Wednesday 15 February 2017



When we do in all speak here, and of Kenya, and as often said too recording or registering, enormous or said staggering numbers in all, and in said regard and to what is said Economic Growth too, we are too often presented the very said Image, and of Africa, and as said even a Final Frontier that is, and in said regard to what is said Investment, and a Final Frontier too, and that does too place an emphasis, and in talk and of Africa and as said perceived, and from talk and of Egypt, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, and if not of Kenya in itself too that is. 

In now saying that, a said even better Picture, and of what is said Development that is, and in Kenya, does too exist, and that would too place Development in Kenya, and within said Contexts too, and that would too speak and of East Africa, we can too be said to in all even speak, and of what is now said to speak and of Africa, and as said even a Last Frontier that is, now is to in all even ask and of what are said Parameters, and if not of Boundaries truly, and in said regard and to speak and of Africa and as said even a Frontier, and in farther said regard and to speak and of what is best too said termed here and as said Numeration that is.