Saturday 29 October 2016

Politics Africa

Politics Africa.

When we do here, talk, and of what is said Politics Africa, now is to say it all even, said even a banner that is, and that would too talk and of what are said Politics in Africa, and as said too African that is, and as said even now to speak, and of what is said Necessity, Need and if not of said Essentials too that is, and in said regard, and to what is said even, to speak, and of Neglect in itself that is.

That many out there, can too now be said even, to in all even perceive their said realities, and from speak and of just who in all, God is said to be, and as said even now, to speak, and of Man, and as said even defining himself, and in Experience truly, and in said regard too, and to what is said Religion that is. That in the attempt to make all this said, said even elaborate that is, speak too now, and of what is said even Heaven or Hell, and of Man too, and as said even defining himself in all, and in speak too of Belief, and if not of what is said even History that is. That it all and again, does too speak and of what are said even politicized entities, said even spiritual, political or religious too, and of Man too, and as said even defining himself in all, and in said talk and of what is said the Attempt, and if not of what is said even Culture in itself too that is.

In saying that, the above does in all even now, refer, and to what are said Politics, or of what Politics are said to be, now is to in all even attempt, to present talk, and of any said reality, or realities too, and from talk too, and of what is said even, a Collective Memory that is, said too Kenyan, and that would too now, be said even, to refer, and to what is said Localized, and not of what is said Location, or of Locality truly either. The Localized, and if not of Locality too, and as said even now to speak, and of what is said even general, average or typical too, and as said now to fartherly refer, and to speak and of what are said even Politics, and that do in all even define in all, the very said Existences that is, and of Man, and as said too now, to speak, and of what is said even, Politics Africa that is.