Thursday 30 March 2017


of Embodiment.

This very entry, will in all too attempt, to in all even tackle that is, the said even complicated question, and of what too is said Embodiment that is, and as said to in all too, very much define in all, what too is said to speak, and of what is said life and in itself too that is. That hopefully, all this said is understood, and from speak, and of what is believed said to in all even Exist, and if not of what is said to in all even actually Exist, and as best said too now perceived in all, and from talk and of what are in all said too Forms that is, and of said too Abstract Forms, of said too Physical Forms, and if not of what is in all too said believed Formless that is. That it all too, does too and in all even refer, and to the best of said manners in all, and of in all understanding life today, and as it is too said to be that is.

That unknown to many perhaps, life and as said to in all even Exist, and as said Ancient, and if not as said pre-Modern too that is, is too believed said even realized in all, and from speak, and of what are said Abstract Forms that is. That what are said Abstract Forms, are too said even perceived in all, and from what is said Embodiment, and as said to now refer, and to what is too is Inexplicable that is. The Inexplicable too, and as said to in all even now refer, and to what cannot be said explained for that is, but could too be said even perceived in all, and from talk, and of what is said Force that is. Force too, and as probably best said perceived from what is said Direction, and in said regard to what is said a Vector that is, and of what is said Friction too, but in saying that, Force and as said too Shear Force that is, does too point at what is in all even said to Exist that is, and if not of a said even Directional Vector too that is, it all does to now point at and at what is said Inexplicable that is, but in said regard to what are said Abstract Forms that is, speak now and of what is said Asexual Reproduction for instance, and if not in said regard and to speak, and of the said even existence of Pyramids in Egypt, and if not of that said name of Imhotep too that is.

In saying that, most do and in all even simply understand their said World or Worlds, and from speak and of what are said Physical Forms that is, we can too now be said to in all even speak and of Embodiment, and as said too perceived in all, and from what is said Time, and if not of the said even Elevating and of Consciousness in itself too that is. That it all too now does speak and of Time, and as said even perceived from what is said Offset, and if not of what is said Error too that is, and with the latter said to in all even speak, and of what is said Timing, but of the former, the Offset, of what now is said Timely that is. In too now saying that, it is what is said Offset, that is said to said to be of interest here, and to many in all, now is to and in all even associate it all, and with the said even Refraction of Light that is, and if not of it all said perceived form talk of the Timely, and in said regard to what is said to in all even Exist that is, and in further said regard to what are said Planes too, or of what is said Planar that is, and if not of said even Planes of Existence too that is.

In saying though, the above did in all even refer, and to speak and of what is said Embodiment, and from speak and of what is said Theoretic too, and of the said Theoretical that is, we can too now be said to in all even speak, and of what Theoreticism, can too be said to in all even speak of that is, and in said regard to the said even study, and of what is in all believed said Formless that is. That what can in all be said to speak and of the Formless? In too saying that, it all does too best explain and for life and on Earth today, we too can be said to in all even refer, and to what are said Angels for instance, and if not and of just who in all, God that is, is too said to in all be that is. That it all does too now speak, and of Embodiment, and as said even perceived in all, and from speak and of what is said Popular, and if not of what is said Common too, but with what is said Common, now too said and to in all too be said, and of said interest that is, and in said regard and to speak and of the Formless that is. That in saying that, it does too now ask and of what is said Identity in itself, and of a said even firm belief in God too that is, we too can be said to in all even approach it all, and from speak, and of what can be said here as said Symbolisation that is, or of said even Contextualisation too that is, and with the former said to in all even speak, and of Identity in Kenya, and as said even contrasted, and to that in Germany for instance, but of the latter, of Identity in East Africa, it all too said as contrasted, and to that in the Scandinavia for instance. In too saying that Embodiment, and as said to in all even refer, and to what is said Formless, can too be said to in all even have a said popular twist to it all, and from the said even perspective and of what is said Common that is, now is to and in all even speak, and of what is said Outlook, and if not of what are said Horizons too that is. That the latter, of Horizons, does too now ask of one, and of their very said perceptions in all, and of what are said 'the Times' that is, but of the former, the Outlook, speak too now and of a said too, Modern China that is.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Tuesday 21 March 2017

The International African Festival

The International African Festival.

In said regard, and to those who do in all even place, a said even emphasis that is, and on just what in all Development in itself, is in all actually said to be, and as said even now to refer, and to what is believed said the Law, of said too Ethics, and if not of what is said too Conscience in itself that is, and of a said even Political Divide too for instance, said International or as said Western too, now is to and in all even claim that, the said even African Festival, and as said too an International African Festival that is, could too and in all even help redefine in all what is said Development and in Africa too, and from said speak too, and of the said even Study, and of just what in all, Intricacy that is, is in all too said to be that is, and as said even now to refer, and to just who in all it can be said, God, is too in all believed said to be that is.

the Match-Fit

The Match-Fit.

This entry, does have to do, and with what one could in all term, the Match-Fit, and in said comparison now, and to what is said Concept that is. That the said even many entries and on this Blog, and other said Blogs and by the Blogger here too, do too and in all deal with that is, and with what is said Concept, and in said comparison now, and to what can be said Idea, and of said even Egyptian History too that is. That what is said Concept, and in said regard to this Blog, and many another by the Blogger, can too be said to in all even speak and of the said Politics and History and of Africa, but as said too perceived in all, and as said too centered, and in talk of Nigeria, of West Africa too, of Western Africa, and if not of said Central Africa too that is. That what is said Concept, does too now and in all, help redefine in all, or reconstruct too, what is said African Identity, and from the said even perspective, and of what one could too term 'World Eyes' [Link] that is.

In many a way too, what can be said Match-Fit, is too said even to speak, and of what is said Swahili, and in said Concept too that is. That what is said Match-Fit, can too be said even to speak, and of what is said to speak and of Traditionalism, and as said Swahili too, but can too now be said even to refer, and to a said even View and of the World, and that does too now associate talk of America, and if not of North America too, as said too NAFTA that is, and with what is said Intellectualism, American, and as said too Americana that is. That in many a way, the rest of the World, and outside speak of Africa too, is too now said perceived in all, and from what is said Ideology, and as said even now to refer, and to speak and of the name of Gandhi, and of said India too that is. That Africa, is too now said even perceived, and from its said even Traditional Titles, and which would too speak and of the said even Babalawo [Link] that is, and in Nigeria too for instance, of the said Chief, and of said Bantu Identity too, and if not of the said Swahili Leadership too, said too Current, and of said even Swahili Traditional Titles too that is.

In the attempt though, to speak and of what is said Match-Fit, we can too now simply refer, and to speak and of said even African Oracles, and such as those said associated with talk and of the name of Ifa that is, but in many a way, a true asking or pondering, and of the said even Existence and of the African, or of said Africans too, and away from talk now, and of said origins or roots, and towards a said even contemplation or realization, and of said realisation too that is, and of those said African, and from what can best be said termed here that is, and as said Africanisms too that is. That such said Africanisms, can too be said even to speak, and of said even Swahili Antecedents, and if not of the said Swahili World too, and as said too now Idealized, and from said talk, and of what was said termed and in another said Blog and by the Blogger here too, and as said Kijiji [Link1, Link2, Link3] too that is.

That what is too been said here is that, what is said Match-Fit, is said even, to speak, and of a said intention and by the Blogger here, to in all even attempt, to in all too define that is, Africa, or East Africa truly, and in a said even series of Blogs that is, 3 of them, and that would too tackle what is said Match-Fit, and not Concept, and as believed said truly definitive in all, and of what is said African, and if not of what is said African Identity too that is. That these said three Blogs, would in all even refer, or too be said, and as follows that is:

1. On the Building of East African Cities : a said Blog, and that would too delve into what is said too defining in all, and of the said East African City that is, and if not of said East African Settlements too that is, and from the said even belief or perspective, and that would too in all say, all there is to speak and of a said African life, and as said East African too, would too and in all even refer and to what is too said Allergy and in itself too that is.

2. On Compositions : in said regard and to a said even differing entry and on this Blog, aptly titled Compositions [Link] too that is, now is to and in all even claim that, what is said African, can too simply be said perceived in all, and from what is said Composite, and if not of what is said Development, and as said too now perceived, and from talk of the said Low-level, Low-scale, and if not of the said too Low-reaching that is, and which too and from talk and of said even African Oracles too, would too lead and to speak and of those said even excommunicated, and in said regard to what is said too Status [Link] that is, and of a said even HIV Status too for instance.

3. On African Wealth : - on what too can be said to speak of Bantu Identity, and as said too Congo, and if not of what is said Assessment and in itself too that is.

In however placing the above said, and in said even perspectives, and that would too and in all refer and to the World today, and as said even Contemporary that is, and if not as said Modern too, now is to and in all even exclude talk and of what is said Competition, and of the said Competitive Strategy, Edge and Advantage too that is, and if not of what too is said Contest that is, and all in favour now, and for what is in all said Congruency that is. That in speak and of the said first Blog, said too titled 'On the Building of East African Cities' that is, congruency, now said to speak and of what is said American, North American History too that is, and if not of that said Italian too. That in speak and of the said second Blog, 'On Compositions' that is, congruency, now said to speak, and of what is said Indian History that is. In speak of the said third Blog, 'On African Wealth', congruency and as said too perceived in all, and from speak and of what is said Chinese, or of said East Asian History too that is.

In too saying that, the said even rest of the World, and in said regard and to what is said congruency, can too be said even perceived in all, and from speak and of the said even Swahili World that is, and of 'things said Swahili' too, and which would too speak and of the said even Swahili Language, and as said Kiswahili too that is, now is to and in all even say it all to refer, and to what are said Ideals that is, and if not of it all as said even to refer, and to what are said Standards too that is. Standards too, and that would too now be said even to refer, and to the very said term of Standardisation, and not of Standardization truly either, and in speak too now and of a said even East Africa, and in said standards too, and that would too equate in all, and to its said even having to it, Voices, and as said remarkably African too that is, and in said comparison here, and to what are believed said Egyptian Voices too for instance. That in many a way too, East Africa, and from talk too of what is said Standardisation, and of its said Identity too, now is too said perceived in all and from talk, and of the said Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, and if not of the said Middle East too that is. Of Standards, and of what is said Standardization too, as said too Mechanism, now said to in all even refer, and to what Regionalisation that is, and not of Regionalization truly either, is in all even said to be, and in speak too of the said even differentiating and of Kenya and East Africa, and as said Kenya/East Africa too, or as said East Africa/Kenya too, but with it all said even now to speak, and of Nigeria, South Africa and Egypt, and as said too perceived in all, and as said Regional Powers too that is. In many a way too, speak and of Standards, and of what is said Standardized, and as said now to speak, and of what is said Uniformity that is, and of what too is said consolidation, and of East Africa too, and as said even perceived now, and from talk of Kenya, East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania), of Rwanda and Burundi too, and if not of the said even Swahili Coast [Kenya, Tanzania] that is, but as said even  now to lead and to talk of the said Swahili lands that is, and of it all too as said even summarized, and in talk too, and of what is said the Congo that is, and not of Central Africa either that is.

In all, the Match-Fit, said now to in all even perceive African History, and from talk and of its been said even Swahili, of said even Zimbabwe too, of Ghana and as said 'old Ghana' too that is, and if not of said Timbuktu, and of Mali too, and of the said even Songhai Empire, and of said Niger too that is.


the Sail

the African Sail.

This entry, will too attempt to deal, and with speak and in all, and of what does too pass for in all, or serve for and in all, and for Media, and in Kenya today too that is. That it too can be said that what is said Kenyan Media, could too and in all even differ from talk, and of what is said Media Kenya for instance, for the latter said, can too and altogether, be in all said East African that is. That in said regard, and to what is said Development and in Kenya today, and if not East Africa too, the very said term of Projection, is in all even believed said explainitive, and of such said Development, and in said comparison now, and to speak and of the very said term of Reflection that is.

That in understanding the above said better, now is to and in all even associate talk, and of what is said Reflection, and with talk too of what is said Existence, of what is said Doubt, and if not of the said Philosophic too that is. That in said regard to what is said Existence, the very said belief that, a Country and such as that of Kenya, and if not in speak of East Africa too and as said a region too, does too and in all even struggle, and with said even American definitions in all, and of what is said Existence, and as said too now and to speak and of said even 'Ways or Modes of living', the said 'Way of life', of Livelihood too, of Lifestyles etc., but that in all again, it all to said even to hint at, what is said to speak, and of the said even Existence and of Time in itself that is, and as said even now to lead, and to what is said Adaptation, and if not as said Mechanism, Bodily too that is. That in speak and of Reflection, and in said regard to what is said Doubt, speak too now, and of what is said Human Existence in itself, or of the said even reason that is, and of why the Human is in all even said to exist that is, but that in speak now and of the said Philosophic, speak too now and of what is said Individual, and as said even to encompass talk, and of what are said Leanings, Inclination, Tendencies etc., and as all said too perceived, and from talk and of what is said Reflection in itself that is.

That in too asking now, and of what is said Projection that is, now is to and in all even say of it, and as said even truly descriptive in all, and of the World and as it is today, and from the said even perspective and of every said even Arena and of Human life too that is. That in speak and of the World today and of its said Politics, Designs, Art, Entertainment, Commerce, Government etc., we do now come across, the said even pattern that is, and that does too speak, and of what is too said to speak, and of what is said Projection that is, and from the said even perspective and of what is said a Weight too, or of what is said Weight that is, and as said too an Authority to itself that is. That the said Weight, or Weights in question here, and in said regard to speak of Kenya, and as said too East African that is, does too now speak and of both Egypt, and of South Africa too, and in said Africa too that is. That both said Countries in all, are in all too capable of breeding, the said even Psychology and of the Complex, and within those in Kenya or East Africa too, and as said Kenyan or East African too, and if not as said too Swahili that is, and in now associating such talk of the Complex, and with speak too of what is said a Weight, or as said Weighted too that is, and in the said even now, reference, and to what is said a Superiority or Inferiority Complex that is, and if not of what is said Castration in itself too that is. That simply put, Kenya or East Africa, is too said Nubian and as said Eastern African that is, and if not as said Bantu, and as said too African that is.

That in understanding the said even Psychology of the Complex, and from talk too of what a Weight is in all even said to be, now is to and in all even associate it all, and with talk and of the very said term of Impoverishment that is, and as said even defining in all, and of one and in said Heart too, or as said at Heart too, and in said regard to the very manner in all, one would too associate what is said a Weight, and as said too an Authority in itself that is. That in having said the above, now is to and in all even attempt, to put into said perspective, the very manner in all, both Egypt and South Africa, are said believed to rule over Africa that is, and in said regard to what is said Media, and if not of what is said History too that is. That both Media, and History, are too said perceived from talk, and of what is said Independence, and if not of what is said Autonomy, and in too saying that, for those said even acknowledging in all, that both said Independence, and Autonomy, are in all said to speak of Egypt, and of South Africa too that is, and of Africa today too that is, and such that, both said History and Media, and in Africa, are too now believed said to speak only and of both South Africa and Egypt that is, and in said Image too for instance, and that would too lead now to what is said a Complex that is, and if not of what is said a Self-Image of one that is, and that would too speak of what is said Impoverishment, and upon one and as said lacking a proper said Historical Image and to it all that is.

Of Wholes, the Whole, -------, the Individual.
Of Parts, the Part, -------, the Personal.

Of Autonomy, the Autonomic, the Autonomous,--------, of Response, the Responsive, --------, of Laugh(ter).

Of Completion, the Complete, -------, of Names, Being, Character, Disposition, etc.

In too claiming that, this entry does too have to do, and with what is said a Sail that is, now is to and in all even place Kenya's said Developmental efforts, and on the very said even terms and of the Tapping, the Harnessing and of the said Unleashing too, and as often said too applied and to talk, and of what is said Consciousness in itself that is, and that would too speak, and of what a Sail is too said even all about that is. That in claiming that, in talk and of what is said Development today, Kenya would too and in all even be said to in all too define itself, and in talk too and of what is said Currency, and if not of what is said Symbolism too that is. That it all does too speak and of both South Africa, and of Egypt too, and as said respectively that is, and in said Weight too, and if not of what is said Currency, now said to lead to talk and of what is said Investment in itself, but of Symbolism, talk too now and of the very said term and of Communalism that is. That in many a way, Communalism and in Egypt, could too be said to speak and of the said even History and of the said Queens of Egypt that is, of said Cleopatra too, but that in speak and of what is said Investment and of South Africa, it does too now it can be said, be said the only place in Africa, to in all even parallel Kenya, emphatically said too, and in said regard to what does too pass for speak and of Myth probably, and that would too speak and of Expansionism that is, and into Africa too that is. In all, in said regard to what has just been said above, Kenya and in Development, now is to said to speak, and of what is said the Internet [Link], and of said even Internet Media [Link] too that is, and in said regard and to speak, and of the said even tapping, harnessing or unleashing that is, and of the said Internet, and in said Consciousness too that is.

In talk though and again, and of what are said Sails, now is to and in all even say the above said, does too and in all speak and of what the said even Projection of Power, Images of Success, Social Belief etc., are in all even said to be, and in the said now attempt, and to in all even remind one that is, that Development and in Kenya, is believed best said it can be said, to speak and of what is said Reflection that is, and in said regard and to speak, and of what is said Current that is, and of what is said Course or of Direction too, and if not of what is said Void, and of the said even Immeasurable too that is. That both said terms in all, and of Current and of the Void, can too be said even explainitive that is, and of what a Sail, is in all even said to be that is.

In finalizing and on all this said, now is to and in all even speak and of it all said to speak of Kenya and as said perceived, and as said Kenyan, East African, and if not as said Bantu too that is, and in said regard now, and to what is said Reflection and in itself too that is.


Friday 17 March 2017

Eternal Egypt

of Eternal Egypt.


of Eternal Egypt.

of Egypt + Eastern Africa.

of Middle Egypt, [Link], of Egypt in Representation; of Upper Egypt, the Egyptian Political State; of Lower Egypt, the Egyptian Religious State; of Egypt, [Link], the Pharaonic; of Eastern Africa, of Egyptian Blood; of the Sudan, [Link], of Egyptian Origins.

of Egyptian Bloodlines, Ancestral, of East Africa, [Link]; of Egyptian Tracts, [Link], Evolutionary, of Kenya; of Egyptian Bodies, [Link], of Middle Egypt, the Nile Valley, of Africa, of India, the Indus Valley; of Egyptian Rites, [Link], of Decadence, of Decay, the Perishable, [Link], of Kenya, East Africa, [Link], the Congo region of Africa, the Swahili lands, of Africa, [Link].

of Egypt, of Eternal Egypt, of the said Offering.


Thursday 16 March 2017

African Civilization

of African Civilization.

In this said entry, when we do in all attempt to talk, and of what is said Civilization, and as said African, we can too be said to in all even refer to it all, and from talk, and of what some have too termed Biological Dispersal [Link] that is. That what is said to speak and of Biological Dispersal that is, is too believed said even one of the far more better Models, and in the said even perceiving and of what is said African Civilization, and from talk too, and of what is said even Impact in itself that is. 

That in talk and of what is said Civilization, we can too and in all be said even to in all too ascribe that is, and to said even Models, and that do too now talk, and of what is said Continuity, what is said Direction, and if not of what is said Trajectory too for instance. That the very said question, and of the very said manner in all, Civilizations do in all actually arise, and of the very said even paths they do in all take, and paths too, often in all said even associated or as said acquainted too, and with talk and of what is said the Cosmos that is, does in all truly exist, and in said probable talk too now, and of what is said the Moment for instance. Of the Cosmos too, and as said even now perceived from talk and of said Models of Time too that is, and as said too Time Models that is, and that would too speak or refer to, the latter said that is, of Time Models, and to what is said Dispersal in itself for instance, and as said to in all even now refer and to what is said Geodispersal [Link] too for instance. 

In the said attempt to in all even now, present such said Models and of what is said Civilization, we can too now be said to in all even say them as said perceived in all, and from talk and of what is said Egyptian, what is said Greek, what is said to speak and of Italy, and if not of what is too said African that is. That in speak and of that Model said Egyptian, Civilization and as said too perceived in all, and from talk and of what is in all said even to speak and of the said Primordials, the said Gods, of the Ancients too, and if not of the said even names and of Adam, Jesus, Buddha, .....etc., and of what too is said Humanity or Mankind too that is. That in speak and of that Model said Greek, now is to and in all even speak, and of what is said Ancient, what is said Classical, of Antiquity too, and if not as said to in all even speak, and of the said Historical too that is. That in speak and of that Model said Italy, speak too now and of what is said Egyptian, Greek, Italian, and as said Civilization too, and if not in said speak too and of the said even World Civilization too that is. In speak and of the said now Model, and that is too best said even African that is, now is to in all even associate it all, and with talk and of what is said Masonic, and if not of Masonry too, of Freemasonry too, and of the said even Freemason, the very said even term and of what is best said here Teknolojia [Link] too that is,and if not in said speak too it can be said, and of the said Vedic that is, and if not and of it all now and as said even to speak, and of what is said Monument in itself too that is, and of said even Civilization and as said too Iraq for instance. That in many a way, it is too believed that the said even writing and of the Bible, does too fall under this very said Model too that is.

In now extricating what is said Teknolojia above, and from the rest said too, now is to and in all even ascribe to it, its said even own Model that is, and that does too speak and of said even Human Evolution Models that is. That in the said even understanding of this said Model, and on Human Evolution too, and of the very manner in all, it does too differ from the other said Models above, now is to not speak and of what is said Continuity, Direction or of said Trajectory too that is, but that in all again, in said regard now, and to what is said to speak, and of what is said Documentation that is, and if not of what is said Record too that is, and as probably best said now to speak, and of what are here said too termed as said KSS/KR that is, and of said even Knowledge Storage Systems that is, and of said Knowledge Retrieval too, and of the Human Body as said too perceived as such, from said talk too, and of what is said Memory, and if not of what is said Belief too, and as probably best said now to speak, and of what are said Logicisms in themselves that is.

In regard though, and to what is said Teknolojia, we must in all even now say it, to not be said as Craft, and of what too is said Intellect, said too as said Enterprise, and of what too is said Aptitude, and if not of what is said Invention, and of what too is said Intelligence too that is. That what is said Teknolojia, and as said to now too speak, and of what is said African Civilization that is, can too be said even perceived and from the said even term of Morph that is, but as best said perceived in all, and as said a Fold too that is, and of the said term too of Manifold that is, the Mani-fold, but if not of the said even Human Being that is, and as said even defined in all, and from talk and of what is said Mode, and of it all said perceived in talk and of what is said Dimension too, and if not of the said Dimensional too that is, and as said even now perceived from the said even 4-Fold [Link] that is, and if not of the said even N-Fold too that is.

In saying that, the said even previous Models and on Civilization, said too Egyptian, Greek, and as said to speak and of Italy too, and if not of Africa too, are best said even perceived from talk and of what is said Status, and as said Afforded or Accorded too, now is to and in all even perceive them all, and from their been said the Egyptian Model, and not that Model said Egyptian either, the Greek Model, the Italian Model, and if not of the said African Model too, and as best said now to speak or correspond, and to what is said Archaeology, Anthropology, of Politics too, and if not of said Communications too that is, and as all said too respectively that is. That in said regard and to speak and of that Model and that was too ascribed in all, and to talk and of Teknolojia that is, the very said complicated question now, and of what too is said Name, of Conscience and as said Ori too for instance, Construct, Body etc., does in all even actively come into play, and in said regard now, and to what too is said perceived and as said Proof in itself too that is.

In however finalizing and on all this, now is to and in all claim that, all the above said Models, and on what is said Civilization, can all to too be said even perceived as said one, and in said speak and of what is said Principle that is, and of Principle too, often said associated and in talk too and of what is said Breathe in itself for instance, and to said Egyptian and Indian Civilizations that is, but that in all again, what can be said here is that, what is said African Civilization, or of Civilization and as said African too, now does too perceive talk and of what is said Principle, and from talk and of what is said Form in itself too, and of Form too, that would not only speak and of what is said Mode that is, and if not of what is said Proof in itself too, and of the very belief that, Civilization and as said African, and from said speak too and of what are said Viral Forms [Link] too for instance, can too be said even perceived now, and from talk, and of said even Egyptian Forms that is, and of what too are in all even best termed here, and as said Parallels too that is, and as said even now applied and to the World and as it is today, and in said regard and to speak too, and of what are too said Parallel Developments for instance.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Health Conditions

Health Conditions.

What we do in all here term Health Conditions, or of ones said Health Condition too, could too and in all even be said of a more said significant importance, and than what is said to in all even refer or speak of, and of said even Living Conditions, Physical Conditions, Psychological Conditions, Medical Conditions etc. That in many a way, what is said a Health Condition, is too more or less said believed, and in said comparison to most and if not of any other said Condition that is, and as said to speak of the Spiritual Condition too for instance, more or less said impactful, and if not as said too definitive in all, and in said regard and to speak, and of matters or issues and as said even pertaining and to speak and of Death, and if not of what is said Rest in itself too that is.

In too saying that, what is said to in all even speak and of Health Conditions, and if not of a said Health Condition too, is too and in all even more or less said revealing in all, and of the said even Politics of Domination too, now is to and in all say that, such said Politics, do in all even speak and of what is said a Health Condition, or of said Health Conditions too, and not of what is said to in all even speak, and of what is said poor Health that is. In the attempt to in all even put all this said, and on what is said Domination too, and of said Health Conditions too, and from said even perspectives that is, and that would too not speak and of what is said Domination, now is to and in all again, refer and to speak and of Kenya, and of its said Wildlife too that is, and in too saying that, Wildlife and in Kenya, does too and in all even influence or impact one, and from said even Ecological perspectives or stances that is, and that does too speak and of what a Health Condition is in all even said all about, and in said speak too here and of the said fight and between Man, and Animal or Wildlife too, and in said regard to what too are said Settlements for instance.

In now concluding and on all this said, is to in all even state that, what are said Health Conditions, and not of said poor Health either, does too and in all even refer, to the very manner in all, we do and in all react that is, and to our said even environs too that is, and such that, those in a said poor Health Condition that is, are in all even said not to be in touch, or said recognizing, or said even identifying that is, their said environs, and in said regard to what too is said Security for instance, and if not in said speak, and of what Intimacy in itself is too said to be that is, and such that, what is been said here is that, Health Conditions, do in all even speak and of one and in Health, and from the said even perspectives and of the Individual, Family, Community, Ancestry etc., and such that, what is said to speak and of poor Health, is too now said even tied down, and to speak and of Backgrounds, Ethnicities, Tribes, Societies etc., and in the said even call here, and for a said even restoration that is, and for what does too speak and of what is said Community, and in Kenya today too that is.

a Tale of a Big City

A Tale of a Big City.

This entry will in all even be said to in all deal, and with what are said Excuses that is. That it all does too speak and of the very manner in all, one would too be said to in all even perceive, what are said Excuses that is, and in said regard, and to what too does speak and of life in itself, and if not in speak and of what is said punishment, penalty, reprimand, warning etc. In many a way too, it does and in all even refer, and to what is said even, a said Individual Memory of things that is, and to what too is said mistake, and of Identity now, and in said too Intelligence, said too Kenyan, and as said too perceived from talk, and of what is said Intrusion that is, and if not of what is said Detection too for instance. That in many a way, it does too refer and to a Kenya, and in said even Mode, said too defined in all, and by talk and of what are said Conversational Modes that is, and if not as said to in all even now refer, and to the said even 1001 Arabian Nights, and as said the 'Alf Laylah Wa Laylah' too that is.

That in speak and of the above said and in the said too perspectives and that would too and in all even refer, and to speak and of what Excuses, are in all too said to be, we can too now claim it all to in all even speak, and of what is said an Inner Psyche that is, and if not of the very manner in all, one woulds too and in all perceive, what is said Blame that is.  That in many a way, Blame, is too said even born that is, and of what are said too Conversational Modes that is.

That in speak too and of what is said the Inner Psyche, now is to and in all even refer, and to what is said Altercation, and not of what is said Fight truly either, and with the Altercation said too in all even define those said African, and in said argument too, and if not of the said Inner Psyche, now too said again, defining in all, and of those said African, and in said Destitution too that is. That in many a way too, what is said Destitution, is too said even to speak and of one and in Condition, and of the said even lack and in the said understanding and of what is said to speak and of life in itself too, and in said even regard and to speak, and of what is said in Regardation that is. That what is said in Regardation, can too be said even to speak and of the Bible and in interpretation, and if not of what the Inner Psyche is in all even said to be, and in said regard to what is said Blame, or of what too Blame is in all even said all about that is. 

In speak though and of the said title or header that is and to this entry ' A Tale of a Big City' that is, now is to and in all even speak and of the said History and of the City of New York that is, and as often popularized as said New York City, and if not as said serialized and as said NYC too that is. That the said City of New York, is too best said even here perceived, and from talk and of what is said in Regardation that is, but that in all again, and in speak and of what is said to refer and to speak and of Africans and in Destitution too that is, it all does too speak, and of what is said to speak and of a said even Formative Experience that is, and as said too and in all as said defining in all, and of the said even African Experience too that is, and from speak too and of what is said Africanized that is, and of Identity and as said Africanized, and if not of a said Africanized Identity too, and in said comparison and to what is said African Identity, or of Identity and as said African too that is. That in speak and of a said City of New York, and as said popularized and as said New York City, and if not as said serialized and as said NYC too that is, now is to and in all even associate it all and with speak and of said even Formative Experiences that is, and that would too give birth or rise, and to the said City of New York that is, and as most do know it, and Formative Experiences too and that do too and in all speak and of what is said Destitution too, and while such said Experiences, Formative, and that do too speak in all and of the City of New York, can too be said even Africanized, what we can though and in all here say is that, the said even problems that is, and as often described and as said in the multitudes too, and that Africans are often believed said to face, and as said even to speak and of Destitution in itself that is, and if not of what is said Blame, and of the said even African Condition too that is, now do too speak and of what the Inner Psyche is too said to be, and as said even perceived from talk of Formative Experiences that is, and of what too is said to speak and of a said memorable Childhood too for instance. In all and again, what too is said to in all even speak and of what is said Africanized that is, and not African truly either, does too refer, and to what is said a Tome, and as said even now defining the said even City of New York, and as probably best said Gotham too that is,  and in said too Formative Experiences that is, and that would too refer and to what Destitution, is in all even said to be that is.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

the Human Form

The Human Form.

It can be said that, what is said as of the Human Form, is too and in all said tied down, and to speak and of what are said as of Medical practises too that is. That unknown to most, what they do simply term Medicine, can too be said Egyptian and Greek, but while the Egyptians did too know of what Treatment was in all said to be, what they do call Surgery, is in all too said Cretan Greek that is, and with Italy said in all even associated with talk of Medication that is, and with what they do term Healing that is, said now to speak and of the said Middle Eastern region, said too the Near East region that is, and of the Middle East too that is. 

on Treatment.

In many a way, what is been said here is that, what they do in all even term Medicine, is not only said tied down to speak and of what Human Forms, are in all even said to be, but that in all again, it all too is said even rather definitive in all, and of what too is said to pass for said Human relations and relationships too that is. That while it can be said that, what one could too term American Medicine that is, can too be said even approached from talk and of what is said Injury, but of Medicine and as said to speak of the Middle East, the Swahili World, and if not into Egypt too that is, said even to refer and to what is said Paralysis that is, many an Asian culture, can too be said to in all even perceive the Human Body, from talk and of what are said Ointments, and if not said Massages, and of the said even Human Body response, and to what a rub is in all said to be, but that in all again, speak of Medicine now, and as said even defining in all and of Human relations or relationships too, and of the said Human Form too, and in said regard and to speak and of East Africa, and if not of Kenya too, can too now be said even perceived, and from talk and of what a Tear is in all even said to be, of the said Tear and Tearing too that is, of Tears, and in said speak too now, and of Hearts and as said torn apart, and if not of relationships and as said too tearing away or apart that is.

Monday 6 March 2017

on Adversity

on African Adversity.

When we do here and in all, talk, and of what is said Adversity, we are too said even to in all attempt, to in all too give, a said even sense of Meaning that is, and to our said lives, said too daily or everyday, and that would too now entail, and in said talk too, and of what Nationality in itself, is in all even said all about that is. That it is in speak of Adversity, and in said regard to the said even facing of everyday life for instance, or in speak and of what is perceived as said even, the said value of many a thing, and in said speak too, and of what the said 'face value' for instance, and of many a thing, is in all even said all about, and whereby and in all again, we do and in all come across talk, and of what is said Pride, and if not of a said even National Pride too, or of that Pride and that is simply said Individual too that is. That Adversity, is all there is said to be, and in said regard to our said even recognizing, discerning or appreciating in all, the very said even moments of our lives that is, and in said regard and to speak too and of what the Local Hero, is too said even all about that is.

That in helping one truly see Adversity and for what it is, now is to and in all even ask and of what is said Existence that is, for what too can be said to speak of Adversity, now does too refer and to what is said Adverse, and in the said even here example, and of what is said a Scorpion too that is, and of it too and as said perceived from talk and of what is said Expectancy, what is said Sense, and if not of what is said Impression in itself too, for it all too now does speak and of what is said Existence, and as probably best said perceived, and from talk, and of what is said the Life-force [Link] in itself that is, and as said even now to refer, and to the Adverse that is, and if not to the said even now 'Memory of things' that is. That in speak of Kenya, and of what is said too Nationality in Kenya, and of any said Adversity faced too that is, we can too now simply claim Kenya to be in all even said defined that is, and in said regard to what too is said Nationalism, and from talk too now, and of the said even 'Memory of things', and if not as said perceived from talk, and of the Adverse, and if not of what can be said to speak, and of Existence, and as simply said perceived from talk and of what is said to speak and of the said even Life-force in itself that is.

In helping one understand what is said Adversity, and from said even Historical Contexts too that is, now is to and in all even ask, and of the very manner in all, one is too said even to perceive, their very said even environments or environs too that is. That such said perception, does too speak and of what is said to in all even inspire one for instance, or define one and in said instinct too, the instinctive that is, and that does too ask and of the very manner in all, the World, or of the Universe too, and if not of the said Planet too, is believed said even interconnected to each other, and in said even regard now, and to speak and of what is best said Interaction that is, but as said even perceived as said Interplay that is, and in its said Communications too that is. That in the attempt to understand all this said, what can probably be said here, and in speak and of what Interplay is in all even said to be, is that, what is said Actual, is too believed said to speak, and of the said even 'Dream World' that is, what is said Active, is too believed said to speak, and of the said even 'spirits World' that is, but of what is said Able, now is to said to speak, and of the said even 'forces World' that is, and of the said even good and evil forces too for instance. That it is amidst such said talk, and where and in all History, is believed said even to in all unfold, and in said even Interplay that is, and in the said even here example and of Italy, and of Existence and as said perceived from talk and of Heaven, and of Hell too, and if not in speak and of Egypt, and in said Existence, and of said even other Realms or Worlds too, and as said even perceived as said Physical and if not Metaphysical too, and if not in speak now though, and of Kenya too, and of what is said Question, and in said regard to the said even Existence of both Man, and of God too that is.

In the said even understanding of Adversity, and from said even Political stances or proportions too that is, we do now and in all come across talk, and of what is said Trajectory that is, and not of Direction truly either that is, and with what is said Trajectory, said too now to speak, and of what is said a dense or complex Road Transportation Network for instance, and if not as said system too, and in now too claiming that, what is said even Trajectory, can too be said even to speak and of what is said a Shift, and in said speak too, and of a said even shift of Power for instance. That in speak and of what is said Trajectory, and in said regard to what is said Adversity, and as said even now Political that is, we can too be said even to refer, and to what is believed best said to speak and of Adversity in itself, Politically that is, and in said speak too now, and of the said even 'nature of Evil', and of Italy too, the said even 'nature of Power', and of Egypt too, the said even 'nature of Things' that is, and if not as said American, can too be said to speak and of the said even History of Aksum, or as said Axum too that is, but in speak of Africa, or of Kenya too, perhaps now, talk and of the said even 'nature of Existence', and if not in said speak of what is said Disease for instance, but that in all again, it said to refer, and to what is said Belief, and on ones said part, and of what is said Becoming, and of ones said environs too for instance, and if not of it all and as said now defining one in all, and in speak and of what is said Existence in itself too that is.

In too saying that, the said even Politics and of what is said Adversity, do and in all even greatly impact the World, now is to and in all even refer, and to a said even Apartheid South Africa for instance, and if not of what is said to speak, and of said even Political Turmoil, or of said too Political Turbulence, and in the World today too that is. That it all too does now refer, what is said Adversity that is, and to the said even Politics, and of what is said Consolidation that is, and of the said even Consolidating or Consolidation of Identity too that is, and that would too and in all, and in speak and of the World today, speak and of its said even Geo-Politics that is, and that would too associate talk and of Europe, Central Asia, and if not of Northern Africa too, and with speak too and of what is said Adversity, and if not of a said even Consolidated Identity that is, and that would too point at the very said even History, and of the said Aegean too that is. That in speak and of Africa and as such, from what is said Consolidated, and if not of a said Consolidated Identity too, now is to speak and of Egypt and Africa simply put, and if not of the said even History of Byzantium, and as said too Byzantine that is. In all, what too can be said of such said Consolidated Identity, and of what are said too Power Politics for instance, is that, it not only refers and to speak and of the said even Centralization of Power and as said defining in all, and of the World today, and as said even Modern too, but that in many a way, speak too now and of the very manner in all, most would too and in all even define that is, what is said Continuity, Struggle, Defeat, Conduct etc. that is.

In many a way, speak and of the said even Modern World, and of what it does mean to be said Human, recognized as such, and of the said even Human Experience too, can too be said even to in all speak, and of what is said Drive that is, and if not of what is said to Drive one, and if not of what is said to in all even Fuel one that is, and against the said even Odds too that is. That it all too can be said perceived, and from a said even Democratic stance, and of a said even Democratic vote too for instance, and in said speak and of the for, and the against, and that does too now speak, and in said even regard to what is said Adversity, and to what is said Influence, what is said Persuasion, and if not of what is said Sway too that is, and in said even regard to what are said Power Blocs too for instance, and of what is said Resistance, Independence or of Autonomy too, and in said regard to what are said Regional Powers too for instance, but that in all again, it does too point at what are said Global, International and of said too World Politics that is, and as said even now believed, and in speak and of the World today and as it is, dominated in all, and by talk, and of the said even Histories of Italy, and if not of the Near East region of the Middle East too that is.

In talk now though, and of what is said Adversity, and as said even perceived from talk, and of what is believed said even African Identity that is, or of Identity and as said too African, we too can be said to in all even merely or simply speak, and of said even 'Voices from the past' that is, or as said even emanating from the past that is, such said Voices, said too Ancestral, and in now too claiming that, in regard to what is said Consciousness, differentiations must be made and between what is said Awareness, and of what is said Conscience too, and in said regard now, to what is in all even said Construct for instance, and of Awareness too, and if not of what is said Structure, and of said Conscience too that is. That for most Africans, life is simply or merely perceived from talk, and of what is said Construct, and of said Awareness too, and if not of what is said to speak and of said even Space Constructs, and of Time Constructs too, and if not of the said Space-Time Construct too that is. That in speak and of what are said Space Constructs, and from speak and of the said even African past too, we can too speak and of Time and as said too perceived from talk and of the said Past, Present, Future that is, but that in speak of Time Constructs and as such, from speak and of the said even African past that is, talk of Time and as said perceived and from what is said Present, Moment, Now that is, but that in speak and of said Space-Time Constructs that is, Time, and as said too now perceived, and from talk and of the Earlier, the Later, and if not of the said Current too, and of it all, the above said that is, simply said as one, and in talk too now and of a said even African Awareness that is, or of Awareness, and as said too African that is.

In all and again, and in finalizing on all this, Africa, and as it is today, said even now perceived, and from talk and of what is said Conscience that is, and if not of what is said Structure, or of the Structural too, and of the Structuralizing that is, and of what is said Power, and if not of Knowledge too, and if not of it all said even now to speak, and of what is said Individualism in itself too that is.

Sunday 5 March 2017



Fitina, can in all even be said a Swahili term, and that is too said descriptive in all, and of said Human relations, and as said too perceived and from talk, and of what is said Condition, and as said Social Condition too that is. That Fitina, now is and in all even said too, best defining in all, and of what does pass for speak, and of Identity, and as said Eastern African too that is, and if not of it all said to speak, and of said even Diversity, Bio- or Human too, as said too Ethnic that is, and in Eastern Africa, and if not in said speak now and of East Africa, the said Swahili lands too, of Rwanda and Burundi too that is, and as said now and in Identity, said too Common, best said too perceived, and from talk, and of what is said Heritage in itself that is.

on Sheltering

on Sheltering.

When we do here speak and of what is said Sheltering, we can too be said to in all even approach it all, and from talk too now, and of the said even envisioning and of what is said African Identity that is. That in such said envisioning, it all too is said now to in all even speak, and of what is said a Politic that is, and as best said too now to refer, and to what too are said Political forces that is, and of what they are said all about, and if not of what are said Info/Knowledge Networks that is, or of what they are said to be that is. That in many a way too, what is said Sheltering, and from said even African perspectives, would too be said to in all even approach talk, and of what are said Metaphysics that is, and as said to in all even speak too, and of what is said Barrier in itself that is, and if not of the said even Barriers that is, and to what too is said even Human understanding, and as said too now perceived, and from talk, and of what is said Innate that is. That it is in speak and of the Innate, and whereby we do in all even make a said simple inference, and to what too is said Sheltering, and as said too now perceived and from talk, and of what a Politic, is in all even said to be that is.

In the said too now understanding and of what Sheltering is in all even said all about, now is to in all approach it all from a said even Metaphysical perspective that is, and that does too refer and to what is said African Civilization, of the said African Condition, of said African History, of African Politics, of said African Religion, of the African State, and if not of a said too now African Polemic that is, and as said too best perceived and as said Debate in itself too that is. That it all too now, does speak and of what is said believed Innate, and in said regard to the Human, and of why we do in all even seek to in all preserve ourselves, and in said even regard, and to what is said extinction in itself too that is, and if not of what extinction in itself is actually said to be that is.

That in speak and of what is said Sheltering, and in said regard to speak, and of what is said African Civilization, now is to and in all even espouse the very belief that, the African, can too be said to in all even possess, or have to him that is, Intellect, or Intelligence too, and as said Sense, and if not as said Sense in itself too that is, and in said regard now to what is said survival, or of adaptation in itself too that is. That in many a way, the very said problem that the African is too said to in all even have to him, now do too speak, and of what is said the World, and as said even to exist, and in said Logic, and if not as said to be, and in said speak and of what is said Exposure that is, for the World and in the African mind, is too now said even to exist, or as said believed to exist, and in talk and of what are said Oracles that is, but that in speak and of the World and as said to speak and of that Civilization said Egypt, it all too is now believed said to exist or be, and in speak and of what is said Dream that is, and of a said too Dream Psychology that is, and that is in all even believed said to speak and of a said too African Psychology that is, and that would too refer, and to what is said Neuromelanin for instance.

That in speak and of what is said Sheltering, and in said regard to what is said to speak, and of the said African Condition, we can too now best approach it all, and from talk and of what are said Communication Studies, and of what are said Semiotics too for instance, and of Africa today, and if not of the said African too, and as believed simply said under oppression or subjugation too, and in said speak and of Condition, and as simply said too Assessment that is, and if not as said Assessment, and that would too refer now, and to speak and of what is said Media, Technology & Communications that is, and as said even now to refer, and to said too made perceptions that is, and of what is said Condition, and as said too an African Condition that is.

That in speak and of what is said Sheltering, and in said regard to what is said African History, now is to speak and of what is said Continent, African, and from speak and of the said even existence and of Egypt too that is, what is said Individual, African, and of the said too Western World that is, what is said Language, African, and if not of said even Territories too that is, African, and of what is too said Swahili that is, but that in all again, it all said to speak, and of what is said Identity, African, and of the said names and of Egypt, Libya and Nubia too, but as said now and again to speak, and as said even a frame of reference that is, and of what is said to speak and of the Sudan, or of what is said Sudanese too that is.

That in speak and of what is said Sheltering, and in said regard to what are said African Politics, now is to and in all even speak, and of the said even best of manners in all, and in the said perceiving and of ones said environments or environs too, and as said to in all even now lead, and to speak and of what is said Object, and if not of what is said Animate, and of the Inanimate too that is. That it is too believed that, for the African, a said even true understanding and of the World, does too speak and of what is said Object, but with it all even said now to lead and to speak of the said even Creationist/Destructionist Worldview too that is, but that in all again, what is said Object, and in said comparison to what is said Animate, or of the Inanimate too, does too now lead and in all again, and to better said even perceptions, African, and of what is said Time in itself too that is.

That in speak and of what is said Sheltering, and in said regard to what is said African Religion, we can too be best said now to in all even perceive it all, and from talk and of the said Religious that is, and if not as said to speak and of that part of one, said Human, and that is too said Me that is, and as said even now to speak, and of what is too said Egyptian that is, and if not of what too is said American that is. That it is said by some, all there is to one, is what is said Me, and from talk too and of what is said Religion in itself, but that in all again, while the Me and from speak and of what is said Egyptian, is too believed said even perceived and from talk and of what is said Us, the Me, and as said now American, is too now believed said to speak, and of what is said Liberty that is. In many a way, and in said regard to what is said Sheltering, the Me and from said even African perspectives, has often been said associated in all, and with the said even Losing of ones way that is, and of the said even secret origins or History, and of the Church that is, and in Africa or North Africa truly that is.

That in speak and of what is said Sheltering, and from the said even perspective and of what is said the African State, we can too now and in all even refer, and to the said History and of the said Nubian State that is, but as said too now Meroitic that is, and if not as said Axumite too that is. That in many a way, it too could be said now to lead, and to speak and of what is said Voice, and of the said even Human Voice that is, of said too African Voices for instance, and of the said even finding of oneself, and amongst many another said thing that is, and in said example too, and that does too now ask and of what is too said even Individual for instance. That in the said even understanding and of the World, and from speak and of what is said State that is, we could too now speak and of Time and as best said even perceive from talk and of what are said phases, and if not of said phasors too, but that in all again, and in said regard to what is said to speak of Sheltering here, we can too be said even to in all even perceive our said existences that is, and from what too is believed said Sound in itself that is, and in said comparison now, and to what is said Noise too that is.

It is in said speak though, and in the said even now closing and on all this said, and of Sheltering, and from said speak and of what is said an African Polemic, and if not as said Debate in itself too, and that we do now and in all even approach it all, Africa that is, and as it can too be said to in all even exist today, and as it is that is. That in the very said least, Africa is today said even Diasporic, and in said regard to what is said Yoruba for instance, said even Continental, and in said regard to what is said Igbo, or Bantu, and if not as said Regional, and of said even Regional Contexts, and as said too now Region, and in said regard to what is said Swahili that is, and if not of Modern African History, and as said even now best perceived, and from talk, and of the said even region of East Africa too that is. That in many a way, it all does too now refer and to speak and of Africa and as said even perceived, and from the said even here Course of History that is, and that does too speak, and of what can too be said to speak and of Egypt, of Africa, and if not of God too that is. That it is in speak of Egypt, and whereby and in all it is presented to us all, the very said view and of what is said Consciousness that is, and if not of what is said Magic, and if not of one and in said perception, and in said speak now and of what are said roots or origins too that is. In saying that Africa does in all even present, a said too differing picture or image that is and in said regard to all this said, now is to not only refer to what are said ancestries that is, but that in all again, speak and of what is said Evolution in itself, and of what too is believed said to speak, and of Human Behaviour in itself too that is. In speak and of God though, and in said regard to all this said, now is to speak and of what is said Belief, Faith or Creed too, and if not of what is said too History in itself that is.

In finalizing and all this said, now is to and in all speak, and of Sheltering, and of said even perceptions, and of just whom or who in all, or as said what truly that is, the Human, is in all even believed said to be, and as said too now summarized in all, and in talk of Touch, and if not of Contact too that is. That in many a way, it is believed that, all there is to the Human, is what is said Touch, and if not of Contact too, and as said even now perceived, and from a said too two-fold manner in all that is, or as said perspective too, and that in all again, the very belief that, what is said Existence, is believed said to in all even only exist, and from speak and of what is said Family, or as said within the Family too, and if not as said to speak, and of a said even Collective Memory, and if not of a said too Collective Unconscious that is. In many a way, and in said regard to speak and of the said even Swahili term of Jamii that is, and as said too Entity, or of what is said Entity and in itself, we now do see the Human, and as said too perceived from talk, and of what is said Preference, and if not of what is said Expectation in itself too that is.