Tuesday 23 August 2016

the Political Manifesto

the E. African Political Manifesto.

In saying that, Kenya, is in all even believed, to truly lack, a said even, proper Developmental Agenda to it all, is to now not only, associate Kenya, and with the said Politics of 'Katiba' that is, but that in all again, the very belief here that, Kenya, does in all even deal with many a said issue in all, and that does too speak, and of what is said Legacy that is. That in speak and of what is said Legacy, it all too can be said even, to speak and of what too is said genetic, and in now too saying that, speak and of Legacy here, does too now speak, and of the said even, Politics, and of both the Sudan, and of 'the' Angola too that is. In saying that, talk of the Sudan, and in said Legacy, does too now refer, and to talk too, and of what are said even Descriptors, and Definers too, is to now furtherly claim that, talk of Angola, and in Legacy, does in all even refer and to talk too of Africa, and in said regard and to what does too pass for a said Racial, Colour and Ethnic Consciousness too that is.

In helping one though, understand the said even Politics, and of what is said Legacy, and if not of what too, can be said to stand for or represent for, a said Political Manifesto, is to now too, speak and of the very said best of manners in all, and in actually perceiving the Human and in 'his' said self too that is, and as said even perceived now, and in talk, and of what is said too Reiteration, and in said mode too, and if not of what too does speak of Response, Repetition, Reaction, and if not of the Reactionary and in its said self too that is. That it can too be said that, when most in Kenya, are in all, simply asked, to in all even, talk of themselves that is, they do in all even revert it can be said, and to what too, is simply said to speak of Reiteration, and in said mode too that is.

That in saying that, Kenya, can too be said even perceived, and from talk too of East Africa, and in said even Context too, is to now too claim that, that what is said Legacy, and as said to speak of Kenya in itself, can too best be said even perceived, and from talk of the Sudan, while that Legacy, and would too be said even inclusive, and of East Africa, can too be said even to speak, and of 'the' Angola that is. That Kenya, and when perceived and from talk of the Sudan, now does see to it all, said even perceived that is, and from what are said Descriptors, and Definers too, but that in all again, Kenya and as said even perceived, and from talk of Angola, and in History, and if not of Angola and as said even Portuguese, and if not as said Colonial too, is to now speak here, and  of Angola it is believed said here, and as said even truly responsible, and for breeding, a said even Racial, Colour and Ethnic Consciousness, and into Africa, and via talk and of Mozambique too, and in said regard, and to what too does speak of the Image, and the Word, and if not of Africa, and in said Self-Image too that is.

That in speak, and of Africa, and in said speak too, and of what is said to speak of the Image/Word that is, and if not as said perceived, and from talk of Descriptors, and Definers too, is to now say it all even said to speak, and of Egyptian History in itself too, but that in all again, Africa, and as said even developing, a said to it, Racial, Colour, Ethnic, and if not Colonial Consciousness to it all, and one that does too speak and of the said history of Slavery in Africa, is to now too perceive it all, and from the said even lenses, and that do too speak and of Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, and if not of the Netherlands, and all and as respectively said that is.

In helping one, perceive Kenya, and from talk of the Sudan, and in said regard and to what a Political Manifesto is actually said to be, is to now and again, ask and of the very manner in all, Kenya today, does in all even perceive itself, and in talk and of its said Politics that is. That in talk of Politics, and in said regard and to talk of Kenya today too, it all too can be said even perceived, and as said to speak too of the United States of America, of Nigeria, and if not of Italy, and the Vatican too that is. That in speak and of the said Politics of the United States of America, and into Kenya, is to now not only talk and of the said here, Obama Presidency for instance, but that in all again, the said Politics of the United States of America, and on a said even Historical plane that is, do in all even talk and of the G8 in itself, and if not of what too is said Globalism, Internationalism, and of Communalism too that is. That in talk of the said even here, Politics of Nigeria, and in said regard to speak too of Kenya, is to now too, talk of the said Politics of the UN for instance, and if not of what too, does pass for, or serve for, Global, International, and World Leadership too that is. That in speak and of the said Politics of the Vatican, and if not of Rome too, and into Kenya, is to now speak, and of Kenya and as said even perceived, a said Independent, Free or Sovereign State that is.

In saying that, Kenya, can too be said even perceived, and as said even, to very much attempt to stand on its very own, and as said too perceived, Autonomous truly, and in its said ways or manners in all, and away too, from talk and of both the Sudan, and Angola too, is to now too perceive Kenya, and from talk, and of both Australia, and South Africa too that is. That it is Australia, and in its said Politics too, and that do too speak and of the World in itself, and as said even Western, and in said regard to what too, does speak and of the World Press in itself that is. That in speak of South Africa, and as said too as such, possessing Politics to it all that is, and that do too talk of the World in itself, or of the World-at-large too, is to now too talk of it all said even British, and of what too, does speak and of World History in itself too that is. In saying that, Kenya, has in all even gone through, a said too, tumultuous period, and in said regard to its said Development, and as it is today, and as said even truly Commercial that is, is to now associate it all, and with said Politics, and that most are often said unaware of, and that do too speak, and of what did too pass for talk of the said even Privatization, and of many of Kenya's said Assets, and that did too speak of the Kenyatta Regime, and of the Private Sector in Kenya, and of the Moi Regime too, and if not of the said even consolidating of Power in Kenya too that is, and under the Kibaki Regime too that is. That these said Politics, are too said even English, and do too talk of the English-speaking World that is, and as said even to refer, and to talk of the UK, the US, Canada, and if not of Australia too, and that it all too, can be said even to refer, and to talk, and of just who in all that is, Kenyans, are said to be, and as said even, English-speakers that is. That the said Politics of the English-speaking World, can too be said even to speak, and of what too is said, a World Congress that is.

In saying that, Kenya can too be said even, perceived, and in said Autonomity, and in said regard too, and to its said even place, and as said even a part of East Africa that is, is to now too refer and to talk of Kenya, and away, and from that Identity said Swahili, and in said regard too, and to what does too pass for, or serve for, talk of Cultural Politics in Kenya too that is. That it is the said Swahili world, and that is too said responsible, and for fomenting in all, a said even conscience, and that does too speak, and of Africa, and as said too perceived, and from talk, and of what is said Continental that is. That Africa, and as said Continental, and from said talk too of Descriptors, and Definers, is said too now perceived as such, and from talk and of many a said Island, of the coast of East Africa too, and as said even to speak of the Comoros, the Seychelles, Mauritius etc., and if not of the Caribbean too, and of the said even History and of Cuba too that is. In talk of Africa, and as said even Continental, and as said too perceived, and from Consciousness said even Racial, Colour, Ethnic, and if not Titular too, is to now too, presumptuously that is, talk of Spain, Brazil, India, and if not of the Sultanate of Oman too that is, and as all said too respectively that is. In having said all this, of Kenya, and if not of East Africa too, and as said even truly perceiving itself, and away from talk and of what is said Continental, and in said regard to Africa, is to now too claim that, Development and in Kenya, and as said even to speak and of the Political Manifesto, can too be said even to speak and of Kenya, and if not of East Africa too, and as said even now perceived truly, and from what is said a/the Project, and as said too, Small, Fun, and if not Educational too that is. That it all too, can be said even equated, and to talk and of the United States of America, and in said Enterprise too that is.

In now reverting though, and to speak and of what is said Legacy, and if not of Kenyans, and as said even perceived, and in speak and of what is said Reiteration, and as said even to speak and of one and of said Political Identity too, is to now talk and of such said Legacy, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of Angola in itself, and of what too does pass for a said Racial, Colour, Ethnic, and if not of a said National Consciousness too that is. That in speak and of such a said Racial Consciousness, speak of it all and as said now perceived, and from talk too and of South Africa, the Congo, Nigeria, and if not of what is said Swahili too that is, and of Mozambique too for instance. That in speak and of such a said Colour Consciousness, speak of Africa, and as said even perceived, White, Brown, Black, and Other too that is. That in speak and of such a said Ethnic Consciousness, speak and of what is said Family, Institution, Title, and if not of 'Name' too that is. In the attempt however, to make clarity of all this, is to now too claim that, what is said even Nationalism, and as said truly African, is too often believed said Angolan that is, and not Nigerian either, and that it is this said Nationalism, Angolan, and that is too believed said even responsible, and for usurping, other said even efforts that is, and by many a said even National Government in Africa, and from defining itself, and in talk and of a said true Nationality that is, and that does too speak of Africa, and as said even perceived, and from its said even respective Countries that is. In many a way, that Identity and that is too said even Sudanese, and which does too now not actually talk of the Sudan in itself, is too believed said even Angolan that is, and in said regard, and to what too is said Nationalism that is.