Friday 29 April 2016

the Kenyan Mind

the East African Mind.

It is known to most, that Kenya, or East Africa, is said to have to it, two National Languages, and which too are said even, both English, and Kiswahili too. That the reason why these two said Languages, are in all even considered of significance,  or of importance too, does very much have to do, and with the said workings of the Kenyan Mind, the East African Mind, and if not of a said Kenyan Inner Mind too, and in said comparison and to speak too of Local, Ethnic, Tribal etc., languages, and which too can be said associated, and with speak here, and of what too can be termed, mere Expression that is.

That in having one understand all this, the said difficulty too, and in not only defining the Kenyan Mind, and as said even to refer, and to what too is said, to speak and of the Kenyan past, is to now and first off, associate it all, and with speak now, and of the said figures, and of Fundi, and Dereva too that is. That it can be said, that it is these two said figures, and in Kenya too, and that one could too say to be readily in all, associated that is, and with the said Swahili term of Mambo, and that could to be said even, defining Kenya, and in speak and of the said Victorian term of Conundrum, and if not of life in Kenya, and as simply too said Troublesome that is.

In however saying that, this very entry, or Blog too, does in all even speak truly, and of the said even attempt, to in all even unite the other said Blogs, and on 'Nairo' too, they being 'Nairo' (Link), Counter 'Nairo' (Link), and if not of Anti 'Nairo' (Link) too, is to now and again, associate them all, and with speak too, and of what is said to speak, and of what is too termed, the Unconscious that is. That it can safely be said, and in speak too now and of what the Mind is said to be, that the World today, and as said even defined, or differing truly, and in speak and of Continent, can too be said defined as such in all, and in speak of Continent that is, and in said speak too now, and of what a Collective Unconscious, is said to be, and if not of such a said Unconscious, now said too defining many, and in speak too and of what the Mind, is said even all about. That it too can be said though, that Africa, does differ and in regard to all this, what a Collective Unconscious, is said to be, and in now saying that, Africa, does in all even appear defined in all, and in speak too and of what the African Unconscious is said to be, but in saying that, Italy, does too posses, said definitions in all, and of the Unconscious, and that does too refer and to speak and of a said Italian Psychic Identity, and that can too be said defined in all, and in speak too and of what the Subconscious, the Unconscious, and the Preconscious too, are in all even said to be, is to now too say that, the Unconscious in itself, does actually appear, to be said to speak truly, and of Africa in itself too that is. That this very Blog, will too delve, and in speak too, and of what a Cult Hero, is said to be, and as said even to refer, and to speak here, and of the Kenyan Mind, and if not of the said Unconscious in itself too that is: the Unconscious, African, of East Africa, Kenya, Africa.

In saying that, speak and of the Kenyan Mind, and as said even an integral part, and of what it does truly mean to be Kenyan, and as furtherly said even to speak and of what a Kenyan Political Identity in itself is said to be, is to now ponder, what too is said to speak, and of the Adjacent too for instance. That it all too, now does lead and to speak, and of a said even famed Kenyan figure, he too said been the Watchman, or Askari too, and with he now too said even defined, and by the Swahili term, and of Ruhusa in itself too that is. That it is the Watchman, or Askari too, and who too can be said defining and of Kenya, and in speak and of what Situation in itself, is said to be, and if not in speak too, now and of what Trouble in itself, is too said even all about.

In finalizing all this, and of what too is said to speak, and of the Kenyan Mind, is to now refer, and to speak too, and what does too pass, and for Performance, and in Kenya too that is. That it all can best be said here, to refer, and to speak too and of the Local Performer for instance, and if not of it all said even, to speak and of the Swahili term of Swali that is, and if not of Kenyan life, or of life in Kenya too, and as said even now, said Troubling in its ways too that is.