Tuesday 5 July 2016

"On the passing of Judgment"

"On the passing of Judgment".

When we do in all, refer, and to talk, and of the said, passing of Judgment that is, we can too now, be said even, to perceive it all, and as said too Point, Line and Length that is. That it all too, could be said even, to refer, and to speak and of Reality, and as said too Model, Drawing, or Picture that is.

That in speak now, and of what is said Point, and if not of what is too said Model that is, speak of Reality in itself, said now even perceived, and as said too, Contact that is, and if not as said Contact in itself, and in now too claiming that, what is believed said to lay, and on the other said side of Contact, said even base, and in said emotion too, and if not as said Sexual too that is, is nothing else, than speak, and of Imagination in itself [and of Africa, and as said too perceived as such that is].

Than in speak now, and of what is said Line, and if not of what too is said Drawing, and in said regard and to speak and of Reality, perhaps now, perceptions made, and of what is said Chaos, and of what is said Order, and of the said even, thin Line between them both, and if not of what it does too mean to be said Human, and as said now to speak of God, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of Harm in itself that is.

That in speak now, and of what is said Length, and if not of what is said too Picture, is to now associate Reality in itself, and with talk too and of Reference, and as said even perceived as follows: Reference := Inference, Deference, Conference

In speak though, and "on the passing of Judgment" in itself, we can too be said to perceive the Human, and as said too, Faculty, Brains, and if not of Speech too that is, but in saying that, the Human and as said evenperceived as such, does too refer, and to talk and of what Authority in itself, is said even to be, is to now associate speak and of the passing of Judgment in itself, and with talk too of Fact in itself, and if not of the said ability in all, to in all even Pinpoint, such said Fact that is.
