The Match-Fit.
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This entry, does have to do, and with what one could in all term, the Match-Fit, and in said comparison now, and to what is said Concept that is. That the said even many entries and on this Blog, and other said Blogs and by the Blogger here too, do too and in all deal with that is, and with what is said Concept, and in said comparison now, and to what can be said Idea, and of said even Egyptian History too that is. That what is said Concept, and in said regard to this Blog, and many another by the Blogger, can too be said to in all even speak and of the said Politics and History and of Africa, but as said too perceived in all, and as said too centered, and in talk of Nigeria, of West Africa too, of Western Africa, and if not of said Central Africa too that is. That what is said Concept, does too now and in all, help redefine in all, or reconstruct too, what is said African Identity, and from the said even perspective, and of what one could too term 'World Eyes' [Link] that is.
In many a way too, what can be said Match-Fit, is too said even to speak, and of what is said Swahili, and in said Concept too that is. That what is said Match-Fit, can too be said even to speak, and of what is said to speak and of Traditionalism, and as said Swahili too, but can too now be said even to refer, and to a said even View and of the World, and that does too now associate talk of America, and if not of North America too, as said too NAFTA that is, and with what is said Intellectualism, American, and as said too Americana that is. That in many a way, the rest of the World, and outside speak of Africa too, is too now said perceived in all, and from what is said Ideology, and as said even now to refer, and to speak and of the name of Gandhi, and of said India too that is. That Africa, is too now said even perceived, and from its said even Traditional Titles, and which would too speak and of the said even Babalawo [Link] that is, and in Nigeria too for instance, of the said Chief, and of said Bantu Identity too, and if not of the said Swahili Leadership too, said too Current, and of said even Swahili Traditional Titles too that is.
In the attempt though, to speak and of what is said Match-Fit, we can too now simply refer, and to speak and of said even African Oracles, and such as those said associated with talk and of the name of Ifa that is, but in many a way, a true asking or pondering, and of the said even Existence and of the African, or of said Africans too, and away from talk now, and of said origins or roots, and towards a said even contemplation or realization, and of said realisation too that is, and of those said African, and from what can best be said termed here that is, and as said Africanisms too that is. That such said Africanisms, can too be said even to speak, and of said even Swahili Antecedents, and if not of the said Swahili World too, and as said too now Idealized, and from said talk, and of what was said termed and in another said Blog and by the Blogger here too, and as said Kijiji [Link1, Link2, Link3] too that is.
That what is too been said here is that, what is said Match-Fit, is said even, to speak, and of a said intention and by the Blogger here, to in all even attempt, to in all too define that is, Africa, or East Africa truly, and in a said even series of Blogs that is, 3 of them, and that would too tackle what is said Match-Fit, and not Concept, and as believed said truly definitive in all, and of what is said African, and if not of what is said African Identity too that is. That these said three Blogs, would in all even refer, or too be said, and as follows that is:
1. On the Building of East African Cities : a said Blog, and that would too delve into what is said too defining in all, and of the said East African City that is, and if not of said East African Settlements too that is, and from the said even belief or perspective, and that would too in all say, all there is to speak and of a said African life, and as said East African too, would too and in all even refer and to what is too said Allergy and in itself too that is.
2. On Compositions : in said regard and to a said even differing entry and on this Blog, aptly titled Compositions [Link] too that is, now is to and in all even claim that, what is said African, can too simply be said perceived in all, and from what is said Composite, and if not of what is said Development, and as said too now perceived, and from talk of the said Low-level, Low-scale, and if not of the said too Low-reaching that is, and which too and from talk and of said even African Oracles too, would too lead and to speak and of those said even excommunicated, and in said regard to what is said too Status [Link] that is, and of a said even HIV Status too for instance.
3. On African Wealth : - on what too can be said to speak of Bantu Identity, and as said too Congo, and if not of what is said Assessment and in itself too that is.
In however placing the above said, and in said even perspectives, and that would too and in all refer and to the World today, and as said even Contemporary that is, and if not as said Modern too, now is to and in all even exclude talk and of what is said Competition, and of the said Competitive Strategy, Edge and Advantage too that is, and if not of what too is said Contest that is, and all in favour now, and for what is in all said Congruency that is. That in speak and of the said first Blog, said too titled 'On the Building of East African Cities' that is, congruency, now said to speak and of what is said American, North American History too that is, and if not of that said Italian too. That in speak and of the said second Blog, 'On Compositions' that is, congruency, now said to speak, and of what is said Indian History that is. In speak of the said third Blog, 'On African Wealth', congruency and as said too perceived in all, and from speak and of what is said Chinese, or of said East Asian History too that is.
In too saying that, the said even rest of the World, and in said regard and to what is said congruency, can too be said even perceived in all, and from speak and of the said even Swahili World that is, and of 'things said Swahili' too, and which would too speak and of the said even Swahili Language, and as said Kiswahili too that is, now is to and in all even say it all to refer, and to what are said Ideals that is, and if not of it all as said even to refer, and to what are said Standards too that is. Standards too, and that would too now be said even to refer, and to the very said term of Standardisation, and not of Standardization truly either, and in speak too now and of a said even East Africa, and in said standards too, and that would too equate in all, and to its said even having to it, Voices, and as said remarkably African too that is, and in said comparison here, and to what are believed said Egyptian Voices too for instance. That in many a way too, East Africa, and from talk too of what is said Standardisation, and of its said Identity too, now is too said perceived in all and from talk, and of the said Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, and if not of the said Middle East too that is. Of Standards, and of what is said Standardization too, as said too Mechanism, now said to in all even refer, and to what Regionalisation that is, and not of Regionalization truly either, is in all even said to be, and in speak too of the said even differentiating and of Kenya and East Africa, and as said Kenya/East Africa too, or as said East Africa/Kenya too, but with it all said even now to speak, and of Nigeria, South Africa and Egypt, and as said too perceived in all, and as said Regional Powers too that is. In many a way too, speak and of Standards, and of what is said Standardized, and as said now to speak, and of what is said Uniformity that is, and of what too is said consolidation, and of East Africa too, and as said even perceived now, and from talk of Kenya, East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania), of Rwanda and Burundi too, and if not of the said even Swahili Coast [Kenya, Tanzania] that is, but as said even now to lead and to talk of the said Swahili lands that is, and of it all too as said even summarized, and in talk too, and of what is said the Congo that is, and not of Central Africa either that is.
In all, the Match-Fit, said now to in all even perceive African History, and from talk and of its been said even Swahili, of said even Zimbabwe too, of Ghana and as said 'old Ghana' too that is, and if not of said Timbuktu, and of Mali too, and of the said even Songhai Empire, and of said Niger too that is.