Sunday 10 July 2016



In said retrospect, and to speak, and of the said Habari News broadcasts, and that did too speak and of the VOK (Voice of Kenya), and under the said Moi Regime too, is to now speak and of it all too said even to refer, and to a said interesting manner in all, and of viewing Kenya, and that would too probably, have made, and for all the difference. This said, and in said regard too, and to speak and of said Identity in Kenya, and as said even viewed, or said constructed too, and from talk, and of what in all, Ethnocentrism, is in all even said to be.

In saying that, Ethnocentrism in Kenya, is too now simply said Swahili, is to not only refer, and to talk and of Kiswahili, and as simply said too Lingua Franca, and in Kenya, and into Africa too that is, but that in all again, Ethnocentrism, is said even now, said to speak that is, and of the very said term of Hadithi, Swahili, and which can too be simply in all even, be said interpreted, and as said to refer, and to what an Account is in all said to be that is. That Hadithi, does too now speak, and of said even, Swahili, perceptions, and of life in itself, and as probably said even now to speak, and of the said interaction here, and between, person, and said object too that is. That Swahili Ethnocentrism, which too is said to speak, and of a said even Swahili style for instance, is too said based, and on what Hadithi is in all even said to be, and as said even now to in all, present, a said interesting view, and that does too associate, problem solving, and with talk and of what is said cause, and if not of what too, is said live object that is.

In having said the above though, is to now claim that, Ethnocentrism, and in Kenya, and as said too Swahili, is too believed, to be said even a part, and of what does too pass for Ethnic, and said even, Political, tensions, and in Kenya too that is, and if not into Somalia too probably, is to now too, say it all even said talk, and of what too is said to refer, and to said even Post-Colonial Politics, and in Kenya, and that do too talk of said Wealth Redistribution programs that is, but that in all again, in making all this simply discerned, and as said even an everyday affair that is, is to now too say it all said talk, and of what too is said a live object, and as mentioned in the previous paragraph that is, and as simply too said now, to speak, and of what is too said culprit that is.

In saying that, Kenya, could very well be said to in all even re-design itself that is, and in said regard and to all this, what is said Ethnocentrism that is, is to now probably associate it all, and with talk too, and of the very term of Habari, Swahili, and if not of what is too said Njema that is. That Kenyan culture, said too Post-Independence, is too believed said to develop, and in said speak now and of what is said Habari, and if not in said speak too, and of Mass Communications in Kenya, and as said even now, to speak, and of what is said Perspective, and in Kenyan culture too that is. That Perspective, and in said regard and to what too is said Habari, can too be said even, to have it all said even to speak, and of it said Aerial that is, or of what too is said an Aerial Perspective truly, and if not of that Perspective, said even now, simply said, Projected that is. That Habari, can too simply be said perceived and from talk and of such said Perspective, both Aerial, and that too simply said Projected, but in now acquainting it all, and to what is said Ethnocentrism in Kenya, or of a said new Ethnocentrism in Kenya too, is to now too, talk, and of what is said, and in perception too that is, what is said that is, to speak and of the Locale, Location, and if not in said talk too now, and of what is said to speak and of the Local, and of the Local Hero too, and if not of the National, and of the National Hero too that is.

In claiming that, Hadithi, did too talk, and of what is said even, Bahati that is, a said Swahili term too, and that does too denote, what is said luck that is, is to now attempt and to in all even ground, said Kenyan Identity, and in talk, and of what is said Impression/Imprint that is, and as said even to refer, and to what too is said Habari that is, and in said speak too now, and of said even root causes that is, but that in all again, and in the said attempt here, to ground it all, talk of Habari that is, and in a said Physical Reality too that is, is too speak too now, and of what is said Commonplace, and of Nairobi too, and if not of what is said too Distant, and in said regard, and to what too, is said to pass, and for speak, and of said 'Kenyan Time' that is.