Friday 16 December 2016

Africa Continental

of Africa Continental.

This entry, can too be said, a said follow through, and to the previous three last entries, and that were too said titled, Belief Systems, Africanness, and if not of the said Ancestral Memory too that is. That in speak of that entry on Belief Systems, speak too now, and of what they do in all even term, the Continent of Africa, in speak of the Africanness entry, speak too now and of the said African Continent, but that in speak of that entry and on the Ancestral Memory, speak too now and again, and on what one would too term, Continental Africa that is.

Of Africa.
Of Africa, of Reflections, of Copies.
Of Africa Continental, of Systems, of Symbols, of Symbolization.
Of Belief Systems, the Continent of Africa.
Of Communication Systems, of Africanness, the African Continent.
Of Spiritual Systems, of Ancestral Memory, of Continental Africa.

That in said speak too now, and of what one could term Africa Continental, now is to refer, and to what are said even, or of what is said, and to in all now speak, and of said perceptions of Africa that is, and away too and from speak and of what is said epithet or insult, and if not of Africa and as said perceived from talk, and of what is said Make-up/Profile that is, and probably now too, towards speak too and of Africa, and in said Symbol in itself too that is.

That in speak and of Africa, and as said too Africa Continental, speak now and of it and in said measure, and of what is said difference, or of the said even differentiating that is, and that would too refer, and to speak now, and of the said even differentiation that is, and between, what is said Geographical, and of what is said Regional too that is. That this said differentiating, now does help one and in all, truly understand, what Africa Continental, is in all even said all about, and in the said even defining and of said African Identity that is, and as said now to refer, and to what too is said Length that is, or of what Length is in all even said all about, and if not of what is said Distance, or of what Distance is in all even said to be that is. That in saying there is more to all this said, now is to speak and of what are said Mirrors, or of what are said Shadows, or of what is said even Reflection in itself, and as said now to speak, and of what is said believed, and to speak and of Africa in itself too that is. That such said speak, or talk, and of what is said to speak and of Africa in itself, can too be said even to speak, and of what are said Strings that is, and as best said even to speak, and of the very said manner in all, one would too perceive African Language in itself, and if not of what too, is said even, African Design in itself that is. 

In now helping one truly perceive, what Africa Continental in itself, can too be said even to be, now is to perceive, talk, and of the Geographical, and of the Regional too, and from said talk too now, and of said Length, or said Distance, and as said too perceived, and from talk, and of what is said Example, or said Lesson too, and if not from talk, and of the said even now perhaps, Certainty Principle in itself that is. That in speak and of the said even History of Africa, and as said even defining Africa today, and from talk of all this said, speak now and of the Geographical, and as said even to speak, and of what they did once term, and in West Africa too, 'old Ghana' that is, and as said too now, very much said even to speak, and in said Lengths, or Distance too, and of Africa today, and from speak and of the Regional, and as said even now perceived, and from talk of Nigeria, the Congo, East Africa and of Rwanda and Burundi too, the said even Swahili lands, and if not of the said too, Sudan that is. That in probably saying that, the previously said above, and on 'old Ghana' etc., can only be best said perceived, and from said even speak, and of what is said Democratic for instance, now is too very much put forward, another said even example that is, or said view, and on all this, what is said Africa Continental, and of what is said Geographical, and Regional too, and in now associating talk of the Geographical, and with talk and of Africa, and as said Territory, and if not of the said even 'Scramble for Africa' that is, but in speak and of the Regional, speak now and again, and of Africa, and as said even perceived and from talk, and of the said even Military State that is. Another said example, said understandable and to those in East Africa, and if not Kenya too, and from what is said Geographical, would too now associate talk and of Somalia, and with talk of Yemen, talk of Ethiopia and of Kenya too, and with talk of the Red Sea, and if not of the Indian Ocean too, but in talk of East Africa, and of the said even Swahili lands, talk too now, and of the Indian Ocean, and of the said too Sultanate of Oman that is. That in talk of such said perceptions and of Kenya in itself too that is, and from talk of the Geographical, it all would probably correlate, and to talk of the Regional, and as said even now perceived, and from talk of Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya too, and if not of Egypt in itself too that is.

In winding down and on all this said, now is to actually claim that, talk of Africa Continental, can truly only be said perceived, and from talk and of what is said too, Swahili Identity in itself that is. That it all too, does refer, and to talk too and of what is said Implication that is, and if not of the said Implicit, and the said Explicit, and in now too associating talk of what are said Strings that is, and as mentioned in a said previous paragraph, and with talk too and of the said even Kiswahili Language in itself that is, and in now too associating talk of what is said Swahili, and from a said even Geographical, and Regional stance too that is, and with talk too now and of the Regional and as said to speak, and of Swahili Culture in itself, and as  said even perceived, and from talk of Zanzibar that is, and if not Pemba too, but that in talk and of the Geographical, and of said even Swahili History too, talk now and of what can be said the Swahili lands, and as said even encompassing talk of everything said Swahili, and as said even now centered and in talk of Kenya, talk of the said Swahili Coast on the other said hand, and with talk too of Tanzania, of the said now Swahili Coastline, talk now and of Somalia, but of the said even Swahili Islands that is, talk too now, and of Mozambique that is.