is said Media, Communications, and of Technology too that is.

In saying that, a more said even difficult that is, manner in all, and of perceiving what are said Compositions, and as said too Historic, does too now exist that is, now is to ask or speak of, and of what is said Rule, and if not of what is said Regulation too that is. That in saying that, Kenya does too differ in all, and from talk and of East Africa too that is, is to now too say that Kenya is in all, said too defined in all, and in talk and of what is said Rule, and as said too Management that is, but in talk of East Africa, talk too now and of what is said Regulation, and as said too Supervision too that is. In many a way too, the very belief here that, Kenya's said even notions of Leadership, and of a Kenya today and as often said too in total decline that is, and in said regard to its said past too, now does too see its said Leadership, said even Serikali that is, now said too, to in all even speak of, and of said too Swahili Leadership that is, and which does too differ, and from a said even Kenyan Leadership that is, and that did too speak and of Kenya's said even Colonial Legislature too for instance. In many a way too, speak too now, and of Rwanda and of Burundi, and of what is said Rwandese, and of what is said Burundese, and of what too now is said even African Law, and of what is said to speak and of the said African State, and as said too respectively that is.

In saying that, in talk of Compositions and as said even now to speak, and of what is said Rule, and of what is said Regulation too, now is to in all even approach it all, and from talk and of what is said Authority that is, and as probably said too high-reaching that is. That it all too now does lead, and to talk and of what is said Functionality, Egyptian, and of what are said Mirrors, said too Swahili, and if not of what are said Faces, and as said too American that is. That it can too be said, and in the said even understanding and of said Egyptian Civilization too that is, that what are said too Compositions, are too said even understood from speak and of what is said Functionality in itself, and of the very said manner in all, the Egyptians, would too define themselves, and in said Authority too that is, and that would too best here translate, and to talk and of said even past or preceding Egyptian Dynasties too that is. That in talk too now and of what are said Mirrors, now is to claim that, for many a part of the said World, and away too probably, and from speak and of the said Americas that is, Compositions would too refer and to what is said Functionality, but that in talk of Mirrors now, talk too now, and of said even Swahili History that is, often termed by some and as said civilization too, but of it now said even to speak and of what is said Orientalism that is, and of Kenyan life today, if not that said too East African, and to a said degree too that is, now said having its said Way of life that is, redefined in all and away from talk of what is said Civility, and towards now to a said even Way of life, and that does too mirror what is said Orientalism, and of the said even Swahili term of Siasa that is, and as best said to in all even translate, and to talk and of the English word of Intrigue that is, and of what too are said Political Intrigues too that is. In many a way, a said even mentioning here and of the very said term of Victorianism, and that did too in all counter, what did too pass for Colonial existences in Kenya or East Africa, and as probably said too Swahili, and as said too defined in all and by talk of Orientalism, and if not of the very said name of Edward Said [Link1, Link2] too that is, and if not of the said city of Mogadishu too for instance, and that would too speak for instance, and of the said even history of Eastleigh in Nairobi, and in said comparison now and to speak of Westlands in Nairobi, and of its said Colonial past too that is. That in talk too now, and of what are said Faces that is, and in said regard and to what is said Rule or Regulation, and if not of what is said Authority too, now is to speak and of what are said Compositions, and in said regard to what is said Development, and from talk too now and of what are said Politics, what is said Politicking too that is, and if not of what are said Affairs that is, and in now associating talk of Kenya and with talk too of its said Politics that is, but of Politicking, talk too now and of the said even Horn of Africa region that is, but in talk of East Africa, talk too now and of its said Affairs that is.

In many a way, now is to in all even speak and of what are said Compositions, and from talk too and of what is said Composite that is, and in said Image too, and if not of what is said Implicit, and of what is said Explicit, and in said talk too now and of said even Statements that is, both said Political and if not as said Fashionable too, and as said too now to speak or ask and of what is said Activity in itself (Link) that is, and in Kenya or East Africa too, and in said regard now, and to the said even perceiving, and of what is too said Development in itself too that is.