Thursday 30 March 2017


of Embodiment.

This very entry, will in all too attempt, to in all even tackle that is, the said even complicated question, and of what too is said Embodiment that is, and as said to in all too, very much define in all, what too is said to speak, and of what is said life and in itself too that is. That hopefully, all this said is understood, and from speak, and of what is believed said to in all even Exist, and if not of what is said to in all even actually Exist, and as best said too now perceived in all, and from talk and of what are in all said too Forms that is, and of said too Abstract Forms, of said too Physical Forms, and if not of what is in all too said believed Formless that is. That it all too, does too and in all even refer, and to the best of said manners in all, and of in all understanding life today, and as it is too said to be that is.

That unknown to many perhaps, life and as said to in all even Exist, and as said Ancient, and if not as said pre-Modern too that is, is too believed said even realized in all, and from speak, and of what are said Abstract Forms that is. That what are said Abstract Forms, are too said even perceived in all, and from what is said Embodiment, and as said to now refer, and to what is too is Inexplicable that is. The Inexplicable too, and as said to in all even now refer, and to what cannot be said explained for that is, but could too be said even perceived in all, and from talk, and of what is said Force that is. Force too, and as probably best said perceived from what is said Direction, and in said regard to what is said a Vector that is, and of what is said Friction too, but in saying that, Force and as said too Shear Force that is, does too point at what is in all even said to Exist that is, and if not of a said even Directional Vector too that is, it all does to now point at and at what is said Inexplicable that is, but in said regard to what are said Abstract Forms that is, speak now and of what is said Asexual Reproduction for instance, and if not in said regard and to speak, and of the said even existence of Pyramids in Egypt, and if not of that said name of Imhotep too that is.

In saying that, most do and in all even simply understand their said World or Worlds, and from speak and of what are said Physical Forms that is, we can too now be said to in all even speak and of Embodiment, and as said too perceived in all, and from what is said Time, and if not of the said even Elevating and of Consciousness in itself too that is. That it all too now does speak and of Time, and as said even perceived from what is said Offset, and if not of what is said Error too that is, and with the latter said to in all even speak, and of what is said Timing, but of the former, the Offset, of what now is said Timely that is. In too now saying that, it is what is said Offset, that is said to said to be of interest here, and to many in all, now is to and in all even associate it all, and with the said even Refraction of Light that is, and if not of it all said perceived form talk of the Timely, and in said regard to what is said to in all even Exist that is, and in further said regard to what are said Planes too, or of what is said Planar that is, and if not of said even Planes of Existence too that is.

In saying though, the above did in all even refer, and to speak and of what is said Embodiment, and from speak and of what is said Theoretic too, and of the said Theoretical that is, we can too now be said to in all even speak, and of what Theoreticism, can too be said to in all even speak of that is, and in said regard to the said even study, and of what is in all believed said Formless that is. That what can in all be said to speak and of the Formless? In too saying that, it all does too best explain and for life and on Earth today, we too can be said to in all even refer, and to what are said Angels for instance, and if not and of just who in all, God that is, is too said to in all be that is. That it all does too now speak, and of Embodiment, and as said even perceived in all, and from speak and of what is said Popular, and if not of what is said Common too, but with what is said Common, now too said and to in all too be said, and of said interest that is, and in said regard and to speak and of the Formless that is. That in saying that, it does too now ask and of what is said Identity in itself, and of a said even firm belief in God too that is, we too can be said to in all even approach it all, and from speak, and of what can be said here as said Symbolisation that is, or of said even Contextualisation too that is, and with the former said to in all even speak, and of Identity in Kenya, and as said even contrasted, and to that in Germany for instance, but of the latter, of Identity in East Africa, it all too said as contrasted, and to that in the Scandinavia for instance. In too saying that Embodiment, and as said to in all even refer, and to what is said Formless, can too be said to in all even have a said popular twist to it all, and from the said even perspective and of what is said Common that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of what is said Outlook, and if not of what are said Horizons too that is. That the latter, of Horizons, does too now ask of one, and of their very said perceptions in all, and of what are said 'the Times' that is, but of the former, the Outlook, speak too now and of a said too, Modern China that is.