Friday 21 October 2016

the Village Republic

the African Village Republic.

The said previous entry, did in all even attempt to in all map out, Kenya that is, and if not Nairobi too, and from a best said here, Regional perspective that is. This entry, will on the otherhand, attempt to in all map out, what does in all even pass for, Kenyan Rural existences that is, and from a said too here, Historical perspective that is. Perspective too, and that will attempt to in all even define Kenyan Rural existences, and from said talk too, and of what is said a Village Republic that is, and that would too hint, and at what a said even here, Kenyan Nationalism, is believed said even all about that is.

That this said Historical perspective, does too now, associate the Swahili lands, and with talk of Orientalism, and if not of the said too, Fort Jesus structure and in or on Mombasa Island too that is, but that in talk of East Africa, talk too now and of what is said Biblism, but that in talk of the said region of Rwanda, Burundi and if not of Western Uganda too, talk too now and what can too be said even African Mysticism, and as said even to refer, and to speak too of the said even Rainforests of Burundi, Western Uganda and if not of Rwanda too, and of what does too pass for the said even Spirituality of Rainforests too, and if not if in said farther speak too here, and of African History, and as said even perceived, and from speak of Myth, and that does too speak of 'the Mountains of the Moon' for instance, but that in speak too now and of Eastern Africa, speak and of what is said even Communism, and if not of what is said too Family that is, but that in all again, in speak now of Kenya, it too now simply said even, to speak of Socialism that is.

In having said the above, now is to refer, and from a said even farther perspective, and of what a Backdrop is said to be, and to what is said even the Village Republic, and of a said even desirable 'Kenyan Way of life' too that is, now is to refer, and to what is believed said even to speak, and of a said even Kenyan Nationalism, and that would too now be said even, best defined in all, or said even best perceived in all, and from talk, and of what is said Contract that is, and not Mandate truly either.