Thursday 20 April 2017


of Sporadicity.

//the Orutu//

When we do and in all speak, and of what is believed said Sporadic, we too can be said to in all even refer, and to Time and as said Periodic, of Time too and as said Intermittent, but if not of it all as said too perceived in all, and as said in Concomitance that is. Perhaps a said even difficult manner in all, and of perceiving Time in itself, and as said Sporadic, but in too saying that, what is said Sporadic, is too believed said perceived in all, and from talk and of what is said Accompaniment in itself that is, we can too now associate talk of the Sporadic, and with said even speak, and of said even African Traditional Music that is, and as said to in all even now refer, and to speak of said African Stringed Instruments, of the said even Musical Bow, and if not of said Human Voices too, and all as said in said harmony too, and as said perceived too from talk, and of their been said even stringed that is, and in said regard and to speak, and of what is said Acapella for instance. 

\\of Sporadicity, of Time in itself, of Time Scale(s), the Great Rift Valley\\

In saying that, what is said Sporadic, and in said regard to what is said Sporadicity in itself, is too said even to in all refer, and to what too a Time Standard, can in all even be said to be, and if not of said even Geographical Mappings too, and that would too speak and of what is said to speak and of a said even Compass that is, now is to and in all even claim that, what is said Sporadic, does too speak and of the said even Ground we do in all stand on, the said even Outlooks we do in all too have to us, and if not of what is said Belief in itself too, and in too saying that, a said even manner in all, and of discerning what is said Location in itself that is, does too speak, and of what is said even to speak of Nature that is, and in said regard now and to speak and of the said even Animals or Creatures that is, and as said too now referencing talk of Egypt that is, of the said Birds of the Skies, and of Greece too, of said even Insects, said too Scorpion for instance, and of Italy too, but in said regard to speak of Africa, speak now and of the said even Lakes and Rivers, and of Africa, and whose said Activity in all, is too often said believed Sporadic that is, and in the said attempt here to in all claim that, that in said regard to talk and of Time in itself that is, all there is believed said to be, is nothing more, than what is said Sporadic, and if not of said Sporadicity in itself too that is.