Wednesday 10 August 2016

Matriculation Systems

of Matriculation Systems.

When we do in all talk, and of what are said Matriculation Systems, we too could be said even to refer, and to speak, and of a said too, Grading Mechanism that is, and that some fo too, do attach, and to speak, and of what is said Order in itself, and if not in said speak too now, and of what are said too, Educational Systems that is. That Matriculation Systems, can too be said even, the very basis, and of what some do too term, Civil Existences, or Civil Society in itself too that is.

That in understanding Matriculation Systems, and from talk, and of what is too said Civil, is to now too, attempt to in all even track, the said development and of Civilization, and in a said manner too in all, that those in Kenya, would in all even, truly comprehend that is. That most can too be said unaware, and of the World and as it is today, and as best said even perceived, and from talk and of Existence that is, and as probably best said to speak, and of Civilization in Italy, and of what too, is said even Draftmanship, and Penmanship too that is. That the former, Draftmanship, can too be said even, and to speak and of the City of London, and of the latter, Penmanship, and of the very name of France too that is. That before Civilization and as said termed Italy too, does arrive, the World, and in Existence, can too be said even defined in all, and along the said lines that is, and of what is said too Mask & Artefact that is. That in speak again, and of Matriculation Systems, is to now too, associate it all, and to talk and of its said Politics that is, and that can too be said even here, best associated, and with talk too, and of what is said to speak, and of Intellectual Capital that is. That Kenya, and as said even perceived and from such said talk, from talk of Matriculation Systems, Politics, and Intellectual Capital that is, now does see to it, facing in all, the very said problem or question, and of HIV, or of the said 'Politics of HIV' too that is, and which do too ask of one, what does in all even pass for that is, and for speak and of Embodiment in itself, and in life too, Kenyan that is, and if not of Kenya too, and as said even categorized, and in speak and of said HIV Carriers, and of said HIV Status too, and if not of it all even said to speak of Kenyan Communications that is, said redefined, and in said talk too now, and of what are said Brands, and if not of what is said Branding too that is.

That in said speak too, and of what Matriculation Systems are believed said all about, is to now too talk, and of the very said term of Condition, and as said too, truly defining, and of Identity, and as said too African, or Kenyan too that is. That Kenya, has in all even failed to truly define itself, and its said peoples too that is, and in said talk too, and of what is believed said Condition that is, for Condition in Kenya, does in all even appear to take interesting dimensions to it all, and in said talk too now, and of what is said Luxury, Quality, Energetic, Productive etc., and in now too saying that, most in Kenya, do in all even appear to in all even define Condition in itself that is, and in talk and of it all said Material, Emotional, and if not and of it all said to speak and of the Psychic that is.

That said attempts in all, and in addressing what has been mentioned and in the said previous paragraph above, do too appear to speak, and of Kenya, and as said even perceived, and from talk, and of Education, Law and Health Systems too that is. That talk of Education, Law and Health and as such, from talk and of what is said Condition, and in Kenya too, the said belief here, and of the said failure, to in all address many a said issue that is, and as said even pertaining, and to talk and of Living, Health, Physical, Psychological etc. Conditions that is, but that in all again, Health, Education and Law Systems in Kenya, do in all even appear, to in all even attempt, to in all redefine Kenya, and in said talk too, and of what is said Merit, Success, Image, Profile etc., and away too, and from speak and of said Ancestral Norms that is, and of Kenyan Identity too, and of the very said term too, Colonial, and of the Moron that is, and if not of Kenyan life, and of Kenyan Identity again, and as said even perceived truly, and from talk, and of what is said to speak, and of the Archetypal that is.