Wednesday 14 December 2016

the Ancestral Memory

The Ancestral Memory.

This entry, can too be said an accompaniment, and to the said two previous entries, and on Africanness, and on Belief Systems too that is. That it all too, this said entry, and in said respect, and to the said last, or said previous too, entry, and on Africanness, can too be said, and to speak and of what they do term Continental Africa that is, and in said comparison now, and to speak, and of the said African Continent that is. That in speak of Continental Africa, we are too said even to speak, and not of what is said Ancestral Memory in itself, and as often believed the only said Memory, and in said existence too, but of what are said too now, to speak, and of said even Ancestral Memories that is, for most in all, do too actually perceive themselves that is, and from a said too Analytical perspective that is, and not that said Diagnostic truly either, and that would too now speak, or point at, and from a said even physical stance that is, and to what too, an Item, is in all even actually said to be that is.

In saying that, Kenya or East Africa, do too and in all have said even Ancestral Memory's that is, and that would too speak and of the very names of Hon. Kenneth Matiba for instance, and if not of that of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere too, is to now too, speak, and of the said Human, and as said even perceived, and from speak only, and of only one said term that is: the Impact. That all there is to life, and in one and as said too fully understanding of it all, or as said truly experiencing it all too, is the said term of Impact that is, and in now too, differentiating what is said Impact, and from what is said too Response that is. That there are those who do in all even place an emphasis, and on what Response [Link], is in all even said to be, and as said even to speak, and of what the very term of Alternate, is in all even said to speak of that is, but that in all again, understanding what is said Impact, does too now speak, and of a said too Kenya that is, and if not as said East African too, simply said now to Develop, and in speak too and of what is said Research, and of Research too, and as simply said even now perceived, and from talk only, and of what is said Impact, or of what Impact is in all even actually said to be that is.

Of such said Impact too that is, of Responses, African, Ancestral, or if not in the said too that is, equating of, assigning of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Lobes too that is, of Ear Lobes, and to the said Brain Lobes too that is, African, Human, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, of Memories, African, Ancestral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Hominid too that is, of Primates, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Art, Science, Music, Philosophy, Language etc., of Knowledge, and as in all said as equated to, of Linkage, and to what can and in all, of Abstracts, be as said of, and of the said Ancestral too that is, of Ancestors, of Ancestral Memory, or if not of said Ancestry too that is.

In now too associating Kenya's said Ancestral Memory, and with talk too of Media in Kenya, and if not of Kenya's said successive Presidencies too, and in a said too Post-Colonial Kenya that is, and that would too associate talk, and as said humourously too, and of the said late Hon. President Jomo Kenyatta, and with talk too of KBC Radio that is, and of said even better times in Kenya too that is, of said even former Hon. President Daniel Toroitich arap Moi, and with talk of KBC Television, and of said even somewhat memorable times in Kenya too that is, and if not of the said too advent of KTN,  the Kenya Television Network, and of the said even Presidency of former Hon. President Mwai Kibaki that is, and of said even changing or differing times, and in Kenya too, and if not the said even now presence of NTV, and by the Nation Media Group too, and of Kenya and as said too now, said even perceived and at said crossroads that is, and as said to refer, and to speak too, and of the said even current Uhuru Kenyatta Presidency that is.

In now claiming that, what they do too term Ancestral Memory, and as said perceived, and from speak too and of what is said Equilibrium that is, now is too associate talk of Kenya's said Colonial past, and with talk too of the said term of Britannia that is, and not that of Britain, or that said British too, for the firstly said term of Britannia, does too now speak and of Kenyan History, and as said even perceived, and from talk too, and of what are said Colonial Memoirs [Link] that is, and if not of said Colonial Writings too that is, and if not in said farther speak too and of names, and such as that of David Livingston, and as said even now intimately tied, and to the said even Kenyan Ancestral Memory too that is.

In helping one though, truly see or perceive their very said selves, and from talk and of what are said Ancestral Memories, or of said Ancestral Memory too, now is to refer, and to those often said or touted, Parliamentarians that is, and in the said too Kenyan Parliament that is, and who do in all, do help and in the said governing of Kenya that is, and as said even to fartherly speak, and not of those said Individuals, or Persons too either, but instead, speak too now, and of said Constituents, and of said Identity cards too, and if not of said Family traditions too, and of the said even Kenyan State, said even East African, and as said too perceived, and from talk and of Towns, Villages, and if not of said Settlements too that is. 

In claiming that, what they do term Ancestral Memory, can too be said even tied down, and to speak and of what are said Traditional Systems that is, now is to in all even attempt to present Kenya, and from said even Egyptian, Italian and African Models that is, and of what are said too Traditional Systems that is. That in speak of Egyptian Models, and of said Traditional Systems, speak too now, and of what is said Family, Custom, and if not of what are said roots, origins, sources etc., and with the Italian Models, said now to speak, and of Raciality, Ancestry, and if not of Religiousity too, and of the said African Models, said now to speak, and of Community, Tribe and of what is said country, land, region etc.

In claiming that, Ancestral Memories, do too speak, and of the said even African past, now is to speak, and of the said even need, and by all, and if not by most, to simply perceive themselves, their selves, and from talk of Preservation, and if not of Security too, and if not of what is said Genetic, of what is said Economic, and of what is said too Ethnic that is, and in said speak too now, and of the said perceiving of Kenya, and as said too a Land that is, and if not of the said even now history that is, and of Fort Jesus, and on Mombasa Island too that is.

In claiming that, it is possible to perceive Kenya, and of its said Ancestral Memory, and from speak too and of Kenya, and as said a Nation that is, now is to not only perceive Kenyan history, and from talk of what is said Print Media that is, but that in all again, it all too said to speak, and of the said even perceiving of Kenya, and from talk and of what is said Law, Health, and if not of Education too, and if not of said Kenyan Identity that is, and as said perceived, and from talk and of what is said Conduct, and of the said even rise too, and of said even Kenyan Business Communications, and as said too defining Kenya in all, and in talk too of Industry, and if not of Sector too that is.

In said speak too now, and of Kenya, and as said perceived from talk, and of Kenyans, and as said a People, and of the said too Ancestral Memory that is, Kenyan or East African too, now is to speak and of the said even Kenyan People that is, and of the said too Kenyan Leadership that is, and if not of said too, Kenyan Networks & Systems too that is, and that do too now speak, and of Kenya, and of its said Government, or successive Governments too, and as said to speak too, and of Kenya, and as said too perceived from talk, and of what are said Kenyan Communications that is, said too East African that is, and of their been said even African, Western and if not Swahili/Islamic too, and if not of their said too now perceived furtherly, and as said even truly Continental that is, Continental Africa that is, and in said speak too and of a said Continental Africa, said too perceived and from what is said Swahili that is, and as said even now spoken, and on the Comoros Islands too for instance.

In saying that, the above said, and on what is said Ancestral Memory, does too speak and of a Kenya, or of East Africa too, and as said too now segmented that is, and in its said cultures, or traditions too, and of what too are said groupings for instance, Political too, or of what is said perceived as said movement, or traffic too, now is to in all even claim that, Kenya, or East Africa, and as said too in Trouble that is, and in said regard to their said futures that is, now does too speak and of their said even Ancestral Memory's that is, and as said now perceived, and from talk and of what is said Entertainment Media too, and if not of what is said Country and in both Kenya, and East Africa too that is.

In finalizing now and on all this said, and of what is said Ancestral Memory, or of said even Ancestral Memories too, now is to speak, and of what are said Classifiers, and of said even Kenyan, or said too East African Identity that is, and as said too perceived, and from said speak too now, and of what Political Philosophy [Link], is in all even said all about, and if not of such said Classifiers, said even perceived, and from talk and of what is said Name, and of said even Name Classifiers, and of the said even programming/scripting languages and of UML and XML too, and of the said even now difference, and between what is said Name, and what is said Jina (Swa.) too, and if not of East Africa, and as said too now perceived, and from said talk or speak too that is, and of Rwanda, Burundi, East Africa, Kenya, and if not of the said even Swahili lands too that is.