Tuesday 16 August 2016

State Relations

African State Relations.

This said entry, will in all even attempt, to in all too very much, tackle, what is believed said to speak, and of State Relations that is. The very belief here that, Kenya's failure, and in all attaining or achieving, any said set out to attain or achieve, Plans or Goals that is, and that could too be said even, to speak, and of what Democracy in itself, Modern, is in all even said to be, can too be said even, properly perceived, and from talk, and of Kenya's State Relations that is. That State Relations, can in all even be said perceived, and from talk and of said even 'Stable Models of Existence', and towards now, to talk, and of said even 'Relational Models of Existence' that is. That Relations in themselves, can too be said even perceived, and from talk too, and not only from what  is said Acceptance truly, but instead, from speak now, and of the said Search for Acceptance that is, and if not of what too, Refutal, or Rebbutal, are in all too said even to refer to that is.

In helping one, truly understand the above said better, is to now too approach, speak of Relations, or State Relations too, and from the said even difficult perspective, and of the said best manners in all, and of actually, perceiving, the Human, and as 'he' is in all, said to actually be. That unless one can get down to that is, the said even, quintessential nature, and of the Kenyan, or East African too, then what can too be said is that, any said Relations, or said even Human Relations, and as said to speak of Nationality and in Kenya to that is, are too now said even perceived, and as said poor too for instance, and if not and as said failed that is. That most in many a way, don't often truly comprehend, the said even, quintessential nature of the African, and in now truly pondering, and of just why the African, is perceived said different from the rest, and in his said ways, manners or norms too that is. That this all, could very well speak, and of the very said manner in all, the African, is said understanding, and of what is said comprehension, and if not acknowledgement too for instance, and in now too claiming that, the African, and in a said even genetic stance that is, he too said Egyptian, does too in all appear, to in all even understand his said environs, or said motives too for instance, and from speak, and of what is said Ceremonial that is.

That the Ceremonial, now does too speak, or in all even present, a said manner in all, and of perceiving just about anything said that is, and from talk too, and not only of Thankfulness, but in many a way too, what is said even, to refer, and to said too, "Ways of Knowing / Counting' that is. That the African, is believed said even, to truly understand just about anything, and from talk too of the Ceremonial in itself that is, and if not of what too, Relations, and if not of what is said Object, or Subject too, are in all even believed said to be, and in now claiming that, the African, does too for instance, choose, to relate, and to a said, or any said Object that is, and other than, choose to interact, and with the said Object in question that is.

In now too saying that, Relations, and as said perceived and from talk of the said Search for Acceptance, can too be said even Construct, and if not that said Social too, and in now associating such said even, Construct, and with it said even to refer, and to the very manner in all, Kenyans, do in all even perceive just whom or what too they are, and from said talk too of Political life, and that does too now, in all incorporate, the very said existences, Modern, and of Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa too that is. That it all too, can be said even to refer, and to what too, does pass for speak of Popular Religion, and in Kenya today too that is. In saying that, Human Relations, and as said to speak, and of State Relations, can too be said even perceived, and from talk of Refutal, or Rebbutal too, is to now throw in, the very said element of Denial, and as said even to speak of one, and in the said understanding of oneself too, and from speak too of Perception, Views, or Outlooks too that is. That in helping one understand what has just been said above, is to now speak and of said even Political underpinnings to it all, and that would too speak, and of Kenya today, and as said even perceived, and from talk too, and of what a Modern State, is in all even said to be.


1. Political Mandate - Egypt
2. Political Activism - Nigeria
3. Political Movements - South Africa
4. Political Action - East Africa


1. Egyptian - Pharaonic
2. Israelite - Prophetic
3. European - Scientific
4. Middle Eastern - Islamic


1. Arab - Scholarship
2. American - Writings
3. Chinese - Academic
4. Indian - Publishing

In having said all the above though, is to now too claim that, State Relations in themselves, and in the said World we do live in today, and in said speak too, and of what Foreign Policy is in all even said to be, is to now associate it all, and with talk too and of what is said Perspective, and if not of what is s id too Projected, or Distant that is, and in said regard and to speak of Human Relations, Kenyan, and in now too claiming that, Kenyan State Relations, can too be simply said even perceived, and from what too, is in all even said, Protracted that is.