Saturday 10 December 2016

the Human Question : Connectivity

the Human Question : Connectivity (the African World series).

This entry, can in all be said, to in all even deal with, the very said question, and of what too, is said to speak, and of the said even, African World that is. That it all too, will attempt to ask of many, said too African that is, and of the very said manner in all, they would too perceive, what it all does mean, to be in all even said Human that is. That Africa, is in all even said, to lack, the said even History that is, and that is said to support, what is said too Development for instance, and History too, and that would too ask of what is said to refer, and to speak too and of the Soul, the Psyche, Family, Government, Tradition, Commerce, Education, Consciousness etcetc. and in now too claiming that, there is a said manner in all, and of defining Africans, and as said perceived Intelligent that is, but as said too unfounded in its ways in all, and that would too claim that, what is said Intelligence, does too now speak of Egypt, what is said Rationalism, said to speak of Greece, what is said Moralism, said to speak of Italy, but of Africa, the very said belief that, Intelligence, is very much believed said now, inherent, and in what one would too term Oracles that is.

In having said all the above, now is to approach, what is said Connectivity, and from talk too, and of what is said Perception in itself that is. That the said message, said too embedded that is, and in this said entry, can too now be said to in all even say that, and to Africans, that all there is, and to anything, is what is said Perception in itself, and that in all and again, it is what too, Perception that is, can be said to be, and that does too now speak too, and of what is said, the Human Question in itself that is. That Connectivity, and in said regard and to speak of the Human Question, can too now be said even to speak, and of the very said term of Relatedness that is, and that would ask of one, and of the very said in all, manner that is, one would too and in all, perceive, what is said to speak of, said even 'perceptions of self', and if not of said even 'perceptions of being' that is. 

That the said African World, can too now be said even perceived, and from talk of what is said Identity, and of said Dimensions too, African, and in now too approaching talk of the African World, and in said regard to speak of Kenya, and if not of East Africa too, and from speak too, and of what is said Adaptation in itself too that is. That in said talk too now, and of Connectivity that is, and in said regard to the African World too, the very question of Measure, would in all even show itself, and in now too saying that, there is something said much deeper and in its said meaning, and in its said ways too that is, and in speak too and of what is said Relatedness too that is, and in now too claiming that, it all does too speak, and of the very said term and of Akin too that is. That the very term of Akin, often said too Victorian, can too be said even to speak, and of Perception in itself, and in now too claiming that, the very question of what it does too mean to be said Human, or of what is said Connectivity too, or of Relatedness too, and in said speak too of what is said to speak of the African World that is, is believed said even now, to refer or speak and of, what is said Language, what is said Religion, and if not of what is said to in all even refer, and to what is believed said even African Identity in itself that is.

In said speak too now, and of what is said to refer, and to speak and of, said even 'perceptions of self', and of said too 'perceptions of being' that is, and if not of what is said too Connectivity, we do now see, or come across, what some have said to in all even speak, and of said even African Technologies that is, said even N'kisi for instance, and that do in all even it is believed, approach speak of Reality, or of Connectivity in itself too, and away, and from speak and of what is said Abstraction, Modelling, and if not of Theory, and of the Theoretical too that is. That such said Technologies, African, N'kisi, not believed said even validated in their ways, and away from talk, and of what is said Perception in itself, and if not of what is said too Akin that is, do in all even now, speak, and of the said even reason that is, that what one could in all too term Media Technologies that is, and in speak of the Blog for instance, do in all even appear to be rather popular amongst Africans, for they are said too Technologies, Media Technologies that is, and that would too be said to speak, and of what too, Broad Views that is, are in all even said to be that is. 

In all, and in closing up and on all this, Connectivity, and as said too now, to refer, and to African definitions in all, and of what is said Expression, Sound, and if not of Belief too, and with it all simply said now said perceived, the three formentioned that is, and from said even African Stances that is, and which too would too Expression, to very much be said Political that is, and in speak too of the said even Musical Arts of the Congo, and with Sound, said too East African, and if not as said Artistic too that is, and with Belief, said now to speak of Kenya, and of its said even Religions too that is.