Wednesday 16 March 2016

Jimi Hendrix ~ The Ballad of Jimi

Jimi Hendrix ~ The Ballad of Jimi.

** while growing up, I did in all spend some of my time, and in the neighbouring house best to mine, and in my neighbourhood too, and which was too said, the very home Pat., Muhindi, (Link), did in all even reside in. In a previous entry, I did mention that Pat. Muhindi, is one of the less popularly known Local Heroes, emanating and from Kenya in itself. Seeing Pat. though, was always the most interesting of things, in that, while most would say that he was simply said Cool in his ways, I on the otherhand, would in all even perceive him, and as simply said 'Bigger than life'. That Pat., and in everything he did, did speak of a said resounding moment, and that, it did in all even drive me, to truly discover myself as such, as probably said even momentous in my ways truly that is. A journey, and of self-discovery as such, and that has too led to my studying, seriously, African Religion, and to this very day, and on my returning back home, and to Kenya, and as probably best said a home Country too perhaps, I do still very much hold Pat. in all, and in a said awe, and that does too probably speak and of what a serious fight, is said to be. In all and again, it too can be said that, while growing up, and visiting Pats. home many a time, I did come to be exposed, and to Pat's huge Music Collection of Records and CD's, and such that, it was even said such a remarkable thing in itself, in that, it did house all sorts of Music to it, and including a Metallica CD too, and one which Pat., would not let us touch, but, I am of the belief that, the Jimi Hendrix single posted above, The Ballad of Jimi, does best speak of Pat. in himself, and in many a way too, and as he truly is. In many a way, a CD too, or Single truly, and that can too can be said to speak, and of the Local Hero in himself that is [Pat did too though, have a sister, named Catherine, and who was really into Reggea music, Coco Tea, and of Riker's Island (Link) fame too, and if not of Maxi Priest (Link) too, and it all too though, Reggea music that is, can too be said even somewhat descriptive, and of what a said Local Heroine, is too said to be].