Sunday 5 March 2017



Fitina, can in all even be said a Swahili term, and that is too said descriptive in all, and of said Human relations, and as said too perceived and from talk, and of what is said Condition, and as said Social Condition too that is. That Fitina, now is and in all even said too, best defining in all, and of what does pass for speak, and of Identity, and as said Eastern African too that is, and if not of it all said to speak, and of said even Diversity, Bio- or Human too, as said too Ethnic that is, and in Eastern Africa, and if not in said speak now and of East Africa, the said Swahili lands too, of Rwanda and Burundi too that is, and as said now and in Identity, said too Common, best said too perceived, and from talk, and of what is said Heritage in itself that is.