Thursday 27 October 2016

on Defeatism

on Defeatism.

When we do in all talk, and on what Defeatism is in all even said to be, we can too be said even to refer, and to our said definitions in all, and of what enthusiasm, zeal or zest too, are in all even said to be that is. That Defeatism, is too said even to speak, and of the said even Kenyan Political Situation, of what is said Key, and in said regard and to speak and of Development in Kenya, and if not of Kenya too, and as said even in Collapse, Decay etc, or as simply said even now, a said too Failed State that is.

That in betterly understanding, what Defeatism, is in all even said to be, now is to refer, and to ones said even, conceptions, and of the Body, Physical, Human, and as said even to speak, and of the Body, and as said too Psychic, the Body and as said too spirit, and if not of the Body and as said too Human that is. That the last of these, is said even readily recognized and to most, the Body and as said Human that is, and as said even now to speak and of the Human Being, but of the first or second of these, they now said even to speak of Civilization and as said even Egyptian, but of the Body and as said spirit, speak now and of the said even, rise, and of Christianity that is, and as said too Religion, and in a said too Ancient Egypt that is.

In saying that, Defeatism, can too be said even envisioned, and in talk and of what some have termed the Human Condition, now is to in all even refer, and to what is said too, Discipline, and if not of what too is said even Habit that is. 

In now saying that, we do too live and in a said too, World that is, dominated in all, and by talk too, and of the Disciplinarian, and if not of the Authoritarian too, now is to simply in all, tie such said beliefs, and to talk too, and of Slavery, and of Colonialism, and in Africa's said recent past too that is. That there must be said to exist, more said even interesting manners in all, and of perceiving, or defining, the Body, and away from talk too and of the Disciplinarian that is, or of the Authoritarian too, and in now asking and of the very manner in all, most in Kenya, East Africa, or Africa too, would in all even perceive, the Body, and as said even naturally Intelligent that is, and if not as said too inherently as such that is. That it all too, does come down probably, and to speak, and of what is said even to underlie, talk of culture, and in Kenya, East Africa or Africa too, and as said even now to speak and of what is said too Ritual, Ceremony, Celebration, Pain, Purpose, Work, Treatment, Sickness, Property etcetc., and in now associating it all, such said talk, and with probable talk too, and of the Body, and as said even merely or simply perceived, and from talk and of only one said word or term that is: it too said now, said being, Reflection that is.

In having said all the above, now is to approach talk and of what is said Defeatism, and from talk too now, and of the said even Deconstruction and of Time in itself that is. That Time, and as said even perceived now and as said too Kenyan or even African too that is, now is said even perceived, and as said too Deconstructed that is, and with it now even truly said in all, to in all even define in all, existence that is, and from talk only that is, and of what is said too, the Current in itself that is.