Saturday 15 April 2017

T. P. K

T. P. K.

The above said Initials, can in all be said to in all too spell out, the Politician in Kenya, and if not as said to speak truly, and of the said even Kenyan Politician in 'himself' that is. Mr. Politician, may I be allowed to address you, and along the said lines, and if not of your been said too, in the very same league that is, and that would too speak and of the said African Diplomat, and if not of what is too said to speak, and of a said African Diplomacy in itself that is. That this said address, does too hint at, your been said a Politician, and if not of my asking of you, to in all too simply lend me your said Ear, and in my said attenmpt to in all too, speak and of just who in all is said a Mzalendo that is, and if not of the said even Wazalendo too, and if not of what too is said Philosophism that is. That it can be said Mr. Politician, and along the said lines and of what is said Philosophism, that the very first of said Politicians, are too said even believed Canadian that is, but in my having said that, the very question in all, and of just who in all is said a Mzalendo, does too now and in all even approach talk, and of what too is said Scripture in itself, and if not of what is said to Exist, what it does mean to be said Human too, and if not of what is said to speak and of the said Unexplainable too that is. That in the said attempt to in all truly speak on, and if not detail, the very said term and of Mzalendo, as said too Kiswahili that is, we too can be said to in all even now perceive one, or of the said other, and from talk too, and of what are said Voices, Faces and if not of said Eyes too that is. That in talk of Voices and of just who in all, the Mzalendo is in all said to be, we too would be said to in all even indulge, and in talk, and of what is said Democracy for instance, of said Civics too, of said Regulation too that is, and in too saying that, in talk and of what are said Faces, we too could be said to in all even refer, and to what is said Political, and of what is said Country, Region, Entity, Polity etc. too, and if not of it all as said perceived from talk, and of what are said Politics, and of what is said Citizen, Birthright, Person etc., but if not of it all and as said  too now, to in all even lead, and to talk and of what are said Eyes that is, and of the said Mzalendo too, and as said too perceived in all, and from the said even previous, and of what was too said to speak of Faces, and of the Mzalendo too, but as said now to in all even refer, and to what is said History, and not of the Political either, and if not of the said even Humanities too that is, and not of what is said Politics truly either that is.

In having attempted to in all pose, the said even difficult question, and of the very best of said manners in all, and in perceiving who is said Mzalendo, and from talk and of what is said Voice, Face and of said Eyes too, and in said regard, and to my said too having asked, and of your said too lending Mr. Politician, and of your said Ear that is, and in said regard to all this said, we too can be said to in all even approach talk, and of what some would too term, the Human Question that is, and if not of what is too said to speak, and of what is said Human Agency in itself that is.

That in said regard Mr. Politician, and to what is said the Human Question, and of just why in all, Humans are said to be, and in said address too, and if not of why Humans do in all even exist, we too can be said to in all even pose the very question, and of just who in all is said Human, and and of the very said too best of manners in all, and in the said too perceiving, and of what is said Human, and in too saying that, the Human, and as fully said African too, can too be said even explained for, and in speak of the said following:

of the Human, and as said perceived from talk, and of what is said Sleep, of what is said Walking that is, and if not of what is said Eating too that is.
of the Human, and of what is said Defecation, what is Chewing that is, and if not of what is said Cleaning or Washing too that is.
of the Human, and of what is said Laughter, of what is said too Crying that is, and if not of what is said too Shouting that is.

That the above just said Mr. Politician, and of the Human, can too be said to in all even speak, or answer for, and for the said even Human Question that is, and of why too the Human, is in all even said to exist, and in too saying that, in said regard and to what is said Research & Development that is, the above said even posed questions, could too be said to in all even lead one, and to the said even Fields or Disciplines that is, and of Research, and that would too and in all pertain, and to speak, and of what is said Bio-Mechanics for instance, of said too Bio-Medicine that is, and if not of what is said to in all even refer, and to speak and of what is said Bio-Feedback in itself that is.

In having said the above Mr Politician, and of what is said the Human Question, and of what is said to speak of the Human, we too can in all even associate it all, and with talk, and of said even Shifts in Consciousness that is, and from said even ends that is, and of a said end to another too, of the doubled ended too that is, but with what is said to speak and of the end, said even now to refer, and to the said even question that is, said too metaphysical, and of what is said Existential that is, and in now too approaching it all, or approximating it all too, and to talk and of what is said Human Agency in itself, and if not as said too and in all perceived, and from talk now, and of what can be said the Human element, and in said regard and to our said even Existence, or of the said existence and of the Human too, and of what is too said Taboo, Crime, Violence, Custom etc. That what is said Human Agency Mr. Politician, can too be said even perceived in all, and from a said Abstract level, a said even Higher plane, a said even Greater dimension too that is, and if not of what is said to speak, and of the said even Human mind, of the said too Human spirit, and if not of the said too Human body that is, and with it all as said respectively too that is.

In finalizing and on all this said Mr. Politician, now is to and in all even revert, and to the said even original question and on this entry, and of just who in all is said Mzalendo that is, or of the said too Wazalendo that is, and in my said too now believing it all, to speak and of what is said Conviction in itself that is, of the said even Firmest of Beliefs too that is, and if not of said even societies today, and as said too defined in all, and by said talk too and of Labeling, Naming, Designations etc., and if not and of what is too said even to speak, and of what is said the Message, the Truth, the Law, the Way etc., and in my now simply saying that, talk of the Mzalendo, could too be said even to speak, and of who is said truly Kenyan, and as probably said a Communicator too, for that is who in all the Mzalendo, and in said regard to speak and of the said Wazalendo too, is too and in many a way said even, believed said to be that is, a Communicator that is, and of said Kenyan Identity too, and as said too perceived in all as such, from talk and of said even Kenyan Communications that is, and if not of said Communications and in Kenya today too, but with it all said even to point at the said even Kenyan Communicator that is, and as said too a Mzalendo truly, but that in the said asking now, and of what is in all said been Communicated that is, we too could now be said impartial and to the all the above said Mr. Politician, and in too saying that, what is believed said Communicated, and by the said Mzalendo, and as said  truly a Communicator that is, is nothing more, than what is in all said the Question that is, and in said regard too, and to what is said Partiality that is, and of the very belief that, all there is to be Communicated that is, is nothing more or less said, and than what is believed said, or of what is believed said to speak, and of the said even Question in itself that is.

Thank You Mr. Politician
