Wednesday 2 May 2018

the African Status

the African Status.

When we do and in all, herely, speak and of the said African Status that is, we can too be said, and to and in all even refer to, and to the said even now Acrimonious in itself, and if not in said even regard now, and to what can and in all, be said as an African Mentality, of said African Mentalities too, and if not and in all again, and as in all said now as Kenyan, East African, and if not and as in all again, as said as African too that is. That it all could too, be said, of the said African Status that is, and to and in all even speak of, and of that said Identity, and in said Uganda too, and as in all said as Buganda too that is, and which can and in all too, be said as perceived, and with it and as said as Bunyoro too, and as in all said as Ugandan too that is, as said as Buganda, and in said regard and to speak and of said Tanzania too, and if not as said as Baganda, and in speak too now of, and of said even now Kenya too that is.

That it all can too be said that, of what is in all said as the African Status that is, as said, and as in all said now as best perceived, and in talk and of, and of what can and in all, be said as a Historical Status too that is.

old Mombasa; Colonial Currency; Limuru;

That in speak too now of, and of what can and in all, be said as a Status that is, we can and in all too, be said as, and to and in all even speak of, or refer to, and to that said term, and of said Glorification too that is, and that would too be said, and to and in all even speak of, and of the said even now self, body, being etc., and as in all said as in existence too, and if not and in all again, in speak now of, or in said even regard to, and to what can and in all be said as Elaborate that is, and if not of the said even now Elaboration in itself too that is.

That in now saying that, what can and in all, be said as a Status, can and in all too be said as, and as said and to and in all even speak of, and of said Individualization too for instance, and of the said even now Memory of Kenya too that is, we can too now say it all, and to and in all even speak of, and of said even now Singularity too that is, and in speak now of, and of said Kenya and in said Memory too that is. That all this just said, can and in all even be said, and as in all said as tied down to, and to speak and of said Feedback in itself too that is, and if not and as in all too as said that is, of said Feedback too, as in all said as 'Popular' too that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to what can and in all, be said as a Condition, State, 'Act' etc., and with the said even now term and of 'Popular' that is, as said now as best perceived that is, and in speak now of, and of the said even now terms, and of Populism, and if not of the said even now Populist too that is. That in speak and of the said Populist, we could too and in all be said, and to in all even refer to, and to that said Swahili, and if not as said as Kiswahili too, term, and of said Akili too that is, and in now saying that, in talk and of said Populism that is, and in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as Status too, and if not in said Feedback too that is, now is to say it, and as in all said as best perceived that is, and in the said even now Mapping and of said Kenya too, and in speak too now of, and of what are in all said as Kenyan, East African, and if not of said African too that is, Communications that is, and if not of said Kenya, and as in all now said as perceived, and in talk now and of, and of the said even now region and of the Horn of Africa too that is, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of said East Africa in itself too that is.

In now associating talk and of said Status, and with talk and of what can and in all, be said as Progress too, we can too be said, and to and in all even now allude to, and to talk of, and of what are in all said as Codes that is, and as in all said as African too, and if not and as in all said, and to in all even denote, of said Codes that is, what is in all said as Behaviour too, and if not in said Notice too that is, for we can and in all again now, speak and of said Progress, and in said even regard now, and to what is in all said as Status that is, and as in all now said as perceived, and in talk and of the said even now term and of the said Codec too that is, and as in all said now as perceived, and in talk and of what can and in all be said as Info. too that is, and not of said Information truly either, and as in all now and again, as said as perceived, and in talk and of the said even now abridged too that is. That in speak, and of what are in all said as Codes, and if not of said Codecs too, and as in all now said as Kenyan too, now is to and in all again, perceive them all, and as in all said as East African too, and if not and as in all said as African too that is, and in said even regard now, and to speak and of the said Kenyan Shilling too that is, and as in all said now and as termed, and as said as Legal tender too that is.

In the now associating and of said Progress in itself, and with talk and of what can and in all, be said as Trackings too, and if not of said Markings too that is, now is to and in all even speak of, and of the said even now terms, and of said Attenuation too that is, and if not of the said Attuned too that is, and of one, and as in all said as attuned, and to speak and of said Africa in itself too that is, and in now saying that, in speak and of said Attenuation that is, we can too be said, and to and in all even gauge or measure that is, speak and of said Africa in itself, and in said Progress too, and with speak too now of that is, and of what can and in all, be said as Technology too for instance. That it all, can be said, of said Attenuation that is, and if not in said regard, and to speak and of said Technology too, and of said Progress too that is, be said, and to and in all even speak of, and of the said even now tracking, and of said Kenyan history too that is, and in talk of, and of the said even now Kenyan past, and as in all said as Swahili too that is, and which would too be said, and to and in all even now, equate it all, of the said even now Kenyan past that is, and with speak and of that said even now Swahili term that is, and of Taa too that is, and as in all said now, as said and to and in all symbolize that is, a said even now small light too that is, and such that, in speak now of, and of that said term of Ukoloni that is, and as in all said to speak of, and of a said even now Colonial East Africa too that is, we can and in all even be said, and to and in all even associate it all, and with talk and of said Technology too that is, and as in all said as perceived, and in talk and of the said Lantern too that is, as said as African too, and if not in said even regard now, and to speak and of that said even now term and of Uhuru that is, and as in all said as to in all signify that is, talk, and of a said even now Colonial Kenya too, and if not of the said even now Kenyan Colonial past too that is, and as in all said now as associated, and with talk and of the said even now Lamp in itself too that is, and with all this as said, and in said even regard now, and to speak and of the said even now best of said manners in all that is, and in the said even now tracking and of said Kenya, and as it is today that is, and as in all said as a Republic too, and that can too be said as perceived, and in talk now of, and of the said even now Electrical in itself too for instance.
