Wednesday 16 November 2016



This entry, could too be said to speak, and of Kenya, and as it is said to be today, and of its said even multitude of problems, and as said too perceived, and from talk of what is said Sensitivity in itself that is. That in talk of Sensitivity, it all too does too now lead, and to the very manner in all, Kenyans, are said to in all even perceive, what is said the Physical Body, said too Human, and if not as said Organizational too, and in said speak too now, and of it all even said to speak, and of the very said Sense of Touch that is. 

That many of the problems Kenyans do in all even face, are believed said even to stem, and from talk and of the very manner in all, they do perceive the Body that is, and as said even to speak and of their been said Kenyans that is, in touch with their very said selves, themselves, others, and if not of what is said reality too that is. That the said Sense of Touch, is too believed said even rather powerful in its ways that is, and in said speak of what is said augmentation too for instance, and that in speak of one and as said even truly or fully intimate with oneself as such, from what is said Touch, now is to in all even speak, and of one and as said even perceiving Reality that is, and as it truly is, and in many a way, it all said even opening one up, and to a said even existence that is, and that one would too be said even to in all even term that is, and as said too 'Media Kenya' for instance, and that in speak too of Touch in itself, and of what it is actually said to be, and as said even Sense that is, and if not of the said even 'final touches' for instance, one does in all even now awaken, and to what is said even Intelligence, and as said even distinctively Kenyan too that is.