Wednesday 6 April 2016



This very entry, will attempt to in all, somewhat detail, and if not explain, the very manner in all, Kenya, is believed to have arisen that is. That it all too, does speak and of the very said term of Affinity, and as said too a term, very much explaining, what too, did constitute and for Human relations, and if not relationships too, and in a said Colonial Kenya too that is. That it all too, does lead, and to talk and of what is said Generic, and if not Specific too, but that it all too, can be said to speak, and of the said rise of said Socialist Ideologies, and in Kenya too, and as said to speak too of Kenyan History, and as said even referring, and to speak too of KANU, KADU, and if not of the Kenya's Peoples Union that is, and if not of it all even said to lead, and to the said raging debate, and on Majimboism too, and that did too threaten, to engulf Kenya in itself, and in said speak and of Civil War in itself too that is.

In saying that, Human relations, and throughout History, and to the said present, do in all even speak, and of what too a said Troubled Mind is said all about, is to now too, speak, and of what Dualism is said too all about, and in said speak too now, and of the Ying-Yang dichotomy for instance, and as said even to refer or speak, and of many, and as said even attempting to define Human relations, and in a manner too, that does truly matter that is, and if not in speak and of the Human, and as said viewed too and from speak of Gender, and of the Male and the Female, and if not in said speak too, and of the Sexes that is [and of the said rise too, and of ideology, and that is too said to refer and to speak too and of the Human races that is].

In saying that, many do often fail to in all even realize, what is believed said to very much lay, and at the very heart too, and of any said relationship, is to now too, speak, and of consequence, and of one and as said too, entering, or said even engaged or involved too, and in any said relationship, that could too very well be said to speak, and of what a Penalty, is said to be. That most relationships today, no matter what they might be, or wherever they are, can too be said defined in all, and by speak truly and of what a Penalty is said to be, and if not of said Consequence truly that is.

In saying that relationships do have a deeper nature to them, and one too, that could too be said to speak and of the Freudian or Jungian too, is to now too refer, and to what Fear in itself, is actually believed to be, or said even all about, and as said even now defining Human relations, and in speak too of the said Subconscious Fear for instance, and of one and as said even impotent, or in paralysis too, and if not of what is believed said to speak of Phobias, and Philias too, and as said even to refer and to speak of Human relations, and as said too defined in all, and by speak of Condition truly, and not in speak of State truly either.

In saying that, all the above said does very much lead, and to the very question and of what, the Kenyan State is said to be all about, is to now too claim that, Affinity, does in all even continue to speak and of the said ever-changing nature of Kenyan society, and that does too speak and of Language in Kenya, never said as such, Language that is, but often truly believed said Lingua Franca, Slang, Dialect, Vernacular etc., and of Kenya too, and at the National Level, only accepting the said speaking and of English, and Kiswahili too, for it is to now and in all again, claim that, relations, or relationships too, and as said even described truly and by the Affine that is, and if not of the Generic, and Specific too, do in all even lead and to what too, some have termed, the International State, and if not in said speak too, and of what International Law is said to be, and as said even referring, and to speak too of Al-Shabaab for instance, and if not of Wiki leaks [Link] too that is.