Friday 11 November 2016

African Modes

of African Modes.

When we do in all talk of, what are said too, African Modes, we are too now said, to in all even perceive talk of Africa, and if not of Kenyan History too, and from the said even eyes, and of the said even Arab Historian that is, and not in said speak, and of that said History, of Africa, said Colonial, or as said even to speak of Slavery and of Africa too that is. For the latter two said, of Slavery and of Colonialism in Africa, can best be said perceived, and from talk of History, and as said even now perceived, and form talk too of Figures, or of Event in itself that is, but that in speak of the Arab Historian, and of what are said African Modes, it all can too best be said to refer, and to talk and of what is said Activity in itself that is. 

In too saying that, this is the very manner in all, the Arab Historian, would in all too, be said to in all even record or document History in itself that is, in speak of what is said Activity, and if not of what is said Mode too, now is too in all associate it all, and with talk of the said even History of Slavery, often said too Swahili, and in East Africa too, said now too, grounded in all, and in talk of what is said Orientalism, and a History too, and that does too perceive, talk of the Swahili, and from talk of Activity, and if not of what is said Mode, and as said Behaviour too that is.

In talk too of, and of the said Numbering too that is, of Television Stations, Channels, and in said East Africa, Kenya today too that is, or if not and as said too that is, perceived, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Many, Numerous too that is, of Colonialism, the Colonial, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Framing too that is, of Framings, of Capturings, of Media, Film, of Content, Media, or if not and as said too that is, perceived, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said African Modes too that is, the Figurative, the Eventful, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Inactive too that is, of Inactivity, of Modes, African.

In now too asking of what is said Mode, now is to in all even, refer to it all, and in speak and of what is said in Deference, and in said regard to what is said African Behaviour too, and as said even now to refer, and to the very manner in all, those in Kenya, or East Africa too, do in all even perceive what is said Awareness, and in said speak of one, and as said even sensitized, or as said fetishized too that is. That hopefully, this is well understood, and in talk of what is said as of Deference, and in Kenya today too, it all said even to speak, and of the very said manner in all, one is said sensitized, or fetishized too, and in said regard and to speak too of what is said Media for instance, and of it all said now, defining one in all, and in said Mode that is, and if not in said Activity too that is. 

In saying that, what is said African Behaviour, can too be said even perceived, and from what is said in Reference, and of what is said too of Importance, or of Significance too, now is to in all even associate it all, and with talk of what one can term a said even 'Memory of things' that is, and as said even to talk of what is said Mode, and in the said instance or example too that is, and of referring and to an Elephant, and as said now Tembo, Kiswahili, a Lion and as said Simba, and if not of a Giraffe, and as said now Twiga too that is. 

In too saying that, what can be said to speak of Reference, and if not of what is said of Importance, or of Significance, and of the said even 'Memory of things', can too and in all, be said even now is to in all even refer, and to those said too, African Writers that is, now is to in all even refer, and to those said even, said African Historians that is, and of the said too failure and by Africans in all that is, and of their said even duly representing or presenting Africa, and from a said even authentic/genuine African Memory that is, and of said even African roots, origins, backgrounds etc. that is, and in now too associating talk of Africa and in Development or Evolution too, and with talk too, and of what is said Material, Substance, and if not of what is said Belief too that is. That in talk of what is said Material, and of Africa, talk too now, and of Animal life for instance, of Substance, talk too now of Plant life, but of Belief, speak too now, and of what is said too Artifact that is. That hopefully, all this is said understood, and from talk and of what is said Evolution, and of Africa and into the next Century, and not of Development truly either that is.

In all, the above just said, and on Materials, Substance, and of what is said Belief too, now too said even pointing to talk, and of Africa, and if not of Africans, and from talk too of, and of what is said to refer, and to speak too of, and of said Ancestors too that is.