Tuesday 9 August 2016


of Point-Systems.

When we do here, talk, and of Point-Systems, we are too said, to be referring in all, and to a said even manner too, and of Marking something, and if not society too, and in said comparison, and to its said, Grading that is. That Point-Systems, can too be said even, said to speak, and of Law-Systems too that is, and if not of what too, are said even to pass, and for said 'Family Models of existence' that is.

That Point-Systems, and in their said too context, and of what is said too society in itself, said too Kenyan, can too now, be said even associated, and with talk, and of who is said a Consumer, and of Consumer Mentalities, of Consumer Markets too, and if not in said speak too now, and of Kenyan society, and as said even organized, and in talk too, and of the Mwananchi in 'himself' that is.

That in the said attempt here, and in truly or fully, understanding Point-Systems, is to now too, acquaint them all, and to talk too, and of what Procedure in itself, is said even all about, and as said even now to speak, and of Awareness in itself, and as said too, to speak, and of what too is said Intricate, and of what too is said Extricate that is.

In having said the above, and on what too are believed said Point-Systems in themselves, is to now too point out, what too, can be said to speak, and of said Kenyan Point-Systems in themselves that is, and in said Philosophy too.

  • That all there is to life, is said too, Response in itself
  • That all there is to existence, is said too, Ritual in itself
  • That Kenya and in Conscience, is said too African
  • That Kenya and in Practise, is said too Christianity
  • That East Africa, and in Conduct, is said too Actual
  • That East Africa, and in Ethic, is said too Being

  • That Point-Systems, can too be said even, to speak, and of Interfaces in themselves, and of society in Kenya, and said too now, perceived in Parts, and if not of what too is said Privacy that is, and if not as said perceived and in speak of Component, or Member too, and of what too is said Secrecy that is.