Friday 8 April 2016

Groove Theory

Groove Theory.

This very entry, will in all too attempt to tackle, the very question, and of what a Groove, is actually said to be, and as said too something, said even defining, and of the said Identity too, and of those simply in all said African that is. That the Groove, does differ, and from the Soul, for while the Soul could too be said to speak, and of one and in Name, Consciousness, and if not spirit too, the Groove on the otherhand, does too appear to be said, defining, and of Africa, and if not of those too said African that is, and in said speak too of Experience in itself, and if not of Memory in itself too. 

In saying that, the Groove, is too said defining in all, and of just whom or who in all again, the Hero, is too said all about, is to say it all now, said in regard, and to speak and of what Vanquish is said to be, and not of Victory truly either.

That it all too, the Groove, does speak and of a said manner in all, and of perceiving Africa too, and that does in all even claim that, Hospitality in Africa, is simply said Nigerian, while what one could too simply term Reception, is too simply said Egyptian, but with the rest of Africa, now said too, probably housing, a said culture and of Welcoming others, and that does not actually truly speak, and of Hospitality, or Reception truly either. That it all too, does point and to the very fact that, life in Africa today, and as said even Modernistic, and if not Traditional too, is said now, and to speak and of the 'We', and if not of the 'Us', and as all said respectively too that is.

In saying too that, Africa, does in all even offer a said differing Experience in all, and from that said Egyptian too, is to now too say that, for most of the World out there, History, is in all even said too Egyptian, and in now too claiming that, those said of differing Colours, Creeds, and if not differing Races too, or as simply said even White, Brown and Black too, do in all even truly find that, life in itself, is said to offer, said even truly differing Opportunity that is, and if not said truly differing Experience in itself that is. The African World though, can on the otherhand be said, to have no said defining or even concrete Reality to it all, and such that, what is said Reality, is open to all said sorts even, and of Perception that is, and that does too speak even, and of what Racial differences, are in all even said all about.

Thirdly, it can too be said that, the very said world and of the Freemason, was to said borne of, 'his' said understanding, and of what Activity, Movement or Motion too, are truly said to be, and as said even defining our very lives, and in speak of Sound in itself, and not Noise either, but in saying that, Africa is in all even believed ruled over, and by speak and of what Displacement is said to be, or of what too, Introversion on one end, and Extroversion too, and on the other end, are in all even said all about, is to now too though claim that, the very world and of the Hero, is very much too said ruled over in all, and by speak too, and of what Human Activity in itself, is said to be, and as said even now, to speak truly, and of the Noiseless for instance.

In all, the Groove, and as said even, and in said taste too, the very Music too, and of the said Local Hero too for instance.

On the other said [B] Side: