Friday 16 December 2016

the Continent

The Continent of Africa.


"Allan of Africa"

In the said too that is, referring to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said spirit too that is, African, of Africa, the Continent, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to talk too and of, and of the said Congo too that is the Swahili, of Kenya, of East Africa, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to talk too and of, and of the said Lion too that is, the Elephant, the Buffalo, Cheetah, Rhino, Zebra, Giraffe, the Savannah, the Acacia etc. too that is. 

Of such said spirit too that is, and as in all said too that is, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Divide too that is, the Split, the Seperate, the A-Part etc. too that is, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of all said Reality too that is, of light, [Link].

Of such said light too that is, and as in all said too that is, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too and of, and of the said following too that is: of light, of Light, Mchana, Kisw., the Dark, Usiku, Kisw., of Darkness, Giza, Kisw., of Egypt, the Swahili lands. of light, of Time, the Period, of Frequency, of East Africa, of Kenya, of India, the Indian Ocean. of light, of Space, the Void, of Settings, of Africa, [Link], the Sudan, of Nigeria, of South Africa. of light, of Sense, the Dimensional, of Measure, of Africa, [Link], of "Allan of Africa", [Link], the African Continent.

of light.

Africa Continental

of Africa Continental.

This entry, can too be said, a said follow through, and to the previous three last entries, and that were too said titled, Belief Systems, Africanness, and if not of the said Ancestral Memory too that is. That in speak of that entry on Belief Systems, speak too now, and of what they do in all even term, the Continent of Africa, in speak of the Africanness entry, speak too now and of the said African Continent, but that in speak of that entry and on the Ancestral Memory, speak too now and again, and on what one would too term, Continental Africa that is.

Of Africa.
Of Africa, of Reflections, of Copies.
Of Africa Continental, of Systems, of Symbols, of Symbolization.
Of Belief Systems, the Continent of Africa.
Of Communication Systems, of Africanness, the African Continent.
Of Spiritual Systems, of Ancestral Memory, of Continental Africa.

That in said speak too now, and of what one could term Africa Continental, now is to refer, and to what are said even, or of what is said, and to in all now speak, and of said perceptions of Africa that is, and away too and from speak and of what is said epithet or insult, and if not of Africa and as said perceived from talk, and of what is said Make-up/Profile that is, and probably now too, towards speak too and of Africa, and in said Symbol in itself too that is.

That in speak and of Africa, and as said too Africa Continental, speak now and of it and in said measure, and of what is said difference, or of the said even differentiating that is, and that would too refer, and to speak now, and of the said even differentiation that is, and between, what is said Geographical, and of what is said Regional too that is. That this said differentiating, now does help one and in all, truly understand, what Africa Continental, is in all even said all about, and in the said even defining and of said African Identity that is, and as said now to refer, and to what too is said Length that is, or of what Length is in all even said all about, and if not of what is said Distance, or of what Distance is in all even said to be that is. That in saying there is more to all this said, now is to speak and of what are said Mirrors, or of what are said Shadows, or of what is said even Reflection in itself, and as said now to speak, and of what is said believed, and to speak and of Africa in itself too that is. That such said speak, or talk, and of what is said to speak and of Africa in itself, can too be said even to speak, and of what are said Strings that is, and as best said even to speak, and of the very said manner in all, one would too perceive African Language in itself, and if not of what too, is said even, African Design in itself that is. 

In now helping one truly perceive, what Africa Continental in itself, can too be said even to be, now is to perceive, talk, and of the Geographical, and of the Regional too, and from said talk too now, and of said Length, or said Distance, and as said too perceived, and from talk, and of what is said Example, or said Lesson too, and if not from talk, and of the said even now perhaps, Certainty Principle in itself that is. That in speak and of the said even History of Africa, and as said even defining Africa today, and from talk of all this said, speak now and of the Geographical, and as said even to speak, and of what they did once term, and in West Africa too, 'old Ghana' that is, and as said too now, very much said even to speak, and in said Lengths, or Distance too, and of Africa today, and from speak and of the Regional, and as said even now perceived, and from talk of Nigeria, the Congo, East Africa and of Rwanda and Burundi too, the said even Swahili lands, and if not of the said too, Sudan that is. That in probably saying that, the previously said above, and on 'old Ghana' etc., can only be best said perceived, and from said even speak, and of what is said Democratic for instance, now is too very much put forward, another said even example that is, or said view, and on all this, what is said Africa Continental, and of what is said Geographical, and Regional too, and in now associating talk of the Geographical, and with talk and of Africa, and as said Territory, and if not of the said even 'Scramble for Africa' that is, but in speak and of the Regional, speak now and again, and of Africa, and as said even perceived and from talk, and of the said even Military State that is. Another said example, said understandable and to those in East Africa, and if not Kenya too, and from what is said Geographical, would too now associate talk and of Somalia, and with talk of Yemen, talk of Ethiopia and of Kenya too, and with talk of the Red Sea, and if not of the Indian Ocean too, but in talk of East Africa, and of the said even Swahili lands, talk too now, and of the Indian Ocean, and of the said too Sultanate of Oman that is. That in talk of such said perceptions and of Kenya in itself too that is, and from talk of the Geographical, it all would probably correlate, and to talk of the Regional, and as said even now perceived, and from talk of Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya too, and if not of Egypt in itself too that is.

In winding down and on all this said, now is to actually claim that, talk of Africa Continental, can truly only be said perceived, and from talk and of what is said too, Swahili Identity in itself that is. That it all too, does refer, and to talk too and of what is said Implication that is, and if not of the said Implicit, and the said Explicit, and in now too associating talk of what are said Strings that is, and as mentioned in a said previous paragraph, and with talk too and of the said even Kiswahili Language in itself that is, and in now too associating talk of what is said Swahili, and from a said even Geographical, and Regional stance too that is, and with talk too now and of the Regional and as said to speak, and of Swahili Culture in itself, and as  said even perceived, and from talk of Zanzibar that is, and if not Pemba too, but that in talk and of the Geographical, and of said even Swahili History too, talk now and of what can be said the Swahili lands, and as said even encompassing talk of everything said Swahili, and as said even now centered and in talk of Kenya, talk of the said Swahili Coast on the other said hand, and with talk too of Tanzania, of the said now Swahili Coastline, talk now and of Somalia, but of the said even Swahili Islands that is, talk too now, and of Mozambique that is.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

the Ancestral Memory

The Ancestral Memory.

This entry, can too be said an accompaniment, and to the said two previous entries, and on Africanness, and on Belief Systems too that is. That it all too, this said entry, and in said respect, and to the said last, or said previous too, entry, and on Africanness, can too be said, and to speak and of what they do term Continental Africa that is, and in said comparison now, and to speak, and of the said African Continent that is. That in speak of Continental Africa, we are too said even to speak, and not of what is said Ancestral Memory in itself, and as often believed the only said Memory, and in said existence too, but of what are said too now, to speak, and of said even Ancestral Memories that is, for most in all, do too actually perceive themselves that is, and from a said too Analytical perspective that is, and not that said Diagnostic truly either, and that would too now speak, or point at, and from a said even physical stance that is, and to what too, an Item, is in all even actually said to be that is.

In saying that, Kenya or East Africa, do too and in all have said even Ancestral Memory's that is, and that would too speak and of the very names of Hon. Kenneth Matiba for instance, and if not of that of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere too, is to now too, speak, and of the said Human, and as said even perceived, and from speak only, and of only one said term that is: the Impact. That all there is to life, and in one and as said too fully understanding of it all, or as said truly experiencing it all too, is the said term of Impact that is, and in now too, differentiating what is said Impact, and from what is said too Response that is. That there are those who do in all even place an emphasis, and on what Response [Link], is in all even said to be, and as said even to speak, and of what the very term of Alternate, is in all even said to speak of that is, but that in all again, understanding what is said Impact, does too now speak, and of a said too Kenya that is, and if not as said East African too, simply said now to Develop, and in speak too and of what is said Research, and of Research too, and as simply said even now perceived, and from talk only, and of what is said Impact, or of what Impact is in all even actually said to be that is.

Of such said Impact too that is, of Responses, African, Ancestral, or if not in the said too that is, equating of, assigning of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Lobes too that is, of Ear Lobes, and to the said Brain Lobes too that is, African, Human, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, of Memories, African, Ancestral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Hominid too that is, of Primates, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Art, Science, Music, Philosophy, Language etc., of Knowledge, and as in all said as equated to, of Linkage, and to what can and in all, of Abstracts, be as said of, and of the said Ancestral too that is, of Ancestors, of Ancestral Memory, or if not of said Ancestry too that is.

In now too associating Kenya's said Ancestral Memory, and with talk too of Media in Kenya, and if not of Kenya's said successive Presidencies too, and in a said too Post-Colonial Kenya that is, and that would too associate talk, and as said humourously too, and of the said late Hon. President Jomo Kenyatta, and with talk too of KBC Radio that is, and of said even better times in Kenya too that is, of said even former Hon. President Daniel Toroitich arap Moi, and with talk of KBC Television, and of said even somewhat memorable times in Kenya too that is, and if not of the said too advent of KTN,  the Kenya Television Network, and of the said even Presidency of former Hon. President Mwai Kibaki that is, and of said even changing or differing times, and in Kenya too, and if not the said even now presence of NTV, and by the Nation Media Group too, and of Kenya and as said too now, said even perceived and at said crossroads that is, and as said to refer, and to speak too, and of the said even current Uhuru Kenyatta Presidency that is.

In now claiming that, what they do too term Ancestral Memory, and as said perceived, and from speak too and of what is said Equilibrium that is, now is too associate talk of Kenya's said Colonial past, and with talk too of the said term of Britannia that is, and not that of Britain, or that said British too, for the firstly said term of Britannia, does too now speak and of Kenyan History, and as said even perceived, and from talk too, and of what are said Colonial Memoirs [Link] that is, and if not of said Colonial Writings too that is, and if not in said farther speak too and of names, and such as that of David Livingston, and as said even now intimately tied, and to the said even Kenyan Ancestral Memory too that is.

In helping one though, truly see or perceive their very said selves, and from talk and of what are said Ancestral Memories, or of said Ancestral Memory too, now is to refer, and to those often said or touted, Parliamentarians that is, and in the said too Kenyan Parliament that is, and who do in all, do help and in the said governing of Kenya that is, and as said even to fartherly speak, and not of those said Individuals, or Persons too either, but instead, speak too now, and of said Constituents, and of said Identity cards too, and if not of said Family traditions too, and of the said even Kenyan State, said even East African, and as said too perceived, and from talk and of Towns, Villages, and if not of said Settlements too that is. 

In claiming that, what they do term Ancestral Memory, can too be said even tied down, and to speak and of what are said Traditional Systems that is, now is to in all even attempt to present Kenya, and from said even Egyptian, Italian and African Models that is, and of what are said too Traditional Systems that is. That in speak of Egyptian Models, and of said Traditional Systems, speak too now, and of what is said Family, Custom, and if not of what are said roots, origins, sources etc., and with the Italian Models, said now to speak, and of Raciality, Ancestry, and if not of Religiousity too, and of the said African Models, said now to speak, and of Community, Tribe and of what is said country, land, region etc.

In claiming that, Ancestral Memories, do too speak, and of the said even African past, now is to speak, and of the said even need, and by all, and if not by most, to simply perceive themselves, their selves, and from talk of Preservation, and if not of Security too, and if not of what is said Genetic, of what is said Economic, and of what is said too Ethnic that is, and in said speak too now, and of the said perceiving of Kenya, and as said too a Land that is, and if not of the said even now history that is, and of Fort Jesus, and on Mombasa Island too that is.

In claiming that, it is possible to perceive Kenya, and of its said Ancestral Memory, and from speak too and of Kenya, and as said a Nation that is, now is to not only perceive Kenyan history, and from talk of what is said Print Media that is, but that in all again, it all too said to speak, and of the said even perceiving of Kenya, and from talk and of what is said Law, Health, and if not of Education too, and if not of said Kenyan Identity that is, and as said perceived, and from talk and of what is said Conduct, and of the said even rise too, and of said even Kenyan Business Communications, and as said too defining Kenya in all, and in talk too of Industry, and if not of Sector too that is.

In said speak too now, and of Kenya, and as said perceived from talk, and of Kenyans, and as said a People, and of the said too Ancestral Memory that is, Kenyan or East African too, now is to speak and of the said even Kenyan People that is, and of the said too Kenyan Leadership that is, and if not of said too, Kenyan Networks & Systems too that is, and that do too now speak, and of Kenya, and of its said Government, or successive Governments too, and as said to speak too, and of Kenya, and as said too perceived from talk, and of what are said Kenyan Communications that is, said too East African that is, and of their been said even African, Western and if not Swahili/Islamic too, and if not of their said too now perceived furtherly, and as said even truly Continental that is, Continental Africa that is, and in said speak too and of a said Continental Africa, said too perceived and from what is said Swahili that is, and as said even now spoken, and on the Comoros Islands too for instance.

In saying that, the above said, and on what is said Ancestral Memory, does too speak and of a Kenya, or of East Africa too, and as said too now segmented that is, and in its said cultures, or traditions too, and of what too are said groupings for instance, Political too, or of what is said perceived as said movement, or traffic too, now is to in all even claim that, Kenya, or East Africa, and as said too in Trouble that is, and in said regard to their said futures that is, now does too speak and of their said even Ancestral Memory's that is, and as said now perceived, and from talk and of what is said Entertainment Media too, and if not of what is said Country and in both Kenya, and East Africa too that is.

In finalizing now and on all this said, and of what is said Ancestral Memory, or of said even Ancestral Memories too, now is to speak, and of what are said Classifiers, and of said even Kenyan, or said too East African Identity that is, and as said too perceived, and from said speak too now, and of what Political Philosophy [Link], is in all even said all about, and if not of such said Classifiers, said even perceived, and from talk and of what is said Name, and of said even Name Classifiers, and of the said even programming/scripting languages and of UML and XML too, and of the said even now difference, and between what is said Name, and what is said Jina (Swa.) too, and if not of East Africa, and as said too now perceived, and from said talk or speak too that is, and of Rwanda, Burundi, East Africa, Kenya, and if not of the said even Swahili lands too that is.


of Africanness.

This entry, can too be said, a said even augmentation that is, and to the previous entry and on Belief Systems too, for it too now, the previous entry, and in said regard to this entry, can too be said even perceived, and from talk and of who is said the Individual, and if not of who is said a Person that is. That the very question and of just who in all, the Person is said to be, now does too speak, and of Kenya, and if not of East Africa too, and as said perceived, and from speak of both said English-speakers, and of Kiswahili-speakers too that is. That it is in speak of both English and Kiswahili, and simply whereby, one does in all even come across, said even paramount definitions that is, and of the Person, and as said even to speak and of a Kenya, and as said too perceived, and from talk and of the Judicial too that is.

In introducing now, the very said question, and if not as said argument too, and of Africanness, now is to in all even throw in, the said too, component that is, and that does too often refer, or ask too of, what is said African Pride that is. That it all too could be said perceived, and from a said too Psychological perspective that is, and from talk too now, and of the very said manner in all, those said African, would in all even be said to perceive, what is said Attachment, and as said now to speak, and of the said even defining in all, and of what is too said life in itself that is. That the very said question of African Pride, is too believed said even to speak, and of the said too nature of Power that is, and if not of said societies today too, and as often said modern, civil, progressive etc., and as fartherly said even perceived, and from talk of what one could too term here, and as said an acronym too that is, GRAC, and of what too is said Gender, Race, Age, and of said too Class, or Class Systems too that is. That it is what is said GRAC, that is in all even said to in all even now, hamper that is, speak, and of what is said Africanness, and in said regard too, and to speak, and of the very said term that is, Kiswahili too, and of Mtu, and that would too be said now, to refer, and to speak and of our said even perceptions, and of Time in itself that is. 

That in helping those in East Africa, or Kenya too, best understand GRAC that is, and as said even perceived from talk of said even Political Structures that is, often said too Socio-Economic, and if not of it all and as said too Politicized as such, now is to in all even speak, and of the said even perceiving of Kenya, or East Africa too, and from talk of said too, Political Maps that is. That Kenya, or East Africa too, and as they are Politically or Geographically known too, can too be said now to refer, and to what Indices, or what a said Index, is in all even said to be, but as said too now perceived, and from talk too, and of what is said GRAC that is, and from said even Contexts that is, and that would too speak and of History in itself too that is. That in speak of what is said Gender, probable best speak too now, and of Africa, and as said perceived from talk of South Africa, or of a said too Post-Apartheid South Africa too that is, but that in speak of Race, speak now and of Egypt, and of Africa, in speak of Class, speak now and of said Swahili Culture, and of the said even Swahili Coast too, and of Africa too, but in speak and of Age, speak now and of Nigeria, and of Africa too that is.

In too saying that, and in said regard and to what Africanness, is in all even said all about, now is to claim that, many of those, and who do in all even espouse, and for a said too, concrete African Identity that is, often do fail to realize, that African Identity, is believed said here, and in speak of the World and is it is today too, to refer, and to what Age is in all even said to be, and not what Race, is in all even actually said all about. That the African, is simply perceived and as said not Mature, or as said too not Serious that is, and in said regard to what Age is in all even said to be, and in said comparison now, and to what is said Popular Belief or sentiment, and that does too strongly associate African Identity, and in said History, and with talk too and of Race in itself that is.

In too helping one now understand Africanness, and from said too Worldly Contextes (Fr.) that is, now is to in all even associate talk of Race, and if not of Egypt too, and with talk too of North or Northern America that is, but in talk of Gender, and of South Africa too, talk too now and of South America that is, but in talk of Class, and of what is too said Swahili that is, talk too now, and of the said English-speaking World that is, but in talk of Age, and of Nigeria too, probable best talk too now, and of Europe, and if not of China too that is.

Belief Systems

of Belief Systems.

When we do here refer, and to what Belief Systems, are in all even said to be, we can too be said, to in all even perceive it all, and from talk too, and of the said even Everyday, Daily, and if not of the said even now Continental, Regional, Local etc., too that is. That in speak and of what Belief Systems, are said to be, and in speak and of the said even Everyday, we can too be said now, to in all even be said to refer, and to what is said a Tale, an Account, and if not of the said Memoir too that is. That in too saying that, life, and under said Colonial Oppression, and in a said too Colonial Kenya that is, and in said regard and to what Belief Systems are in all even said all about, and if not of the said Everyday too, was not what many do in all make of it, or say it to be, is to now associate the Everyday, and in a said too Kenya that is, Colonial, or as said filled with said Colonial Presences too that is, and with talk too now, and of the Memoir in itself that is. 

In speak now and of the Daily, and of what are said Belief Systems too, now is to in all even claim that, for many in Kenya, and if not East Africa too, the Daily, is often too said to in all even refer, and to what Popular Beliefs are in all even said to be, and of Belief Systems too and as said built on from talk of as such, Popular Beliefs that is, and in now, and as said too popularly that is, associating such said talk of the Daily, and with a said too now, Memory Reference that is, or of a said Reference and of the said even Kenyan Memory to that is, and with talk too now, and of the said even history of Education in Kenya, often said too Modern, Colonial or as said Formal too, and as said now to speak, and of the said Polytechnic too for instance. In speak though, and of what was said mentioned above, in the said previous paragraph that is, and on the said Continental, Regional, Local etc. too, and of what are said Belief Systems too, now is to speak too, and of the said even making of Kenya that is, or of Kenya too, and as often said touted that is, a said Democratic Republic that is, and if not of Kenyan life and as said now, said too perceived, and from talk and of what is believed said Kenyan Time that is, and if not as said too perceived as said Local or Regional too that is. 

In too saying that, Belief Systems, are by many often best said understood, and from talk of the said even Political, and if not of it all said even perceived, and from a said too Political fashion that is, now is to speak, and of what some have termed Neo-Colonialism that is, and into a said too Post-Independence Kenya that is, and that would too best speak, and of what are too said Foreign Presences that is, and into Kenya, and of what is believed said to speak, and of Media in Kenya today too that is.

In now saying that, Belief Systems, do in all even cut down, and to the said even core, and of Kenya's said problems too, Political too, now is to in all, say it all to in all even speak, and of the said even Fundamentals of life, said even to speak, and of what Rights are in all said to be, and if not of it all even now said to refer, and to what are said Classification Systems, and if not of what is said too Category, and if not and again, and of Kenyan life, and as simply said perceived said Religious, and as said Secular too that is. That in talk of such said Classification Systems, and of what is said Category, Kenya and as said Religious, and of its said Religious Beliefs too, now does too see it all, said perceived, and from talk of Eastern Africa that is, but that in speak of Kenya, and as said now Secular, it all too said now perceived, and from talk and of East Africa that is. In too saying that, Eastern Africa, is best said perceived and from talk and of what is said Media, and of East Africa too, and as said best perceived from talk of what are said Affairs, and of the said Secular too, and of said even African Affairs too, now is to in all even throw in, the said Swahili component to it all, and of the said too Swahili lands that is, and which would too associate talk of Eastern Africa, and as said too Media, and with talk too of its said constituent Countries, and in now too claiming that, it is Swahili culture, and that does in all even introduce it can best be said, and into East Africa, what one could too best term that is, Household Affairs that is.

In talk now though, and of what is actually said to speak of Eastern Africa, or of East Africa too, of the said  even Swahili lands too, and if not of both Rwanda and Burundi too, now is to in all even perceive both Burundi and Rwanda, and as simply truly said Independent and in their said ways too that is, and in said speak too now, and of what is said Consensus, and if not of Demography too, and in said speak too and again, and of what are said Brackets, or of what Brackets are said to be, and in said comparison now, and to the very said manner in all, a Blank, or Blanks, are in all even said too perceived that is [that the former, Brackets, do in all even refer and to what is said Number, but of the latter, the Blank, speak now and of the Count in itself that is].

In saying that, most do in all even truly wonder, and of why, Kenya, does in all even fail, and in its said realizing its said full Potential, or in its said meeting many a said Expectation that is, now is to in all even speak, and of the very said manner in all, the said even Kenyan Government, is said to classify the said population of Kenya, and as said to fall under it too that is. That it all too, does speak and of the very said term of Divide, and of Division too, and in now too saying that, it would probably best be said, that Kenya, could in all even be said to awaken to itself, and in its said understanding, of what a Split is said to be, and as said even now, to speak and of what the term of Sub, or of Subbing too, is in all even said all about, and if not in said speak too now, and of what is said a Wild Cat that is, and of what too, is said to speak and of the said even Big Cats that is.

In many a way, it is too believed that, Kenya's many problems, do in all even lie or lay, and with talk, and of what is said Language, and as said too now applied to speak, and of what is said the Law for instance, and if not of it all and as said even perceived, and in said Legality too for instance, is to now and again refer, and to what is too said Structure, and if not of what is said Construct too that is. That Kenya, and as often merely perceived said uncivil by many, would in all even be said to now refer, and to what are said Modern Constructs that is, and in now too claiming that, many a said attempt, and as often said touted or as said to refer, and to what is said to speak of Inter-Government that is, said Kenyan too, now does have it all said even perceived, and from talk, and of what is said Structure too that is. That Kenya, and if not East Africa too, is often believed said not having any said proper Structure to it all, and as often believed said now to speak, and of what is said Institution, and if not of what is said Family too, and in now too saying that, Kenya, and if not East Africa too, is probably best said structured, and from that said Structure said even a Tree Structure too that is, and in said comparison, and to that said Structure, often said too, a Table that is, and that has in all even seen Kenya now, the Table that is, said even built up, and in talk and of what are said Formats, and if not of what are said Layouts too that is. In many a way, Kenya and as said even now defining itself in all, and in talk of what is too said Language in itself, now does have to it, its said even Development that is, and as said even grounded in all, and in talk of the Agency, and of it all even said now, to speak, and of the very best of said manners in all, and in perceiving Development, and that would too speak and of Russia that is, of India too, and if not of a said too Modern China that is.

In too saying that, Belief Systems, are often believed said having a said Time Reference and to them all, and that would too be said even, to speak, and of what a Belief is in all even said to be, now is to in all even attempt, to in all even too, differentiate, and between, what is said Identity, and of what is said to speak and of the Political too that is. That it too can be said that, many a said society outside Africa, is believed said to in all even arise, and with talk of the Political, and if not as often believed said perceived, and from talk and of Knowledge Accumulation, Knowledge Gathering, Knowledge Storage, Knowledge Mining etc., now is to in all even fartherly claim that, African societies, and if not as said to speak of what is said African Civilization too that is, said too Egyptian, are believed truly said in all even grounded that is, and in talk and of what is said Identity in itself that is, and as said too very much defining in all, and of the said even African Experience that is. 

That the above just said, could too be said to speak, and of Kenya, and if not of East Africa too, and as said perceived, and of the very said term of Figure that is, and as often believed said to speak, and of a said too Political Figure for instance. That Kenya's said problems, can too be said even perceived from talk, and from a said too Time Reference that is, and from said talk too now and of the said Economical that is, the said Commercial too, and if not of the said Societal and Political too that is, now is to in all even attempt, to in all and again ground it all, and in talk and of what is said Identity that is. That in talk of the Economical, interestingly enough, it all too said even now perceived, and from talk and of what is said Modern Religion that is, and of Modern Religion too, best too probably said perceived from a said too Egyptian, and if not Northern African perspective too, and that would too be said to speak of the said even Baha'i Faith for instance. In talk of the Commercial, and of Africa's said Colonial and if not Slave trading history too that is, best believed said perceived as such, from the Commercial, talk too now and of what are said Key-Beliefs that is, and if not of what is said Key in itself, and in now too associating talk of Civilization in Egypt, Nubia and if not Libya too, and with talk of what is said Encoded that is, and if not as said Decoded too that is. In talk now though, and of what is said Societal, and what is said Political too, now is to in all even speak, and of the said even present Government of Kenya, and under the said Leadership and of both President Uhuru Kenyatta, and of the said Deputy President William Ruto too, and as said even now, helping in all even define Kenya that is, and under the said guise too that is, and of what a Technocracy, is in all even said all about that is. In many a way, the very belief that, Kenya, and if not East Africa too, is too best believed said in all now, said defined that is, and in talk and of what is said to speak of the Governmental, the Institutional, and if not of it all said even now leading, and to just who or whom in all, the Individual, is in all even actually said to be that is.

In all and again, and in finishing or finalizing on all this, what is said Identity, and in said regard to speak of what are said Belief Systems too that is, now is too said to in all even refer, and to what is said to speak, and of the said Continent of Africa that is, and not of the said African Continent either that is.

Saturday 10 December 2016

the Human Question : Connectivity

the Human Question : Connectivity (the African World series).

This entry, can in all be said, to in all even deal with, the very said question, and of what too, is said to speak, and of the said even, African World that is. That it all too, will attempt to ask of many, said too African that is, and of the very said manner in all, they would too perceive, what it all does mean, to be in all even said Human that is. That Africa, is in all even said, to lack, the said even History that is, and that is said to support, what is said too Development for instance, and History too, and that would too ask of what is said to refer, and to speak too and of the Soul, the Psyche, Family, Government, Tradition, Commerce, Education, Consciousness etcetc. and in now too claiming that, there is a said manner in all, and of defining Africans, and as said perceived Intelligent that is, but as said too unfounded in its ways in all, and that would too claim that, what is said Intelligence, does too now speak of Egypt, what is said Rationalism, said to speak of Greece, what is said Moralism, said to speak of Italy, but of Africa, the very said belief that, Intelligence, is very much believed said now, inherent, and in what one would too term Oracles that is.

In having said all the above, now is to approach, what is said Connectivity, and from talk too, and of what is said Perception in itself that is. That the said message, said too embedded that is, and in this said entry, can too now be said to in all even say that, and to Africans, that all there is, and to anything, is what is said Perception in itself, and that in all and again, it is what too, Perception that is, can be said to be, and that does too now speak too, and of what is said, the Human Question in itself that is. That Connectivity, and in said regard and to speak of the Human Question, can too now be said even to speak, and of the very said term of Relatedness that is, and that would ask of one, and of the very said in all, manner that is, one would too and in all, perceive, what is said to speak of, said even 'perceptions of self', and if not of said even 'perceptions of being' that is. 

That the said African World, can too now be said even perceived, and from talk of what is said Identity, and of said Dimensions too, African, and in now too approaching talk of the African World, and in said regard to speak of Kenya, and if not of East Africa too, and from speak too, and of what is said Adaptation in itself too that is. That in said talk too now, and of Connectivity that is, and in said regard to the African World too, the very question of Measure, would in all even show itself, and in now too saying that, there is something said much deeper and in its said meaning, and in its said ways too that is, and in speak too and of what is said Relatedness too that is, and in now too claiming that, it all does too speak, and of the very said term and of Akin too that is. That the very term of Akin, often said too Victorian, can too be said even to speak, and of Perception in itself, and in now too claiming that, the very question of what it does too mean to be said Human, or of what is said Connectivity too, or of Relatedness too, and in said speak too of what is said to speak of the African World that is, is believed said even now, to refer or speak and of, what is said Language, what is said Religion, and if not of what is said to in all even refer, and to what is believed said even African Identity in itself that is.

In said speak too now, and of what is said to refer, and to speak and of, said even 'perceptions of self', and of said too 'perceptions of being' that is, and if not of what is said too Connectivity, we do now see, or come across, what some have said to in all even speak, and of said even African Technologies that is, said even N'kisi for instance, and that do in all even it is believed, approach speak of Reality, or of Connectivity in itself too, and away, and from speak and of what is said Abstraction, Modelling, and if not of Theory, and of the Theoretical too that is. That such said Technologies, African, N'kisi, not believed said even validated in their ways, and away from talk, and of what is said Perception in itself, and if not of what is said too Akin that is, do in all even now, speak, and of the said even reason that is, that what one could in all too term Media Technologies that is, and in speak of the Blog for instance, do in all even appear to be rather popular amongst Africans, for they are said too Technologies, Media Technologies that is, and that would too be said to speak, and of what too, Broad Views that is, are in all even said to be that is. 

In all, and in closing up and on all this, Connectivity, and as said too now, to refer, and to African definitions in all, and of what is said Expression, Sound, and if not of Belief too, and with it all simply said now said perceived, the three formentioned that is, and from said even African Stances that is, and which too would too Expression, to very much be said Political that is, and in speak too of the said even Musical Arts of the Congo, and with Sound, said too East African, and if not as said Artistic too that is, and with Belief, said now to speak of Kenya, and of its said even Religions too that is.