Sunday 13 November 2016

National Sites

of National Sites.

When we do here speak and of what are said even, National Sites that is, said too Kenyan, we can too now, be said even, to refer, and to speak and of Kenya in all, and from talk too, and of what can be said even, the National Condition, or of a said National Condition, and as said even often perceived, and from talk of Kenya, and of its said even Current Conditions too that is. That it all too, could be said to speak, and of the very said Views, that we do in all hold, and of Kenya too for instance, and that would too now best be said, not to only speak of said Physical, Health, Living etc conditions that is, but that in all again, of what can too be best said here to speak, and of what are said even, or can too be said, to refer, and to speak and of said Diametric Views that is.

That in speak of the National Condition, now is to refer, and to the very manner in all, Kenya, is too said even to perceive itself, and in talk of what is said African Identity, and if not of said even African Dimensions too that is. That in speak of said African Dimensions, speak now and of said society in Kenya, East Africa, and if not into the Swahili lands, and as said too now, perceived, and from talk of the Societal, the Common, and if not of the said Underlying too that is. That in talk of all this, and as said even now perceived and from said too Spiritual Dimensions that is, the Societal, could too be said even equated and to the said too African World, of the Common, speak too now and of the said even 'spirits World' that is, but of the Underlying, now is to speak, and of the said even 'Dream World', and of what is too believed said even Actual in its ways that is.

on India.

That in talk though, and of what is said African Identity, and from the said perspective too that is, and of what is said even the National Condition that is, now is to speak of those who would perceive talk of African Identity, and in Condition, and from talk and of what is said 'the self', said too physiological that is, and if not of what is said 'spirit' that is, and as said too physiognomical that is. That in many a way, it can too be said that, it could be of interest, and to those in Kenya that is, and in the said even attempt and in all defining what is said African Identity, and from said talk too now of what is now said Ori [Link], and if not of what is said Possession, for the formerly said, speak of 'the self' that is, could too be said even, to speak of the said too American World that is, while speak of the 'spirit', could too be said best equated, and to speak of the said Chinese World that is. That in said speak too of Ori, it all best said here too, perceived, and from talk of what is said to speak of the Visible, or of Visibility too, and if not of the said even History, or Memory too, and of India that is, and as said even to refer, and to speak of the Bhavagad Gita for instance. That in speak of what is said Possession, speak too now and of what is said exact, or of what is said precise too, and if not of what is said even, to very much in all, 'mark the spot' that is.

That hopefully, the just said above, and on Ori, and if not of Possession too, can best be said taken, or understood, and from talk too now, and of what National Sites, are in all even believed said to be, and in now too associating talk of the National Condition in Kenya, and if not in East Africa too, and from talk of what is said too Fever that is, and of the said even Dengue Fever, and Yellow Fever too for instance.