Tuesday 21 March 2017

the Sail

the African Sail.

This entry, will too attempt to deal, and with speak and in all, and of what does too pass for in all, or serve for and in all, and for Media, and in Kenya today too that is. That it too can be said that what is said Kenyan Media, could too and in all even differ from talk, and of what is said Media Kenya for instance, for the latter said, can too and altogether, be in all said East African that is. That in said regard, and to what is said Development and in Kenya today, and if not East Africa too, the very said term of Projection, is in all even believed said explainitive, and of such said Development, and in said comparison now, and to speak and of the very said term of Reflection that is.

That in understanding the above said better, now is to and in all even associate talk, and of what is said Reflection, and with talk too of what is said Existence, of what is said Doubt, and if not of the said Philosophic too that is. That in said regard to what is said Existence, the very said belief that, a Country and such as that of Kenya, and if not in speak of East Africa too and as said a region too, does too and in all even struggle, and with said even American definitions in all, and of what is said Existence, and as said too now and to speak and of said even 'Ways or Modes of living', the said 'Way of life', of Livelihood too, of Lifestyles etc., but that in all again, it all to said even to hint at, what is said to speak, and of the said even Existence and of Time in itself that is, and as said even now to lead, and to what is said Adaptation, and if not as said Mechanism, Bodily too that is. That in speak and of Reflection, and in said regard to what is said Doubt, speak too now, and of what is said Human Existence in itself, or of the said even reason that is, and of why the Human is in all even said to exist that is, but that in speak now and of the said Philosophic, speak too now and of what is said Individual, and as said even to encompass talk, and of what are said Leanings, Inclination, Tendencies etc., and as all said too perceived, and from talk and of what is said Reflection in itself that is.

That in too asking now, and of what is said Projection that is, now is to and in all even say of it, and as said even truly descriptive in all, and of the World and as it is today, and from the said even perspective and of every said even Arena and of Human life too that is. That in speak and of the World today and of its said Politics, Designs, Art, Entertainment, Commerce, Government etc., we do now come across, the said even pattern that is, and that does too speak, and of what is too said to speak, and of what is said Projection that is, and from the said even perspective and of what is said a Weight too, or of what is said Weight that is, and as said too an Authority to itself that is. That the said Weight, or Weights in question here, and in said regard to speak of Kenya, and as said too East African that is, does too now speak and of both Egypt, and of South Africa too, and in said Africa too that is. That both said Countries in all, are in all too capable of breeding, the said even Psychology and of the Complex, and within those in Kenya or East Africa too, and as said Kenyan or East African too, and if not as said too Swahili that is, and in now associating such talk of the Complex, and with speak too of what is said a Weight, or as said Weighted too that is, and in the said even now, reference, and to what is said a Superiority or Inferiority Complex that is, and if not of what is said Castration in itself too that is. That simply put, Kenya or East Africa, is too said Nubian and as said Eastern African that is, and if not as said Bantu, and as said too African that is.

That in understanding the said even Psychology of the Complex, and from talk too of what a Weight is in all even said to be, now is to and in all even associate it all, and with talk and of the very said term of Impoverishment that is, and as said even defining in all, and of one and in said Heart too, or as said at Heart too, and in said regard to the very manner in all, one would too associate what is said a Weight, and as said too an Authority in itself that is. That in having said the above, now is to and in all even attempt, to put into said perspective, the very manner in all, both Egypt and South Africa, are said believed to rule over Africa that is, and in said regard to what is said Media, and if not of what is said History too that is. That both Media, and History, are too said perceived from talk, and of what is said Independence, and if not of what is said Autonomy, and in too saying that, for those said even acknowledging in all, that both said Independence, and Autonomy, are in all said to speak of Egypt, and of South Africa too that is, and of Africa today too that is, and such that, both said History and Media, and in Africa, are too now believed said to speak only and of both South Africa and Egypt that is, and in said Image too for instance, and that would too lead now to what is said a Complex that is, and if not of what is said a Self-Image of one that is, and that would too speak of what is said Impoverishment, and upon one and as said lacking a proper said Historical Image and to it all that is.

Of Wholes, the Whole, -------, the Individual.
Of Parts, the Part, -------, the Personal.

Of Autonomy, the Autonomic, the Autonomous,--------, of Response, the Responsive, --------, of Laugh(ter).

Of Completion, the Complete, -------, of Names, Being, Character, Disposition, etc.

In too claiming that, this entry does too have to do, and with what is said a Sail that is, now is to and in all even place Kenya's said Developmental efforts, and on the very said even terms and of the Tapping, the Harnessing and of the said Unleashing too, and as often said too applied and to talk, and of what is said Consciousness in itself that is, and that would too speak, and of what a Sail is too said even all about that is. That in claiming that, in talk and of what is said Development today, Kenya would too and in all even be said to in all too define itself, and in talk too and of what is said Currency, and if not of what is said Symbolism too that is. That it all does too speak and of both South Africa, and of Egypt too, and as said respectively that is, and in said Weight too, and if not of what is said Currency, now said to lead to talk and of what is said Investment in itself, but of Symbolism, talk too now and of the very said term and of Communalism that is. That in many a way, Communalism and in Egypt, could too be said to speak and of the said even History and of the said Queens of Egypt that is, of said Cleopatra too, but that in speak and of what is said Investment and of South Africa, it does too now it can be said, be said the only place in Africa, to in all even parallel Kenya, emphatically said too, and in said regard to what does too pass for speak and of Myth probably, and that would too speak and of Expansionism that is, and into Africa too that is. In all, in said regard to what has just been said above, Kenya and in Development, now is to said to speak, and of what is said the Internet [Link], and of said even Internet Media [Link] too that is, and in said regard and to speak, and of the said even tapping, harnessing or unleashing that is, and of the said Internet, and in said Consciousness too that is.

In talk though and again, and of what are said Sails, now is to and in all even say the above said, does too and in all speak and of what the said even Projection of Power, Images of Success, Social Belief etc., are in all even said to be, and in the said now attempt, and to in all even remind one that is, that Development and in Kenya, is believed best said it can be said, to speak and of what is said Reflection that is, and in said regard and to speak, and of what is said Current that is, and of what is said Course or of Direction too, and if not of what is said Void, and of the said even Immeasurable too that is. That both said terms in all, and of Current and of the Void, can too be said even explainitive that is, and of what a Sail, is in all even said to be that is.

In finalizing and on all this said, now is to and in all even speak and of it all said to speak of Kenya and as said perceived, and as said Kenyan, East African, and if not as said Bantu too that is, and in said regard now, and to what is said Reflection and in itself too that is.
