Friday 21 April 2017


of T.M.G.K.

The above said Initials that is, and to the said even header and of this entry, can too be said to in all even spell out, the said following: The Minister in the Government of Kenya. Mr. Minister, may I in all be said obliged, and in my said addressing you, and on many a said too matter and of said regard that is, and in my too saying it all, to in all even refer, and to the very said term, and of Concordance that is, said too American Mr. Minister. That Mr. Minister, it too could be said that, in talk and of a World today, and as often said perceived too in all, and from talk and of what is said Crisis, or of what is said Conflict too, it too can be said that, many don't and in all, have any said good explanation that is, and for anything, and away from talk, and of what too could be in all be said to speak, and of what is said Obligatory that is.

That in said regard Mr. Minister, and to that said term of Concordance, often said too American, we do now and in all even, come across, a said even picture that is, and of the very said problems, or said too troubles that is Mr. Minister, and that do in all even plague Kenya that is, and in my too saying that, that very said term of Concordance, could too be said equated, and to speak and of what is said too encompassing, eternal, everlasting, perpetual etc., and in my too saying that, many a said even society or region too, and in the said even Developed World that is, and that does too speak or refer, and to the said even Northern Hemisphere and of the World that is, is too simply said to in all even possess to it all, a said even Philosophy or as said Psychology too, and of what is said Concordance that is, and in said regard and to what is too said Development for instance. That Africa, and if not of Kenya too, is too simply said to lag as such, in its said perceptions and of what is said Concordance that is, and other than in said talk, of the very manner in all, what is said Series, or of said Sequence too, and if not of what is said Repetition in itself too, is too and in all too said perceived, and as said African too that is.

In having said the above Mr. Minister, now is the said too attempt here, and on my said part too, and in putting forward a said here, View that is, and of the World today, and as said even perceived from talk, and of what is said Power, and of the said even Politics of Power, and if not as said simply put, and in said speak, and of those who too are simply said perceived, and as said Powerful too that is. That in the said even understanding  and of what is said Power and as such, perhaps now, a said even centering and of the World, and to a said even older Standard that is, and in the said even reverting to such a said standard, and that would too speak and of the name of Egypt, and in said History too that is. That in speak and of Power and as said perceived as such, and as said even centered and in talk of the said History of Egypt that is, and not that of the United States of America truly either, we too could be said to approach it all, and from talk and of the very said term of Joined, and not Joint either, and in too saying that, in talk and of Power and as said too Aesthetic for instance, what is said Adjoined, does too speak and of Egypt, and of India too, what is said Enjoined, does too speak, and of Egypt, and of Italy too, but of what is said Conjoined, is said now to speak, and of Egypt, and of the said name too and of America that is. That such said joinder Mr. Minister it can too be said here, does too and in all even expose to one, the said even nature, and of what is said Power in itself, and if not of said Authority too, and of the said even multiple meanings, and of the very said term and of Resolve too that is, and as said too perceived American that is, and in too saying Mr. Minister, that what is said Joined, and in said regard to all the above just said that is, does too now speak, and of the said even names of Kenya, East Africa, the Swahili Coast too, and if not of the said even Great Lakes Region and of Africa too, and of Central Africa and as simply said the Congo too, but with what is said Joined truly, now said even to speak, and of many a said too African City, and in the above said forementioned that is, and which would too and in all include, talk, and of the said even City and of Kinshasa too that is.

In too saying that, the problems that do in all even it can be said, continue to in all too plague Kenya that is, do too speak and of what is said 'the Law', it too then can be said to speak, or as said even Interpreted, and from talk, and of the very said term and of Consistency too that is. That in speak of 'the Law', and if not of what is said Consistency too, Mr. Minister, we too can be said to in all even refer, and to the very said manner in all, we do and in all too perceive, what is too said Domination that is, and if not of said Subjugation too, and all as said even Struggle too that is, and in my too now claiming that, the very said problems and that Kenya, East Africa or Africa in itself too, do in all too face today, can too be said even perceived in all, and from talk and of the very said terms and of Signal, and if not of that said Current too Mr. Minister. That in talk and of what is said Signal Mr. Minister, perhaps now is to refer, and to Signal, and as said even A/V, or as said Audio/Video too, believed said even having its said origins and in speak too and of the name of the United States that is, but with it said a Signal, now said to in all even have one perceive Consistency, and from talk, and of what is said Sampling, and if not of what is said Amplification in itself, of said Filteration too, and if not of what is said Codification too that is. In speak though, and of what is said Current, perhaps a said even now introduction, and to the said even Computer Technology, and of what is said Pipelining [Link] that is, and in said Computer Architecture & Design too that is. That it is in speak, and of what is said Consistency, and if not as said applied to speak and of what is said 'the Law' in itself, and in said regard and to what is too said Signal, or as said Current too, and whereby we do in all even come across, what is believed said Unlawful and in Kenya today too for instance, but if not in said regard too, and to speak and of 'the Law', and as said too now simply or merely perceived that is, and away and from talk, and of what is said Indigenous too for instance.

In saying that, Kenya's, or said even East Africa's problems, are believed said much more deep-seated, and than most would say them to be, now is to and in all even claim that, they are said too problems in all, and that are too best said even perceived in all, and from what is said Context, and not from speak truly either, and of what is said Perspective, View, or of said even Look too that is. That in talk and of what is said Look, and if not of what is said Context too, we can too now and in all even, be said to speak and of what is said Regard that is, and if not of the said even Disregard too that is, of the said too Misregard that is, for we too can be said to speak, and of what are said 'things' that is, and of the said even 'Nature of things' too that is, and of what is said too Context that is, but with it all said even now politicized that is, and in talk and of the said 'Look of things', and of Nigeria today too it can be said, the said even 'State of things', and of the said United States of America today too that is, and if not of the said even 'Memory of things', and which would too speak and of the said even Kingdom of Saudi Arabia too that is. In the said attempt to in all too, shine or be said even, to shed, a said even bigger light, and on what has just been said, and on the said too 'Nature of things' that is, and if not of what is said Context, we too can be said to in all even perceive it all, and from the said even Politics of Aesthetic, and that do in all too dominate talk, and of Media today too that is, as said too Advertising for instance, and that does too ask and of the said even basis, and for Kenya, and of its said even been largely Developing that is, or of said too Large-scale Development too for instance, and in said regard now, and to the said even attempt to in all too put Kenya's said History that is, and in said Context too and that does too speak and of Development and in Kenya today, and that would too probably ground it all, and in talk and of what is said Ukambani that is, and in said even former Taita Taveta Province too that is, and as said too for instance, a progenitor, and to what some do too term Kikuyuland that is, and in Kenya today too that is. In many a way, talk and of Kenya's said Development, said too stalled, and by talk and of the said even Politics and of GEMA that is, but what we are trying to say here is that Mr. Minister, Kenya's said Development, said too Modern and if not as said Post-Independence too, is too said even believed to arise, and with talk and of the said even Politics and of Ukambani that is, and in said myth or lore, when it too could be said that, Kenya, would in all too be said, to have probably suffered a much better said fate that is, and had it in all too invested, said even lots of Time, and in the said even study and of what is said Cultural Anthropology for instance, and that would too and in all even base Development and in Kenya, and from talk too and of a said even Swahili Anthropology that is, and if not in speak and of a said Anthropology and of a said too here Indian Ocean Civilization that is, and that would too refer and to that Identity said Sabean and in Oman today too, and if not in said regard and to speak, and of the said city or site that is, and of Kilwa, and on the said Swahili Coast today too that is.

In too now approximating, and to said talk, and of your very said Role and in Kenya today Honourable Mr. Minister, we too can be said to in all even refer, and to talk and of what is said Circumstance, and if not of what is said Appeasement too that is. That in too saying that, Kenya today can too and in all even, be said perceived, and from talk and of the said even Public, and of the said Private Sector too, now is to and in all even refer, and to speak and of your said even hands, and as said tied, or of the said even phrase of 'hands tied' too that is, and in too claiming that, the very said problems you do in all even encounter Mr. Minister, could too be said to speak, and of what is said Classification, and if not of a said too Classification System in itself that is. In many a way, such said views in all, and of what is said Classification in Kenya, and of Kenya's, and if not of Africa's said problems too, as said perceived as such, it all too could be said even, rooted, and in said speak, and of just who in all, or of what too is said, truly Individual, and in said nature too that is. That it all too would be said to in all even cut down, and to the said even 'nature and of the Individual' that is, and in the said even solving of Kenya's or Africa's said many problems too that is, and in too claiming that, what was said above and as said to refer, and to what is said Concordance that is, and of the said too encompassing for instance, can too now be said to in all even translate, and to talk and of what is said Disconcordance, and if not of said Misconcordance too that is. Both said too believed big words in their own right, probably said hard to understand, said too American in their ways that is, but in the said here attempt to in all too indirectly interpret it all that is, we too can be said to speak and of what is Disconcordance, and with talk too and of what is said High-Grade that is, and in Kenya today too, but of what is said Misconcordance Mr. Minister, speak now, and of the very said best of manners in all, and in presenting Kenya today, and as said too Developing, and in said Opinion, Fact or Matter too that is, and that would too speak, and of a said even Scholarly Authority, and that would too refer and to speak, and of Kenya today, and as said too perceived in all and from talk, and of what is said American Identity, and if not of said too Indian Presences that is.

In reverting though Mr. Minister, and to talk and of what is said Circumstance, and of said Appeasement too, we too can and in all even say it all, a much larger problem, and than it would in all be said believed to be, for it all too can be said to not only cut down and to what is said Individual that is, but in speak and of the said even Government Minister that is, as said even truly honoured, and as said too African that is, we too can now be said to in all even refer, and to the very belief that, those said Ministers, and in said African Governments too, and that do in all even have a said approach and to just about anything said that is, and from speak and of what is said Classification, and as said something too, and which when is said studied, Classification that is, and to a said even Individual level for instance, will in all even introduce one, and to what is said the Unconscious that is, and as said too Psychology, and if not as said African too that is. That in too saying that, the said Unconscious, of its said even study, can too be said approached and from talk and of what is said Circumstance, and if not of said Appeasement too, we too can then probably hint at, and at the said Unconscious and as said three things that is, and in said regard to what is said Circumstance, of said Appeasement too, and of what is said Individual in itself too that is, and with the first of these said Unconscious, said too Egyptian, but if not as said African too, the second and as said Kenyan, and if not as said to speak of Wildlife, Plantlife and if not of what is said Nature in itself too, but with the third said even now Swahili, of the said Indian Ocean too, and if not of the said even tale of Sinbad too for instance.

In however too claiming that, what is said Unconscious, does too speak, and of what is said Classification, and as said too Conscience in itself for instance, the very said question and of what is said Individual, and as said to in all even approach talk, and of the said Unconscious in itself too, we too can be said to in all even refer, and to what is said Agency in itself, and of said too here Human Agency that is, of a said too Language Agency that is, and if not of a said too Diplomatic Agency that is. In probably claiming that, Kenya or of said Africa too, and as said even perceived and from talk and of what is said Human Agency, would too be said to in all even speak, and of said even Pathogens that is, said too Microbiology, and in said regard to speak and of what is said Individual too that is, and if not of it all as merely said or put as such that is, and as said too American expression for instance. In said regard though and to what is said Diplomatic Agency, perhaps now, the very question and of what is said National Pride that is, and in Kenya today too, and if not as said to lead, and to the very question and of what is said Africanness that is Mr. Minister, and if not in said regard to speak, and to speak and of what is said Authentic, of the said Genuine too, and if not of it all as said too Certification for instance, and in said regard now, and to speak and of what does too pass for speak and of Apathy in itself, and in Kenya today, and in said regard now to speak, and of a said even Kenyan Psychology that is, and that does too speak and of what is said Dissatisfaction for instance, and in said now regard and to speak and of life in itself, and if not of Development and in Kenya today too that is, and as said too perceived from talk, and of the said even Stages of Development that is, and if not of a said too World Stage for instance.

In concluding and on all this said though, now is to and in all even finish up, and by in all again, speaking and of what is said to speak, and of a said Language Agency that is, and of the probable said even Politics of English that is, and that did in all even dominate talk and of a said too post-Colonial Africa that is, and as said too Liberated for instance, and in the said 70's too that is, we too can be said to in all even refer, and to the said even Politics of Nigeria that is, and of Nigeria and as said a Giant and in Africa today too that is, and in too saying that, the said even Politics of Identity in Nigeria today, do in all even speak and of a said Artistic Integrity that is, and that does too refer and to speak, and of Rap Music and in said Expression too, of a said too Rap Expression [See here - Link] that is, but in talk and of the said Politics of Language and in Nigeria today, talk too and of what are said Angloisms in Nigeria, of the said even famed phrase that is, said too English, and of 'A fool and his money, ___________' that is, and if not of Nigeria and as said too Indigenous, and of the said even search too that is, and for a said too African Standard in itself that is, and as probably said too as ECOWAS for instance. In many a way, what too can be said Mr. Minister is that, and of Kenya, and if not Africa and in said regard and to speak and of Nigeria today too, what is believed said to speak, and of Political life in Africa today, and from the said even perspective and of what is said Agency in itself, has in all even come to be said complicated, and if not in said regard to what is said Alignment in itself too, and by talk and of Politics and as probably best said American that is, and not International truly either, and in said regard and to speak and of a World today, and of what is said Agency too, Human, said even now perceived in all, the World that is, as said too designed in all, and from talk, and of that said even American term that is, and of what is said Patent too that is.

Thank You Mr. Minister.
