Thursday 10 March 2016

the Local Hero

the Local Hero.

It can be said that, this very Blog, is too said dedicated, and to one said Pat. Muhindi (Link), and who did in all it can be said here, grow up, and in a home, a House, said next to mine, and in the said too Karen-Langata area of Nairobi, and who too, can be said to be one of the very first of Local Heroes, and as said even emanating, and from the Karen-Langata area too that is. That Kenya, is too probably said in need, and of many a Local Hero, and in helping solve its said problems, but that in all again, it is truly believed that, it is the Local Hero, who can be said the most adept of us all, and in the attempt, to truly teach one, what a said life, fully lived out, and in Nairobi, or Kenya too, is said all about.

That this Blog, does differ, and from the others on 'Nairo' (Link1, Link2, Link3), or Nairobi too, for this very Blog, can be said to concentrate, and on speak and on Kenya in itself too, and not East Africa truly either, and in the said attempt, to in all even re-frame, Kenyan life, and as it once was, and as said now too, best believed to speak, and of the Local Hero, and not the National Hero truly either [and in said speak too of the said Presidential Order of the Burning Spear Award, and as said too Kenyan truly], but it does in all even attempt, to in all even put into into a said even proper perspective, and of what are believed said even, racial slang terms in Kenya, and such as Mzungu, Mhindi, Mzunye, Wakoloni, Walalo etc., and in now too saying that, Kenya, could too be said even, missing out, and on the said Mzungu Experience for instance [and something that did too, speak of former American Ambassador to Kenya, said now deceased, Mr. Smith Hempstone (Link) that is]. That Kenya, and alongside speak too of the Local Hero, does have to it a said even, reputation that is, and that does too say that, once in Kenya, one should in all even open up to life, expose ones full Personality, and in many a way too, it all does speak and of those who have often espoused, the said belief that, Kenya, and as said even believed a true International destination, is truly said, 'Home away from Home'.

in speak now, and of the Local Hero, and of Nairobi, and if not Kenya too, is to now too associate such talk, and with speak too of the Blog, 'Nairo' (Link) that is. That it too can be said that, this very Blog, Pro 'Nairo', can too be said equated in all, and to speak too and of the Blog Anti 'Nairo' (Link), and in speak too now, and of this very Blog, and with its said attempts in all, to define Kenyan life, and at the said International level too, and in now too associating life on one end, and in a said Spectrum too, and with speak too of Professional Conduct, and if not Professionalism in itself too, and at the other end, speak now truly, and of the Local Hero in 'himself' that is. That unknown to most in Kenya, and if not Africa too, the rest of the World, does in all even interact, and with each said other that is, and in said speak too now, and of Media, and as said perceived, and from speak and of Media Personas, Media Profiles, and if not Media Personalities too. That in saying that Kenya, has in all even attempted to make many a said inroad, and in such said Media, and as said to speak too now and of the said names of Lupita Nying'o, and if not that of Victor Wanyama too, it is believed that, such said Media, does not actually truly help Kenya, and in its said attempts to Develop, and in said comparison, and to that which too does truly talk, and of the Local Hero in 'himself' that is. That in attempting to put the Local Hero, and in a said too proper perspective that is, is to now too say that, this Blog does in all even associate, speak of Professional Conduct, and with speak truly, and of the United States of America only, and not Europe either too, and with the said States too, and of Florida, California, and if not of New York State in itself too that is [and something which will be furtherly expounded, and as we continue, to log in, and blog on].

Finally though, this Blog Pro 'Nairo', can too be said even, to speak too and of the Blog Counter 'Nairo' (Link), and in now too saying that, while Counter 'Nairo', does in all even attempt to define, a said even, true to itself, African and Kenyan Identity in all, this Blog, is more or less said in tandem, and with what does actually go on around the World, and in said speak too now, and of what Status, is in all even said to be. That the very question and of Status, and in Kenya, does not only speak and of the said history and of Land-grabbing, and in Kenya too, but does now too, speak, and of the rest of the World, and as said even encroaching and on Kenya, and in the attempt now, to truly define Kenya, and in speak of Status, and if not in speak too now, and of what Neo-Colonialism, is truly said to be all about. That there was a time in Kenya, when speak of Status, did in all even speak, and of the very term of Uhuru in itself, and in now too saying that, one of the very goals of this Blog, is to in all even detail what Uhuru, is said truly all about, but in all again, the said belief here that, Status, does too speak and of a said even Social Status, and if not of what Social Access, can too be said all about, for it all too, does now speak and of what too Social Media is said to be, and as said even defining one, and in Status, and in a said even American manner in all that is.