Monday 4 April 2016

Arrow of God

Arrow of God.

This post, will in many a way too, be said to perceive, Chinua Achebe's, Arrow of God, and from a said too, Contextual Analysis that is. It however, does in all even deal, this said post that is, and with speak, and of those who do in all even, ascribe, to a life in all, said lived in Africa, and with speak too and of what is said Fixed, and of Reality and as said as such too, and if not of other said Realities, and as said even to fit, and within such a said Reality, Fixed that is, and if not of society too, and as said even deciphered in all, and from speak too, and of Open Communications, and those too said Closed that is.

That in attempting to speak and on all this, and in a said even Religious Context, is to now too ask and of said African definitions in all, and of what a Persona is said to be. That it is believed, that Africans in all, are said even believed not respectful truly, and of their said even Cultural practises that is, when it too can be said that, said African perspectives on anything, do too, speak, and on what the Paramount, and in said speak too of a Paramount Chief that is, is said to be, and in now asking of those said African, and if or if not, they do truly know, what a said Paramount Reality, is said to be, all said even all about.

In saying that, this Blog on Nairobi, Pro 'Nairo', does differ and from others and by the Blogger too, and on Nairobi, [Link1, Link2, Link3], is to now too say that, the Blog 'Nairo', is in all even said truly Media, while that on Counter 'Nairo', does in all even deal and with speak too, and of Consciousness in itself, while that said Anti 'Nairo', does in all even too, attempt to tackle, or take on that is,  the very said World, and of African Magical, and Fetishist practises too that is. In all, Pro 'Nairo', and as said even truly grounded, and in speak too of Social Contexts, now too, does in all even attempt to define Nairobi in all, and from speak, and of the said fomenting in all, and of a said too stable foundation that is, and if not that too, simply said Concrete that is [that it all too, does speak and of the very reason, the Modern Middle East, is believed said enviable to many].

In saying that, there are those who do claim that, Africa, does very much belong to the Gods and so to speak, is to now too though, speak and not only and of Africa's Iron Gods truly, and if not of the name of Ogun too for instance, for it all too, does lead, and to the very question, and of what too, does speak and of the Tantamount that is. That many in all, do not understand, why there are those, who do take a deep interest, and in things said African, and in now too stating that, speak of the Tantamount, is said even to encompass speak and of Realization in itself, for it is in the said practises for instance, and of Ogun's worshippers too, and simply where and in all again, we do in all even get a glimpse, and of the Tantamount that is, and in said speak too, and of what the non-expected, is said all about.

In finalizing all this though, is to now too though claim that, while Civilization and as said even Egyptian, does in all even ask of us, to in all even ponder ,what in all, the Life-force, is said to be, all said even all about, speak though, and of a said African Civilization, or civilization too, has in all even gone along, and with speak too, and of what the said Yoruba term of Ase, is said all about, and as said even to speak, and of what Appreciation in itself, is too said to be. 

In all, all the above said, said too, and to truly ask and of the very manner in all, we do perceive, said repetitive cycles, repetitive sequences, and if not repetitive stances too, and as said even to speak, and of what too is said seasonal for instance, and in now too simply claiming that, it does too speak and of the Fixed, and the Non-Fixed too, and if not of the Open, and the Closed too, and as said even to speak, and of what, the said 'Arrow of God', is said to be.

On another said note: