Friday 25 November 2016



(Post-Independence Kenya, Post-Colonial Kenya)

When we do here speak of Pairs, or of what is said even Double, and if not of the said even Yoruba Cultural concept that is, and of Ibeji [Link] too that is, we are too said even to refer, and to the very said manner in all, one would be in all even said to in all even perceive that is, what is said as of Wholeness, Complete, Total, Uniform etc., and in now too associating it all, and with talk too, and of what can be said even to speak, and of the said even Kenyan National Character for instance, or in said speak too, and of those said even, to in all even Wield Power that is, and in Kenya today too that is. In all, the said even defining in all and of Wholeness etc., and as said as such, above that is, now does too lead and to speak, and of what we or one, can be said to in all, strive for that is, and in said repute or esteem too, and in now associating it all, and with speak and of a Kenya, said even defined in all now, and in speak and of one said term that is: the Pursuit.