Thursday 21 April 2016

the Kenyan Memory

the Kenyan Memory.

It can be said, that Kenya, is in all even said having to it, no said proper National Memory, but with it all too, the Kenyan Memory that is, said now even Regional truly, and if not Local too that is. That in saying that, the Kenyan Memory, is too said even Local, is to now speak and of it all, and as said even truly, Cushite, Nilote, and if not Bantu too. In saying that, the Kenyan Memory, is too simply said, Regional in all, is to now too claim that, it is too said grounded in all, and in speak and of Activity, and not in speak and of Event truly either. That it is too said a Memory, that said Regional, and that can too be said, and to speak and of the following Trades, and as said even responsible, and for having helped build up, or put up Kenya too that is: Masons, Woodworkers, Metalworkers, and of Agriculturalists too.

That in speak and of the Kenyan Memory, and as said Regional too, and as said even to speak, and of Eastern Africa that is, is to now too say it, Mason that is.

That in speak and of the Kenyan Memory, said Regional too, and as said even, and to speak and of Kenya, and the Swahili Coast too, is to now say it too, and to speak and of Woodworkers that is.

That in speak and of the Kenyan Memory, said Regional too, and as said even, and to speak and of East Africa too, is to now too say it, and to speak, and of Metalworkers that is.

That in speak and of the Kenyan Memory, said Regional too, and as said even, and to speak, and of Kenya, Tanzania, and the Swahili lands too, is to now too say it, to speak, and of Agriculturalists that is.

In all, Kenya and as said lagging and in said Development too, that too often asaid ssociated, and with speak too and of Event for instance, now does associate it all, and to speak of Kenya, and with it too said having no said proper National Memory to it, Kenya that is, and probably other than that, and which does too speak, and of the Kenyan National Museums for instance, and if not of the Kenyan National Archives too that is.